Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1518: "·Fight to the Imperial Capital·Six"

I can only send you here, you have to go the rest of the way, don't look back.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Is it important for Prince William and Prince Harry to win the emperor and pull Pros from the throne? Of course it is important, but still very important! But compared with their rear foundations, it is no longer so important whether they can capture Di Lima.

The fact now that Prince William and Prince Harry drove Pros from the throne even if they successfully captured the emperor, neither of them could guarantee that they would be able to take the throne; because of Prince Philip’s Military strength is stronger than them, and the other party is the one most likely to win the throne.

Knowing this, Prince William and Prince Harry have already reached a secret agreement, that is, after the invasion of the imperial capital, the two will unite again to deal with the strongest Prince Philip first, and change the situation from three-legged as far as possible. Become two strong powers.

Taking a step back, he said that even if the two of them could join forces and could not defeat Prince Philip, they could still withdraw their troops from the Imperial Capital first, give the throne to Prince Philip, and then lay their roots on the foundation of their capital, Waiting for a better time.

Whether it is the Northwest Metropolitan Government with 11 provinces or the Southwest Metropolitan Government with 12 provinces, it is enough to support a prince to become a hegemon; he is not reconciled to others. It was not unacceptable for Prince William and Prince Harry, who were unable to fight for the throne, and even the emperor who came to fight for the throne was their speculative choice.

No prince with the strength to compete for one or two can refuse the temptation of the throne. Similarly, between the undoubted defeat and the domineering side, the savvy princes will also make a wise choice; otherwise, the governors of the northwest and southwest The expansion of the government will not proceed so rapidly.

The original northwestern governorate of the four northwestern provinces has successively annexed the four western provinces and the three central provinces. The original southwestern metropolitan government of the three southwestern provinces has even swallowed the seven western provinces and the central provinces; obviously, these two princes They are already preparing for their retreat.

But the two rear urgent reports delivered almost at the same time made these two princes anxious. They could accept the reality that they could not win the throne, but they could not accept that their rear foundations were being squandered. This is because Break their way!

On the ninth day of the outbreak of the siege of the Imperial City, the 50,000 troops secretly sent to Prince William by the Kingdom of Deman were consumed by Prince William in the offensive; occasionally some defeated Generals of Deman were also sent by the Governor of William The team was executed on the spot.

The 50,000 troops sent by the White Horse Kingdom to the Prince Harry were disarmed directly by the Cossack mercenaries under the Prince Harry and became prisoners of the Southwest Army; the Prince Harry was still hesitant about how to dispose of these 50,000 White Horse soldiers.

At dusk, the offensives of the Northwest Army and the Southwest Army stopped one after another, and Prince William and Prince Harry held a secret talk at the junction of the two armies; the secret talk lasted only two hours, and each of the two who left the camp sent one He went to the camp of Prince Philip.

He successively personally received the special envoy of Prince William and the special envoy of Prince Harry, and sent 20,000 war horses to Prince William and Prince Harry overnight; a full of 40,000 war horses came to Prince Philip, who owns the Prairie tribe as an ally, It is not a small effort to say that it is a surprise for Prince William and Prince Harry.

The night passed quickly, and the horizon in the morning just showed a hint of white. The soldiers of the Northwest Army and the Southwest Army were already packing up their bags to evacuate; the Northern Army of Prince Philip was ready to take over the Northwest Army and the Southwest Army Camp. Prepare accordingly.

Prince Philip sent Quintus to lead six standing legions and ten northern infantry legions to take over the northwest army camp, and Curtis led three standing legions and ten northern infantry legions to take over the southwest army barracks; Three standing legions and ten northern infantry legions also rushed to the east of the imperial capital, shouldering the heavy offensive task of this wall.

The four standing legions and eight northern infantry regiments commanded by Bi Sharp, as well as the twenty guard divisions, are still the main force of the northern army to attack the imperial capital; the total number of Jurchen Eight Banner cavalry, which is up to 230,000, is used by Prince Philip for the decisive battle. Of trump card.

Because of the particularity of the cavalry, Prince Philip has never put the Jurchen tribe's eight-flag cavalry into battle; unless the war progresses to the stage of street fighting, or the defenders in the city take the initiative to attack, otherwise Prince Philip can't use this ace force.

On the day of the withdrawal of the Northwest Army and the Southwest Army, Archbishop Innocent received first-hand information from the top of the Holy See, and provided the information to the Prosperous Emperor free of charge; The remaining northern army launched a counterattack.

From the perspective of Emperor Pross, the 75,000 light knights and 1.5 million troops in the imperial capital, defeating the northern army with a total of about one million is absolutely a breeze; therefore, he, who is proud of his heart, needs a The hearty victory came to stabilize the throne.

Regarding the idea of ​​the immediate attack of Prosperus, Archbishop Innocent expressed objection, and then Demps and Salvini, who were recalled by him, felt that it is too risky to fight back now; in desperation, he can only worry Agree to postpone for three days before launching a counterattack.

In three days, the Northwest Army and the Southwest Army, which were able to withdraw at full speed, were far away from the imperial capital. At that time, it was the best time for the army to counter the Northern Army; of course, this was only the idea of ​​Archbishop Innocent and Demps, Salvini’s purpose It is to delay the counterattack as much as possible.

Salvini, who had just learned that there are 75,000 light knights in the imperial capital, the first thing he did after returning to his headquarters was to inform Ivan, who was still in the city, of this amazing information, And let him give Baifeng far away in the east as fast as possible.

Ivan, conscious of the seriousness of the matter, did not wait a minute, and left the Imperial Capital through a secret road leading to the outside of the city; the location of this secret road is Tianyu Tower, and the exit is Baifeng in the suburbs. The manor was secretly excavated by the mournful dead for years.

The special status of the Eastern Great Governor’s House in this battle for the throne determines that no matter which prince, it will not easily touch the Bai family that has become a behemoth; even if it is the Prosperous Emperor who led the army to the Imperial Capital, and When the defenders in the imperial capital started a fierce street battle, they deliberately avoided the mansion of the Bai family, and even the Prosperous Emperor also sent a guard division to protect the white mansion.

On the day when Prosperus officially entered the royal palace, the seventh princess Diana took Ninth Prince Joachim to the White House. To this end, Prosperus was still a laissez-faire, but the ratio of the'guards' around the White House was There was a lot more.

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