Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1540: ""

You should learn to be yourself and face your true self. As long as you do this, you need not be afraid of anything.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

As the emperor, Bai Feng has spoken to this point. If anyone continues to oppose it, it is a typical ignorance of the current affairs; even if it is the first time that the most determined attitude of the Ministry of Finance is the first Marquis of Krossik, at this time They kept their due silence.

"Since Zhu Qing has no opinions, let's settle this matter." Bai Feng told Shalah, who is in charge of the Ministry of Finance, "Shalah, after the transportation team of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce arrives in the Imperial Capital, this fund must be paid as soon as possible. Military Department."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Quintus, continue to talk about your military department's plan to rebuild the provincial defense forces."

"Your Majesty, our military’s plan is to expand the size of the city’s defense force in each province from 3,000 in the original capital and 1,000 in the ordinary county to 5,000 in the capital and 3,000 in the ordinary county; in this way, each province The city’s defense force will reach between 14,000 and 17,000."

"Urban defense forces of this size can usually stabilize the place. In wartime, they can also cooperate with the local garrison corps to co-organize a synthetic corps of the same size as the standing corps to support the front."

"Crossick, you come to calculate for me, now that the 41 provinces directly under the central government of the empire, if all the city defense forces are formed according to this standard, how much military expenditure will the Central Ministry of Finance need to pay and how much will it have to pay each year in the future to maintain Military expenses."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marquis Krossick named by Bai Feng also quickly calculated.

The composition of the City Defense Army is relatively simple, and the calculation of military expenditure is naturally relatively simple. Marquis Krossik quickly calculated the result: "His Majesty, the 41 provinces directly under the Imperial Central Government, a total of 600,000 need to be formed Thousand City Defense Army; the first year's formation of military expenditure is 18 million gold coins, and the annual maintenance military expenditure will be 4.5 million gold coins."

"Marquis Krossik, you're wrong." Marquis Moritz, the second minister of the military, reminded Marquis Krossick, "The city defense forces of all provinces in the empire will use the original capital of the Eastern Metropolitan Government. The rates of the provincial city defense forces are the standard, four times that of the imperial city defense forces."

"Your Majesty forgive sins, the minister recalculates immediately." Marquis Krossick, who was full of shame on his face, hurriedly recounted: "Your Majesty, the Imperial City Defense Army's first year of military formation was 35 million. For gold coins, the annual military maintenance cost will be 9 million gold coins."

"Salah, does this money still need to be allocated from the royal chamber?"

"Your Majesty is assured that whether it is the 35 million gold coins needed to rebuild the City Defense Army, or the city defense army's maintenance costs of 9 million gold coins per year, our Ministry of Finance will be able to pay it out, without the need for His Majesty to bother."

"That's good!" Bai Feng nodded contentedly.

"Ames, Hades, Cicero."

"Chen is here!"

"The intelligence organizations of the three of you have now become the intelligence departments of the empire. All commercial assets belonging to your three major intelligence organizations will also be handed over to the Sofia Chamber of Commerce in the future; I will let the Ministry of Finance allocate funds to you for your own development. ."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, the Minister wants to know how much development funds the three major intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Intelligence need each year."

"Since Duke Salah wants to know your funding requirements, you should report it to him."

"Follow your orders, Your Majesty!" After receiving the command in unison, some of the three people who looked at each other finally ended up with Marquis Cicero, the deputy general manager of the tragic dying deceased, the smallest of his group's intelligence organizations: "Our tragic deceased's basic maintenance costs now It is 40 million gold coins per year. Considering our next development, 50 million gold coins per year will be our bottom line starting next year."

The deputy general manager of Luowang, Marquis Hades, immediately said: "Although our Luowang is several times larger than the Elegy of the Dead, many of our intelligence personnel have their own income, so our current basic maintenance cost is 6,500 per year. Ten thousand gold coins; considering our future development, 80 million gold coins per year will be our minimum requirement for netting since next year."

The tragic song deceased needs 50 million gold coins per year, and Luowang requires 80 million gold coins per year. Only these two intelligence organizations have caused Salah to frown tightly; he has been paying attention to the hidden secrets of Salah’s expression. Duke Ames, the head of the health department, simply said: "The basic maintenance cost of our secret guard this year is 320 million gold coins."

"Your Majesty, the minister's Treasury Department can only support the mourning dead and snares at most. The secret guard is really weak."

"Your Majesty, what Duke Salah said is that our Treasury can't really afford a hidden guard."

The head of the intelligence department, Duke Ames, reported the maintenance funds for the secret guards. The Chancellor of the Treasury, Duke Salah, and the first minister of the Ministry of Finance, the Marquis of Krossick, bluntly refused to provide funding for the secret guards; in fact, don’t say this The two Treasury chiefs in charge of the Empire's moneybags, even Bai Feng himself was taken aback by the figures reported by Duke Ames.

After a brief shock, Bai Feng also responded. The pervasive covert guards are not only powerful inside the empire, but even in other countries and regions outside the empire, the powers of the covert guards should not be underestimated; plus them In order to solicit powerful and powerful people all over the mainland, they also have to cultivate them in their own hands. Their funds cannot be too small.

The choice now placed in front of Bai Feng is that if he wants to keep the covert guard strong, or even move to a higher level, he must allocate a large amount of funds to the covert guard every year; if he cannot take out a large amount of funds every year Inject the covert guards, then the originally powerful covert guards will quickly decline, from a super intelligence organization to an intrusive intelligence organization.

After a moment of hesitation, Bai Feng first asked the Duke of Ames: "Ames, I want to know whether the maintenance and development funds before the Secret Guard were directly funded by Charlie the Great? Or were you raised by yourself? Or, both ways And there is it?"

"Your Majesty, in the era of Charles Emperor, our secret guard's maintenance and development funds are allocated 100 million gold coins each year from the royal chamber, and the rest are raised internally by us." Ames added: "Your Majesty, we The industries owned by Hidden Guard are not only found in the empire, but also in many other countries and regions on the mainland. The annual net income is generally not less than 200 million gold coins."

"In this way, after the Sofia Chamber of Commerce takes over your secret guard industry, only your secret guard industry can bring a net income of at least 200 million gold coins to the Sofia Chamber of Commerce every year?" Bai Feng said brightly.

"Your Majesty, our Hidden Guardian is certainly not as good as the Sofia Chamber of Commerce in doing business. The minister believes that after the Sophia Chamber of Commerce takes over our Hidden Guardian industries, we will certainly be able to do better in these industries, with net income of three to five billion gold coins a year possible."

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