Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1512: "·Give up resistance"

I am neither strong nor independent, but hardly pushed forward by reality.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

In half an hour, Charlie the Great, who was already full of anger, slowly calmed down; when the news of the destruction of the Knights of the Stonecracker came, the calm Charles the Great did not get angry again, but the color of regret in his eyes But it can't be concealed anyway, after all, this is one of the three royal knights of the empire, and it is the royal heir to the army from the beginning of the founding of the country.

Somehow, at this moment, Charles the Great suddenly remembered what he had done when he was young, and remembered the day he had been for more than two decades; at this moment, he suddenly understood that the reason why the man would not use the Royal Knights who were loyal to him It is not that he did not have the opportunity to use the Royal Knights, but that he did not want the royal family’s precious power to be consumed in the civil war.

This may be retribution. There was a hint of wry smile in the corner of the mouth of Charlie the Great. What he had done then was finally repaying himself; but this time it was no longer a war between brothers, but a war between father and son. .

"Tras." Charlie the Great shouted a name weakly.

"The old minister is here, what does your majesty tell you?" The Duke of Tras hurried out with respect.

During the time that Prince Pross led the army to storm the capital, if the emperor Charlie was the most distressed person, then the Duke of Tras must be the most restless person; he never worried about what Emperor Charles would do to himself and his family, But he was very worried that his grandson failed to rush into the imperial capital before the other three princes led the army to the imperial capital, which was the most deadly.

With the character of Charlie the Great, he could not have acted against the Duke of Tras, who was a great man, even if the grandson of the Duke of Tras was leading the army to attack the capital; because Pros was first his son, the prince of the empire, and then The grandson of the Duke of Tras.

But if any of the other three princes won the battle for the throne, the result will be different; the Rudolph family will definitely be able to escape the great cleansing after the new emperor's ascension, just like the Prince Pross once succeeded, The Duke of Columbine, Duke Hammond, Duke of Boris, and their families will surely be cleansed, who made them the grandfathers of the other three princes.

Now, when the war is finally about to settle, his grandson has almost locked the victory; in such a situation, the heart of the Duke of Tras is long gone, and he is full of himself. The joy of more than 10,000 people under one person.

In his view, as long as Pros took the throne, among all the existing ministers of the empire, except the Duke of Patel representing the five major families, they would continue to serve as prime ministers whose symbolic significance is greater than practical significance, and An Duke Bull will also serve as the Minister of the Interior, and the Imperial Court is his word! As soon as he thought about it, he was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

"Tras, I want you to go outside the palace to find Xiao Ba and tell him that I can give him what he wants, but he must stop the attack immediately!" Charlie the Great, who took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, used a tone that he could not tolerate Ordered the Duke of Tras.

Although the Duke of Tras did not doubt that Charlie the Great had expressed such good faith, he was still reluctant to take risks in this matter, but he refused: "Your Majesty, even if the old minister is His Majesty the Prophet's grandfather, , May not necessarily see His Royal Highness!"

"I believe you can see him!" Charlemagne stared at Duke Tras' eyes, saying one by one: "You tell Xiaoba that I can give him the throne, but the power of the royal family can no longer be weakened; My bottom line is that the palace must never be broken by rebels!"

Looking at the decisive face of Charles the Great, Duke Tras suddenly remembered the past more than 20 years ago, and remembered the battle when Charles the Great ascended to the throne; he instantly understood that he no longer has the slightest doubt And turned away from the hall and strode toward the outside of the palace.

A team of private soldiers of the Rudolph family, guarding the Duke of Tras under the banner of the Rudolph family, walked towards the rebels who were approaching the palace step by step; Duke of Tras had good luck, he met the rebels The unit is the guard division of the Prince of Prosperous Department.

The head of the guard division is also a noble from the Marquis family, and is naturally very familiar with the banner of the Rudolph family; the former Rudolph family may be only one of the imperial family, but from now on, two of them The word is about to be removed.

The commander of the noble division, who is well versed in politics, sent a guard to protect the Duke of Tras with a very humble attitude, and then personally escorted the Duke of Tras to the Prince of Pros; this treatment allowed the Duke of Tras Very enjoyable.

Duke of Tras, who successfully met Prince Pross, told Prince Chars bluntly the meaning of Emperor Charles; this time, apart from the doubts of Prince Pross himself, the Holy See and the Dark Council were no longer like last time. Disagree that way.

The people of the Holy See and those of the Dark Council knew about the great change of the Dragon Empire more than 20 years ago. Naturally, they would not doubt the move of Emperor Charles to emulate their ancestors; only the Prince Pross, who did not know about it, right His father and emperor's intentions still couldn't believe it.

It was not until the Duke of Trass simply told the Prince more than 20 years ago that the shocked Prince Prince believed his father’s sincerity; and on this basis, he proposed The conditions for the three armies to stop attacking.

The request of Prince Prosperity is: First, the Guards Knights and Bauhinia Knights stationed in the palace must immediately go to the square outside the palace, swear allegiance to him, and then temporarily move out of the city; Second, Emperor Charles must Today, I will first issue an edict to confess the throne to the emperor. Thirdly, all garrison troops in the emperor must immediately lay down their weapons and surrender to his army.

These three conditions seem to be excessive, but in fact, it is also an excessive request formulated by the Prince of Pros according to the actual situation; if Charles Charlie is willing to make concessions, then he will not refuse, otherwise it means that the concessions are very good. It's a scam.

The Duke of Tras returned to the Royal Palace under the protection of the head of the guard division with the three conditions proposed by Prince Pross; only half an hour later, the imposing slump of the Knights of the Guards and the Knights of the Bauhinia, The array came to the square outside the palace.

"Bauhinia flower, never wither!" "Bauhinia Knights, swear allegiance to His Royal Highness!"

"Guardian of the Kingdom, Royal Barrier!" "Guardian of the Guards, swear allegiance to His Royal Highness!"

Under the leadership of the acting head of the Bauhinia Knights and the acting head of the Guards Knights, the only remaining two royal knights formally swear allegiance to the Prince of Pros; the original heads of the two knights were in half Hours ago, he blamed his departure.

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