Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1547: ""

You can't give me what I want, and it's meaningless to live in your own world.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The first day dealt with the disputes between the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior, the second day dealt with the disputes between the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice, and the third day dealt with the disputes between the Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister’s Office; except for Ames’s Intelligence Department, other reconstructions In the past few days, various central departments in China have frequently experienced various disputes and conflicts, which made the emperor Bai Feng feel anxious.

It was not until the day that the main and elite army of the original Eastern Metropolitan Government arrived in the Imperial Capital, Bai Feng, who was very troubled, walked out of the Royal Palace under the guard of the Imperial Forest Guard and the Flame Sword Guard, and went to the military camp outside the Imperial City. The elite force of the main force.

"Senior see your majesty!" At the gate of the barracks, Bai Feng saw generals who were loyal to him.

Looking at the generals whose faces were full of excitement and smile, Bai Feng felt that the depression accumulated on his chest in the past few days was swept away; he was in a good mood, and he announced the awards that should have been announced on the court. : "You are all confidant generals who followed the southern war and the northern war, and they are also the main cities of the country that will defend the empire in the future, so I want to commend you, and I will commend you!"

"Secretary waits for His Majesty Ron!" The generals smiled even more, and the atmosphere at the scene was more enthusiastic.

"All the former officers of the Eastern Army, the Warlord granted the Marquis of the Empire, the Chief of the Legion granted the Earl of the Empire, the Chief of the Division granted the Viscount of the Empire, the Captain of the Empire awarded the Baron of the Empire, and the Captain of the Empire was sealed as the Empire Knight. Discretionary awards as appropriate!"

"Long live His Majesty!" A civilian captain standing at the end of many senior generals, the first reacted, excited, he shouted'Long His Majesty' on the spot, and then all the blocked general officers and middle and senior generals They all shouted.

Bai Feng smiled and raised his hands slightly and pressed down. After the excited officers and generals stopped crying, he worked his spiritual power in the Dantian, facing the low-ranking officers and ordinary soldiers in the barracks. Announced:

"Warriors, my reward to you is: all the soldiers of the former Eastern Army will follow your military service as the standard, follow my soldiers for one year, each will reward three gold coins, and give you ten acres of good land! Follow me for two years Veterans, each rewards five gold coins, giving Liangtian 30 acres! Following my elite for three years, each rewards ten gold coins, giving Liangtian 50 acres!"

"Following the soldiers who have been with me for more than three years, they are all my brothers. The reward for you is: the brothers who have followed me for four years, each rewarding 20 gold coins and giving 100 acres to Liangtian! Brothers, each rewards 50 gold coins and gives Liangtian 200 acres!"

"All the team captains and squadron captains who charged for me, also used the military age as the standard, and started to reward ten captains with ten gold coins and give them 30 acres! The squadron captains twenty gold coins and give a hundred acres! In the year, the reward and Liangtian doubled directly!"

"Long live His Majesty!" "Long live His Majesty!" "Swear to be faithful to Your Majesty!"......

Excited to be unable to own low-level officers and ordinary soldiers, they are not like middle and high-ranking officers and generals who can raise their arms and call out a neat slogan at the beginning; but as time goes on, all the slogans slowly become a slogan Replaced by.

"Swear to be loyal to Your Majesty! Swear to loyal to Your Empire!" "Swear to loyal to Your Majesty! Swear to be loyal to the Empire!"...

When there was only one voice left in the huge army barracks, and when the million-strong army shouted this slogan together, not only was Bai Feng enjoying the mad cry of the soldiers, but even the nobles and people in the imperial capital, All were shocked by the deafening cry.

What is the military heart is best interpreted at this moment; Bai Feng may not be the most emperor supported by the army in the history of the empire, but he is definitely the most emperor supported by the army in the past three hundred years because of the history of the future But no one can remember it.

In addition to the awards of knighthood, gold coins, and Liangtian, Bai Feng also made the second minister of the military Moritz in advance to prepare countless meat and wine for these soldiers coming from afar; all of them can enjoy the carnival today, and tomorrow they will Will have a new identity.

After bringing all the senior generals into the commander's account of the barracks, Bai Feng said with a smiling smile: "Tomorrow morning, all of your formal appointment letters will be issued to you, you can be confident I guard this great river and mountains?"

"Swear to be loyal to Your Majesty! Swear to be loyal to the Empire!" The generals' morale was very high.

"Regarding the reorganization of your respective legions, Moritz should have sent you the relevant documents; I mean, I will not move the original establishment of your legions, but just give each of your legions a new name, Legion. Long positions are still held by you, and officers at all levels will not be mobilized for the time being. What do you think?"

"Chen waits for His Majesty's order!"

"Since you all have no objections, this matter is settled in this way."

"Your Majesty, the minister has a problem." Kaswall, the commander of the Blast Legion, suddenly stood up.

"Caswall, do you have any questions but it's okay."

"Your Majesty, the standing legion is directly transformed into a new imperial standing legion. The Eastern legion and recruits are mixed into a new imperial garrison. The interim legion, the royal legion, the guard flag regiment, and the fierce death camp are mixed into a new one. The Royal Legion, the Imperial Forest Army, the Imperial City Defense Army, but our Blast Legion has not made any arrangements; Your Majesty, are you planning to disband our Blast Legion?"

In recent days, Casvol, who was as happy as other generals, was not happy anyway; because when other generals received the latest arrangements from the military department, he alone received nothing, He can't blame if he's in a hurry.

"Caswall, what would you do if I decided to disband the Blast Corps?"

Bai Feng said this with a smile-like expression, but the original warm atmosphere in the military tent suddenly calmed down; even though many of the generals present were not very close to Caswall, they could be involved. The big event of dissolving a standing legion directly made everyone smile on their faces.

"Your Majesty, whether you are the great governor of the Great Metropolitan Government in the East or the Frederick the Great in the empire, you are the object of allegiance; if you really want to order the disbandment of the Blast Corps, the minister only begs you to let the minister disband the Blast Corps. Cassow replied with his head down in a deep voice.

"Then I will tell you that it is not only your Brigade Legion that has not been arranged, but also the 40,000 soldiers of the Leiyun garrison under Paresi, but it will take him a few days to reach the capital; I can tell You, I have another great use for your two troops!"

From the beginning to the end, Bai Feng did not say what it means to have another great use. After Caswell determined that his army would not be disbanded, the stone in his heart would naturally be put down without asking deeply; The atmosphere in the military tent quickly recovered again.

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