Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1560: ""

In the torrent of the times, dreams will be bent, distress will not help, but survival still needs to continue. Such a fate is also the fate of every one of us now.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The hazy Duke Gerald and Marquis Eugen, a little unguarded, came to the camp of the Imperial Cavalry, and were immediately calmed down by the scene in the camp; what appeared before them was not struggling with thunder. Cloud Leopard cultivates a tacit knight, but Thunder Cloud Rider of thousands of leopards in one, is teaching the other knights to ride Thunder Cloud Leopard in a one-to-two manner as a coach!

"Your Majesty!" Seeing Bai Feng and his entourage came, Salvini, the commander of the Imperial Cavalry, hurried up.

"How is the training progress of the Imperial Cavalry, can it initially form a combat power within three months?" Bai Feng, who has been reviewing the future Imperial Cavalry camp for nearly a week, looked at the newly selected elite knights even riding Thundercloud Leopard If he can't do it, his brow will be slightly frowned.

"Your Majesty Qi, the Royal Cavalry's plan to build combat power within three months should be unmistakable." Salvini explained: "The key to the formation of the combat power of the Thundercloud knight is the cooperation of the knight and the Thundercloud leopard; although the previous training session It is more difficult, but once the knight and Thunder Cloud Leopard develop a tacit understanding, the subsequent training will be much simpler, and the time lost in the early stage can be recovered."

"The Imperial Cavalry will become the most elite cavalry force in the empire and even the whole mainland. As the leader of the Imperial Cavalry, you must shut down the combat strength of the Imperial Cavalry." Bai Feng told him again: "I want it It’s a top cavalry unit, not a second-class cavalry unit."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty will do everything in his power to live up to His Majesty's trust!" Salvini vowed.

"Gerald and Ou Ren, my Imperial Cavalry now has 3,000 well-trained Thundercloud knights and 7,000 quasi-Thundercloud knights who are forming combat power; after the 7,000 quasi-Thundercloud knights formally form combat power, My imperial cavalry will have ten thousand thundercloud knights!"

"I let the army carefully select these knights. Although their individual combat power is almost the same as that of the Holy Knights of the Holy See, their mount Leiyun Leopard is much stronger than the horses of the Holy Knights of the Holy See; you say, this How does the troop compare to the Royal Knights?"

Facing the problem of Bai Feng, Gerald, who wanted to argue a few words, finally sighed helplessly: "Your Majesty, compared to the Royal Cavalry composed of 10,000 Thundercloud Knights, our Royal Knights Not much different from ordinary second-rate cavalry."

"Then do you think the three Royal Knights are necessary to rebuild?" Bai Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Marquis Eugen said with a determined face: "Your Majesty, even if the Thundercloud Knight is slightly better than the Light Knight, then what? The Holy Knight with the Light Knight is still a hundred times stronger than the Dark Council with the Thundercloud Knight. An elite can't decide the strength of a country, and a truly powerful country is jointly defended by countless elites, not a certain elite!"

After finally hearing what he wanted to hear, Bai Feng asked Ou Ren irresponsibly: "Then tell me, wait until the Imperial Cavalry has formed a fighting power, there is a Imperial Cavalry in my empire, and there are Eight Banners under the Qiqi, where And the position of the Royal Knights?"

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Cavalry is powerful, but it is not easy to set up on a limited scale. The Eight Flags are large in size but difficult to fight against elite knights and the like. They are just conventional cavalry troops; the positioning of our Royal Knights is the Eight Flags. Above the Cavalry!"

"The Eight Banners ride above the Imperial Cavalry?" Bai Feng continued to embarrass Ou Rendao: "What do you mean by this sentence, the Royal Knights, while possessing a larger scale than the Imperial Cavalry, also possesses a better quality than the Eight Banners? Riding more powerful combat power; but in my opinion, while the Royal Knights are not as large as the Eight Banners, they are not as powerful as the Royal Cavalry, are they?"

Gerald, who reacted from shock and loss, took over the conversation with his relatively mature thinking: "Your Majesty, the formation of the Thunder Cloud Knight is not easy, and the scale of the Eight Banners Qiqi at this time will inevitably be limited to the Jurchen population. Only our Royal Knights, as long as the empire does not die, the nobles will not be destroyed, our source of troops will never be exhausted, this is our greatest advantage!"

"Yeah, as long as the empire is not dead, the Royal Knights will never be short of soldiers." Bai Feng didn't refute Gerald's words, he just turned the words and said: "But I need what is needed to rebuild the glory Royal Knights, can you do it?"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty will do everything in his power to reshape the glory of the Royal Knights!" Gerald and Eugen, who heard the meaning of Bai Feng's words, immediately put aside all their worries and worries, and were excited and Solemnly stated to Bai Feng.

"There is only one chance. If the rebuilt Royal Knights are unable to perform on the battlefield to satisfy me, then the next Royal Knights will become a historical term in the history books of the Empire." Bai Feng lightly said what he said. The heart is tight.

After a little hesitation, Eugen, who had a more pure identity, took the initiative to comment: "Your Majesty, the establishment of our Royal Knights has never changed since its inception; but with the increasing scale of war, the Royal Knights are now It is difficult to adapt to the needs of the current war because of the establishment, so the court begged His Majesty to expand the size of the Royal Knights in order to increase the fighting power of the Royal Knights."

"Then, how should the Royal Knights' organization be adjusted and how should it be expanded?"

"Your Majesty Qi, during this time when he was idle at home, he had a discussion with Lord Gerald on this matter, and finally concluded that the Royal Knights should continue to maintain the original name of the empire of the Empire, at least It requires no less than ten thousand elite knights!"

"The Royal Cavalry will have 10,000 Thundercloud Knights in the future, and your Royal Knights will only have 10,000 Knights. Isn't that unfair to your Royal Knights?" Bai Feng, who had already arranged for the Royal Knights, directly rejected Europe. Ren's proposal.

Misunderstood Bai Feng This is Gerald and Eugene who are dissatisfied and express their dissatisfaction, but their faces are panic-stricken; however, they are not afraid of how Bai Feng will punish them, but they are worried that Bai Feng will take back and rebuild the Royal Knight Order of the regiment.

Gerald and Eugen kneeled to admit their mistakes, and Bai Feng waved his hand: "I give you the three royal knights, each of the royal knights is composed of 15,000 knights; in addition to this 15,000 In addition to the knights, the military department will also specially recruit 5,000 capable and young people. They will train as knights with your knights and be ready knights for your royal knighthood."

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!" Gerald and Ouen, who were only too happy to feel happy, knelt down on the ground with excitement, and gave a very pious gift to Bai Feng, who had turned to the Knight of Thundercloud. .

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