Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1500: "·Full of the Storm·Seven"

If you violate the principles you set, even if only once, you will violate more principles in the future.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

"What if His Highness chooses to enter the city to accept the seal?" The Duke of Cullen was not calm, he didn't want the crown prince to be so easily taken by the Prince, which he couldn't accept anyway.

"If His Royal Highness chose to enter the city to accept the seal, then seal him as the prince of the empire." Patel counterattacked without hesitation: "The four princes are already grown, and one of them is the prince, which is the benefit of the country and the people. Why is it good?"

"The matter of enclosing the crown prince is of great significance. How can he act so hastily?" Duke Hammond also stood up and said: "Not to mention that His Highness Pross has raised his counter-flag now. Isn't His Majesty to hand over the Prince to the rebellious Pross? Your Highness is not successful?"

"Who said His Highness Pross raised his flag?" Duke of Tras, who secretly thanked Duke Patel, shouted for the Prince of Pross: "His Highness Pross simply returned from the successful rebellion and returned the army. Where did he raise the anti-flag?" ?This is slandering!"

"Is it slandering, let our military know it at first glance." Duke Cullen took the opportunity to express his position: "Your Majesty, please allow our military to issue a military order. If His Highness really only returns with his army in triumph, then he must Will obey our military arrangements."

"Your Majesty, the old minister is willing to serve as a messenger to convey the military order to His Royal Highness." The Duke of Tras asked to take the initiative.

The Duke of Tras asked for the goal of being a courier. He made it clear that he was going to report to the Prince of Pros. The Duke of Cullen and others had not had time to jump out and object. Charlemagne ordered: "Cullen, you go back and prepare an army order immediately. The content is to let Pros immediately stop advancing to settle the army on the spot, and then a team of guards will be sent by Tras to the military camp of Pros."

"Follow your orders, Your Majesty!" Charles the Great had already made a decision, and the ministers dared not argue anymore.

The suggestion made by the Duke of Patel made the meeting of the inner hall that should last until late in the evening come to an end; after the other ministers thoughtfully left, the Duke of Patel, who was left alone, followed After Charles the Great arrived in the study room in the palace.

"Patel, you clearly know that Pros will not accept the military order, why do you have to make suggestions?"

"Your Majesty, it is not the old minister who thinks that His Highness Pros will accept the orders of the army. The old minister just wants to use this method to stabilize His Highness as much as possible; only in this way, the master of the King of the Empire can have enough time to rush to the capital. Escort."

"Master Qin? Does my empire still have King Qin?" Emperor Charlie sighed helplessly, and suddenly he seemed to remember something, and asked Patel, "You don't mean East Metropolitan Government and Nanjing, will they come to escort?"

"Your Majesty, there is a large army of orcs coming from the Eastern Metropolitan Government. There is an army escorted from the difficult and self-preserving areas. The southern border is a land of bitter cold. Putting together two or three hundred thousand troops is also useless in the overall situation." Pat He denied the two places mentioned by Charles the Great.

"Not in these two places, where else can the empire send the King of Qin King?" Charlie the Great was a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, the army of the Northwest Metropolitan Government, the Southwestern Metropolitan Government, and the Northern Metropolitan Government is your most faithful and reliable division of the King." The three armies mentioned by Duke Patel were actually from the other three princes. The army, which made Charles the Great more curious.

"You really plan to suggest that I use the crown as a bait to force my four sons to kill each other outside the capital?"

"Your Majesty, the empire only needs one prince as heir to the throne, but you have four princes with their own strengths; sooner or later, you need to choose between them, why not take this opportunity to give the princes a fair What about opportunities for competition?"

"Couldn't the princes coexist peacefully, but only flesh and blood?" Emperor Charlie said to himself incomparably stupid, but his lonely expression told Patel that Charlie the Emperor no longer It is an emperor, but a father.

"Your Majesty, the victorious prince can become the prince of the empire, and the prince who lost the war can also defend the empire; you are the supreme empire, and you can enclose the most suitable prince as the prince, and protect the other three. The prince is not hurt."

"It seems that this can only be the case." Charlemagne, who had no choice, finally accepted Patel's suggestion.

In the early morning of the next day, shortly after the Duke of Tras left the Imperial Capital with the military command of the Imperial Army, three couriers left the Imperial Capital under the guard of the three guards of the Cavaliers , Went straight to the three governors.

At the same time, the three Royal Legions that were originally stationed outside the Imperial City were also transferred into the city; the military department also temporarily recruited 600,000 young and strong from the Royal People, and handed them to the three Royal Legions who were responsible for holding the city walls. In order to strengthen the defensive strength of the imperial city walls.

The elite soldiers of the 150,000 Royal Legion, plus 600,000 young and strong civilians, relying on the imperial capital’s extremely complete city defense system to rely on the emperor’s capital for three months is not difficult; and three months, even the other three princes The army is climbing, and it is time to climb to the capital.

Just as the emperor capital was preparing for battle, the Duke of Tras, with the military command and the emperor's secret letter, found Prince Pross; Prince Pross naturally had no doubt about his grandfather who had always supported him. After patiently persuading the Duke of Tras, he decided to obey the military orders of the Imperial Ministry and only brought five thousand guards back to the emperor to accept the seal.

As soon as the whole army's order to camp on the spot was issued, the people of the Light Holy See and the Dark Council approached Prince Pross; when Prince Pross informed them of his maternal grandfather's persuasion, they immediately objected.

But no matter how fiercely opposed by the people of the Light Holy See and the Dark Council, Prince Pross, who thinks that the Prince is within his reach, does not listen to their suggestions; the representative of the Dark Council, who has exhausted his tongue but has no effect, said before leaving. Such a word.

"His Highness, you are going to fight for not the prince's position but the emperor's position; if you only get the prince's position instead of the emperor's position, then I can tell you very responsible that the first day will seal you As the emperor of the prince, you will be able to abolish your prince the next day, and re-enclose the second prince in the capital city as the prince. This is politics."

Prince Pross, who was touched by these words, told them to his grandfather untouched. The Duke of Tras, who had previously fallen into a misunderstanding, suddenly awakened after listening; not long afterwards, he stopped The army is once again advancing towards the imperial capital!

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