Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1521: "·Fight to the Emperor Capital·Nine"

The world is so big, life is so long, there will always be such a person that makes you want to treat it gently.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The army of Quintus and the attacking imperial army launched a fierce and unusual fight. Kuntus, whose own strength was at a disadvantage, used the defense to counterattack as a supplementary tactics, and dragged the strong imperial army. Occasionally, the other party can suffer a big loss.

Bai Feng’s mission to Quintus was to drag this imperial army before the decisive battle ended. It was not important whether he could defeat this imperial army. The important thing was that his own elite six elite standing legions could not suffer too much. Loss, this is what Bai Feng confessed to him.

Compared with Kuntus, who was more proficient, Curtis and Yvli suffered much more miserably; they were first caught off guard, and were rushed by the surge of bright knights, and then It was also violently countered by the Imperial Army.

Whether it is a Royal Legion and fifteen standing legions killed by Demps, or ten standing legions killed by Salvini, it is enough to pose a lethal threat to the chaotic Northern Army; but the victory or defeat of the battle , But by no means short-lived.

No matter how bad the military power of Curtis and Yvli is, there are three still elite standing legions serving as the mainstay; plus their considerable number, even if they have just been raged by the Light Knights, it is still not a short time. Internally defeated.

After an hour and a half of hard struggle, the commanders of Kramer, Harper, and Plauen attacked the army. Although they suffered heavy losses under the interspersed attacks of the Jurchen cavalry cluster and the northern army cavalry cluster, they never took a step back and kept Advance slowly!

In such an important decisive battle, even the emperor Pross who feels like he has won the victory can’t really sit in the palace; there are guards from the palace on all sides of the wall, and their task is to report the war situation outside the city in real time. Emperor Pross.

Archbishop Innocent wasn't as squeamish as Emperor Pross. He walked on the walls surrounded by the light knights wearing white armor, witnessed the changes in the battle situation, and stopped from time to time. Think about it for a while.

By the time Archbishop Innocent came to the north wall, Salvini had been on the wall for almost half an hour; the two were at the north wall, and Salvini knew that Archbishop Innocent had a special status, but still did not Take the initiative to say hello to thousands.

Perhaps it is known that Salvini did not welcome himself, so Archbishop Innocent did not find him; the two were on the same wall two or three miles apart, observing the war situation outside the city, thinking about their own Secrets known to outsiders.

Fighting in three battlefields in a row, even the light knights of the Holy See had to be tired and choked. They needed to rest for at least half an hour before they could rush to the battlefield outside the northern wall; at this time, Prince Philip already knew what kind of terror the battle situation had collapsed into To the point.

He didn't think of the size of the army that Pros, who was trapped in the imperial capital, nor did he think that the Holy See had dispatched seven or eighty thousand light knights to come to help Pros; that was the seven or eight hundred thousand light knights. The prince had a headache.

"Zoe Rose, Bi Sharp, what do you two think, can we still fight this war?"

Prince Philip's tone seemed calm, but the worries between his eyebrows could not be concealed; of course, Bishop, as the warlord, knew that it would not make much sense to fight this battle again, but he could not speak from his words. Say it, because there are still three northern troops on the other three battlefields. Once the main force of the northern army is withdrawn, the three armies that are fighting the enemy forces are finished.

Abandoning the notoriety of these three armies, even the Northern Army leader Prince Philip did not dare to bear it, but how did the bishop of the district governor dare to take the initiative to take it? More importantly, as an imperial general with a ideological tradition, he would never do such a thing.

For a soldier, some shame can be washed away, but some shame is a stain that can not be washed away in a lifetime; abandoning friendly forces on the battlefield to retreat on their own is a typical shame that cannot be washed away in a lifetime, and Bishaping will not do it in battle. This kind of thing.

"His Royal Highness, withdraw." The seemingly sad and unhappy Zoi Rose said with a blank expression: "There are as many as seven hundred thousand or eighty thousand light knights, beyond what we can bear; unless those Jurchen cavalry are willing to fight to the end. Otherwise we have no chance of winning."

The Jurchen Cavalry is absolutely impossible to fight for Prince Philip to the end. This is an obvious matter, so Zoe Ross's attitude is very obvious; see Zoe Ross said that he can't and dare not declare it to his mouth, Bi Sharp is just helpless Sighed.

"Just give up like this?" Prince Philip was not as ecstatic as before, as if the experience of this period had made him calm down, and even speaking and doing things was not as impulsive as before; just, his The tone was full of low emotions.

"His Royal Highness, we may not have a chance to stay here, but even if we have repulsed the attack of the Holy Knights of the Holy See, we can no longer have the power to attack the imperial capital; instead of meaninglessly destroying our remaining capital , It is better to withdraw to the north, at least your lord, you can also use the geographical advantages to split the north and become the king of the north after the emperor."

"Yeah, even being a king of the North, it's better than slain!" Prince Philip, who seemed to understand something, took a deep breath and ordered Bisharp: "Ready to withdraw Let’s stay behind the five guard divisions."

"Follow your orders, Your Highness." At the moment of accepting the order, Bi Sharp felt himself ten years old.

Quintus is the most powerful governor in the Northern Metropolitan Government. This has long been recognized by the generals of the Northern Army. The relationship between Governor Bi Sharp and Quintus is also good; Curtis and Yvli, then Together with Bi Sharp, they are known as the'Northern Iron Triangle'. The close relationship between them is conceivable, but now Bi Sharp wants to abandon them.

Prince Philip’s pain must have been a lot more than that of Bi Sharp, but he still comforted him a few words before Bi Sharp left his order; looking at the more mature Prince Philip, there was a little more in Zoey Ross’s eyes. It means something dangerous and unknown.

The attempt of the Northern Army’s main force to retreat is naturally impossible to conceal the Salvini and Innocent Archbishops standing on the city wall to observe the situation; the two reacted very differently, the former just looked on coldly, but the latter gave a bright light The knight released the magic signal.

A fiery red magic arrow flew up into the sky and exploded. The dazzling light could be seen clearly even ten miles away; the group of bright knights who had just rested for less than fifteen minutes saw the magic arrow. The first reaction is to start gathering immediately!

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