Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1545: ""

Many things are destined, just like what kind of people you will meet, what kind of pain you will experience, how you will eventually leave this world, nothing can change your destiny.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

When midnight was approaching, Duke Patel and other talents left the meeting hall under the guidance of the guards of the Imperial Guard; after a busy day and a night in the middle of the night, Bai Feng leaned slightly on the dragon chair while closing his eyes and raising his mind, while guarding him beside him Arthur, the captain of the Yulin Iron Guard asked: "Arthur, how did the Yulin Iron Guard aide choose from you, can there be a suitable person in the capital?"

"Your Majesty, our servants of Tiewei Tiewei are all selected from talents of under ten years old who can select ten people in the empire within a year. That is a huge number; nowadays Imperial City, it really does not meet our selection criteria."

"Since there are no emperors in the capital, then look for it step by step." Bai Feng promised to him: "When the mourning dead and the Luowang complete the deployment of the entire empire, I will let them set up a special department to help you find the Imperial Forest Guard. The right servant."

Facing Bai Feng's good intentions, Arthur shook his head and refused with a smile: "Your Majesty, our servants of Yulin Tiewei are actually the reserve staff of Yulin Tiewei; finding and cultivating Yulin Tiewei for your lord by words and examples The responsibility that Ming Yu Tie Wei must shoulder cannot be borrowed from others. This is the value and significance of our Yu Lin Tie Wei."

Bai Feng still highly respects Arthur Dane, a swordsman-level strongman, so after showing his attitude, Bai Feng has nothing to ask for; because for Bai Feng, Yulin Tiewei is only the two big people around him. Only one of the guards.

As early as the second day after entering the main palace, Bai Feng established a number of the same nature as the Yulin Tiewei to the flame sword saints around him, namely the flame sword guard; the flame sword guard composed entirely of flame sword guards, there are How powerful is conceivable.

There are twelve white-robed knights in the Imperial Forest. In addition to Arthur, who is the captain, is a sword god-class strongman, there are five high-level sword sages and six middle-level sword sages. There are twelve high-level juggernauts and eighteen mid-level juggernauts.

Considering that the Flame Sword Master has a stronger combat power than the Holy Power of the same level, the strength of the Flame Sword Guard is even more obvious; there is Bai Feng, who is guarded by the Yulin Tiewei and the Flame Sword Guard at the same time, even if his life is safer The Pope of the Holy See is probably not too much.

"How did you communicate with Prince Barbarossa on the royal holy level? Did he agree that the royal holy level would go out of the cultivation ground and serve the empire directly?"

"Your Majesty, Prince Barbarossa insisted that this matter should be decided by you in consultation with the prince who manages the royal holy class, and he will not interfere."

"Prince Elis, who had previously managed the royal holy class, is dead." Bai Feng frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, Prince Barbarossa said that appointing the prince who manages the royal holy class is the right of the emperor." Then, Arthur took out an information and submitted it to Bai Fengdao: "This is enough for all generations. Among the members of the royal family, the most suitable for this position."

Because Yulin Tiewei is the most trusted personal guard of every imperial emperor, Yulin Tiewei also has the responsibility of assisting the emperor to deal with government affairs and internal affairs of the royal family; this means that every Yulin Tiewei is not a pure guard, they sometimes Also a politician.

The difference between Yulin Tiewei and real politicians is that real politicians only care about their own interests, and Yulin Tiewei only cares about the interests of the emperor; it is precisely because of the absolute loyalty of Yulin Tiewei that there is no shortage of appointed Yulin in the history of the Empire The captain of the Iron Guard is the emperor's prime minister or the emperor of the military affairs minister. This is the relationship between Yulin Tiewei and the emperor.

The Emperor Charlie’s Imperial Guard, the reason why he would go back to Baifeng directly after Arthur came out, not because they were not loyal enough, but because these people really loyal to William the Emperor; those who were trained by the Imperial Guardian Creed since they were young, were really loyal to Charles Emperor. Most of the guards of the Imperial Guards have followed the battle of Charlie the Great until the last moment.

"Prince Yi Geng?" Bai Feng frowned, seeing the name. After patiently reading the information, he asked Arthur: "Although Prince Yi Geng is one of the elders of the highest royal family, but His strength is too low, can others obey his management?"

"Your Majesty, it’s one thing for the royal sages to be subject to Prince Yieng’s management, and it’s one thing for you to appoint Prince Egong to manage the royal sages; as long as this is your order, Our Imperial Guard will ensure that no one dares to question."

"Then appoint Prince Yi Geng as the administrator of the royal holy class." Bai Feng nodded and agreed.

The royal sage strongman is not in the minority, there are seven mages, nineteen sword sages, and eight paladins, but Bai Feng has not really regarded these royal sage strongmen in this regard; this is because he I have more powerful Yulin Tiewei and Blazing Sword Guard, on the other hand, it is because there is too little actual combat experience of the royal sage class, and the actual combat strength is really terrible.

Not to mention the powerful Yulin Tiewei and the flaming sword saint, even the sword saints recruited by the secret guard from all over the mainland, the actual combat power of the same level is much stronger than that of the royal royal class strong; therefore, the royal royal class strong The issue of the combatants' strength is not a small one.

"Arthur, after Prince Iguin became the royal holy class strongman, you asked him to come forward and arrange to organize all the royal holy class strongmen and the strongmen one step away from the holy class to go to the sunset mountains and the Holy Light. The mountain range is undergoing a half-year training."

"Your Majesty, the actual experience of the powerful royals is generally inadequate. Would you like us to send some people to watch it, so as to avoid accidents."

"Let Oswell, Levine, Jon, and Gerald go." After thinking about it, Bai Feng added: "Be careful to let them hide themselves, unless they have reached the last critical moment, otherwise they No help is allowed."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, the subjects understand."

"Well, you will handle this matter for me anyway."

After closing his eyes and resting for about half an hour, Loras, who was outside the hall, came in to report: "Your Majesty, Duke Ames, Marquis Hades and Marquis Cicero have arrived outside the hall and are waiting for you to summon ."

"Let them come in." Bai Feng, who had been thinking about some things, slowly opened his eyes.

"His Majesty!"

"Let's get up." After supporting them, Bai Feng asked Ames directly: "Ames, can your secret guard have a more detailed understanding of the situation of the chaotic region?"

"Your Majesty Qi Jun, our Secret Guard’s head of intelligence in the Chaos Realm is the first Holy Power that we have cultivated within our Secret Guard; the night, black glow, and Holy Light of the Chaos Realm all have Our covert intelligence personnel."

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