Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1509: "·The Battle for the Throne·Six"

There are irreparable and irreparable things in the world, and the passage of time is an irreparable thing.

——Haruki Murakami (Famous Japanese writer and scholar)

Salvini did not tell Halpe, who was already his heart, and other four generals about Ivan and the shadow killer, but he took some special countermeasures overnight: for example, putting him under fifteen The more than 120,000 generals in the name of the corps are all added to the six most complete corps, and the other nine corps directly become the shell corps.

The six legions that were restored to full status are the main force that Salvini will use to attack the imperial capital tomorrow. The remaining nine legions with a total strength of only five thousand soldiers are left by Salvini in the camp and are responsible for taking care of them. There were as many as 150,000 casualties in the camp.

Among the headquarters of the four generals such as Harper, the three legions under Kramer also have 28,000 soldiers, the three legions under Harper also have 27,000 soldiers, and the three legions under Plauen only There are 24,000 soldiers left, and the three legions under Schultz's army are only 19,000 soldiers; Salvini has reused the nearly 100,000 soldiers of these twelve legions.

The night did not pass very quickly. Salvini, who was not sleepy, also took his general guard to the north of the Imperial City, watching the four standing legions and one guard division of more than 60,000 soldiers. 'S night attack on the city walls north of the imperial capital.

The defenders on the walls use torches scattered everywhere, and the daylight shines on the walls like daylight. Although not all of the more than 60,000 soldiers who attacked held the torches, one of the three soldiers always held the torches. Dispel the darkness that prevents them from attacking.

For the offensive soldiers, the offensive in the night is obviously not as efficient as the offense of the day; in contrast to this, the defenders are more efficient defense, under the fire attacks of the defenders from time to time, The loss of attacking soldiers is very heavy.

Salvini also knew that the reason why Prince Pross attacked the capital with such an overwhelming way, in order not to give the defending soldiers a chance to breathe, attempted to use this method to reduce the fighting force of the defending army, and to make a strong attack during the day. Create more favorable conditions.

In the end, whether this method is useful, then it is a matter of opinion. Anyway, the army of Prince Pross has not yet been able to attack the imperial capital. This is the reality; watching this night attack until the distant sky reveals a hint of white, unusually sober Thrall Pooh returned to the barracks.

Early in the morning, Salvini let the trumpets of the army sound the trumpet of the army getting up one and a half hours earlier than usual. When the warned soldiers seized the time to wear weapons and equipment, Harper and other four generals also successively Came to Salvini's military account.

Salvini, who will launch the attack in half an hour, directly ordered the generals standing on both sides: "Today's attack will start in half an hour in advance. General Kramer, you are responsible for leading the generals to carry half of the siege tower He Yun Lai stormed the city wall on the left side of the gate, and could not retreat without orders!"

"Observe, general!"

"General Harpe, you are responsible for leading the soldiers of the headquarters to carry half of the siege towers and cloud ladders to storm the wall on the right side of the gate. You cannot retreat without orders!"

"Observe, general!"

"General Plauen and General Schultz, you two each led your officers and men to use a trebuchet to bombard the city walls 500 meters behind General Cramer and General Harper, waiting for my order to prepare to reinforce the front line at any time!"

"Observe, general!"

"General Hult, you are responsible for leading the 7th Provisional Legion to carry all the siege cones and magic siege towers to storm the front gate, and you cannot retreat without orders!"

"Observe, general!"

"General Eberbach, General Grezel, General Kempf, General Kirchner, General Kleinman, each of you five led your army to stand by at a distance of 500 meters from the front gate, waiting for my order Launch an attack on the imperial capital!"

"Observe, general!"

The generals present did not understand why their generals should put all their forces into an offensive, which is obviously different from his consistent idea of ​​sending troops in turns to attack; however, they have become accustomed to unconditionally obey the orders of their generals, No one has any doubts about the order just issued by his general.

The 220,000 army under Salvini was busy under his orders; half an hour later, the soldiers who had had breakfast in a hurry, assembled outside the camp with the brigade and the wing as a unit, and then brought the distributed The siege weapons rushed towards the imperial capital.

The gathering of more than 200,000 enemy troops outside a wall immediately attracted the attention of the defending commander on this wall; while he strengthened the vigilance of his soldiers, he quickly dispatched people to coordinate the defensive forces of the four walls. The military report this situation.

The Duke of Coulomb, who did not know much about the war, on the advice of his senior staff of the military department, first transferred 10,000 soldiers from the other three walls to the east wall, and then sent an additional 50,000 troops to chat better than nothing. Young and strong recruits are used to strengthen the east wall guard.

The response measures taken by the senior staff of the Ministry of Military Affairs are indeed reasonable, but the 50,000 young recruits they sent were still the key to the burial of the east wall, because the number of young recruits of up to 50,000 was hidden. One hundred shadow killers!

Salvini’s army outside the city has launched an attack on the city wall, and the soldiers of the temporary legion, who are shouting the slogan of the charge, are doing their best to attack the soldiers who are defending the city wall; the shadow killers mixed in the young recruits are one. A little closer to the place where the kerosene was placed on the city wall, and then at the opportunity of many eyes, throwing a piece of burning firewood near the kerosene barrel.

At this time, the battle has just begun, and the defending soldiers on the city wall will not use the kerosene left so early; the kerosene piled on the wall, unattended, is separated from the slowly burning open fire. There was a layer of wood that was gradually burning.

"Bang!" When the generals of the two armies were fighting, the place where the kerosene was piled up on the wall suddenly exploded. With the thick smoke rising, the garrison soldiers within 100 meters of the kerosene piled up, Instantly swallowed by the erupting flames.

The casualties caused by the fire oil explosion to the defending soldiers are not heavy, but the morale of the defending soldiers is not a small blow. The defending soldiers who have suffered this setback have not yet responded from the shock and seized the opportunity of the rebels outside the city. The tide is generally coming towards the city walls.

The defending general who commanded the battle and dispatched the last elite force of his men to recover the dangerous situation on the city wall when the situation was somewhat critical. The shadow killers implemented immediately mixed with the young men transferred to the city gate, and came to the gate near the city gate that determined the victory.

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