Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1563: ""

Falling in love should be the two sides supporting each other to accomplish their goals together, rather than illusory thoughts, superficial matter, and the life of a fan.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Just when Bai Feng had a headache for how to refuse the Duke Patel, the head of the intelligence department smiled and said to the Duke Patel: "Senior Prime Minister, our intelligence department's snare and tragic deceased, will deploy staff to form A department that oversees merchants and chambers of commerce to conduct investigations on foreign-related trade from within the empire will never allow smuggling."

"The full-time secret guards directly under my head will also set up a department outside the empire that is specifically responsible for supervising the empire's foreign-related trade; once a businessman or chamber of commerce is suspected of smuggling, the intelligence will be provided to the judicial department and the judicial department will come forward to deal with it. "

The ministers in the Palace of Justice who did not know that the head of the intelligence department, Ames, was the confidant of His Majesty the Emperor, so his words fell off, and the Duke Auchin Lake, who was also the confidant of the emperor, immediately stated: "Senior Prime Minister, our Ministry of Justice also Will mobilize skilled personnel to form a full-time department, and severely punish all businessmen and chambers of commerce suspected of smuggling!"

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Intelligence of the six ministries of a government have clearly expressed their approval. The military and interior ministries that are not related to this matter cannot intervene; even if they can intervene, they will only approve and not object. Duke Patel knew this.

Even at this time, the Duke of Patel was still unwilling to agree with this matter, but he did not continue to stand against it; when the Duke of Patel was silent, there was no need to discuss this matter, and no one of the ministers There will be no more objections.

"Your Majesty." The Duke of Ribbentrop continued the report he had not finished: "Molotov has now arrived in the capital of King Cartgart and is negotiating with the Kingdom of Cartgart, but the Kingdom of Cartgart The asking price is too high Molotov dare not make the decision."

"The Kingdom of Cartgart and the Kingdom of Dessau are feuds. They are so good at taking advantage of the opportunity of robbery that they are not able to seize their weakened enemy. They still think about how to ask us for prices, and they really can't help the wall!" Kleist The Duke scolded in awkwardness.

Although Molotov and Kodell’s envoys were the highest-level secrets of the empire, the people present at the moment were also the heads of the central ministries of the empire, so everyone was insiders, which is why the Duke of Ribenttrop State the reason for this.

"I heard that the king of the Cartgat Kingdom is a guy born in the deep palace and longer than the hand of a woman. He hasn't even been out of the palace for more than ten years since his succession. It was changed to once in March by him." The Duke Amble laughed.

Bai Feng, who learned a lot of Cartergart’s intelligence from the Secret Guard, knew that Duke Amble’s words were not false, but he did not make a mockery of the Cartergart kingdom, but asked Duke Ribbentrop: “They What excessive demands are made?"

"Your Majesty, the royal **** who is in charge of the military power of the Kingdom of Cartergart is in charge of Pilago, and we are required to provide them with the military food and 100,000 sets of weapons and equipment necessary for the three million months of the army, and the cost of sending out 100 million gold coins. ; In addition, he also asked us in private to facilitate the cost of 10 million gold coins."

"Ridiculous!" "Unrestrained!" "Damn!"...

The words of Duke Ribbentrop have just ended, and some ministers who are not good-tempered have swearing. Even the gentle-minded ministers such as Duke Gurner and Duke Marcus, although they have not ignored the image, but their faces have become Extremely difficult to look at.

"The military food needed for the three-month army of three million troops, 100,000 sets of weapons and equipment, the cost of sending out 100 million gold coins, and the cost of promoting 10 million gold coins. This ambassador of the Cartgat Kingdom has great ambitions!" Bai Fengsi The tone of his self-talk is very plain, but the murderousness in his eyes is extremely strong.

"Ribbentrop, you sent someone to Molotov to order that the empire can issue the cost of 10 million gold coins and 50,000 sets of weapons and equipment produced by the Rheinland Merchants; if the other party is unwilling to accept it, Then let Molotov leave and come back."

"Your Majesty, do you want Molotov to fight harder; if the Cartgart Kingdom does not agree to send troops, the Dessau Kingdom will not retreat, and the Deman Kingdom will not easily retreat with allies, Albert. The Marshal’s army may not be able to rebel.”

Bai Feng did not directly reject the proposal made by Ribbentrop, but stood up from his own dragon chair and faced like a water channel: "My empire, with its vast land and rich properties, if I cannot hold these Sooner or later, these things will belong to others; I can tolerate the robbing of my things by others, but I will never let anyone do it!"

"Food, weapons, and gold coins are all good things. Anyone who wants them can take them, provided that his fist is strong enough and hard, and he pays the price of blood! Because I will use my own blood and life to go The things that protect yourself are not taken away by others!"


"Chen is here!"

"After the New Year, the remaining 20 standing legions of the military department immediately went to the junction of the central region of the empire and the northwest region in combat readiness. Once Marshal Albert’s army was engaged with the Deman and Dessau coalition forces, they were Ai Marshal Burt’s first reinforcements!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Quintus! Moritz!"

"Chen is here!"

"After the New Year, when the 41 garrison regiments still stationed in the imperial capital immediately set off for the station, the two of you are responsible for recruiting new soldiers and preparing weapons and equipment. I want you to build 18 more garrisons within three months. Legion!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Asassis! Uppadama! Atos!"

"Chen is here!"

"The three of you will lead your army to Metz province in the north of the empire tomorrow morning. I will assign you the two blue flags, the largest and most powerful of the Eight Banners, and your mission is to go north as soon as the Northwest War breaks out. The grassland entered the Kingdom of Dessau through the Rhine Business Alliance. If necessary, I will allow you to act cheaply in the territory of the Kingdom of Dessau!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After a series of military orders were issued, Bai Feng turned his head again and ordered to Ribbentrop: "Ribbentrop, you will go to the Rhine Business Union for me tomorrow; You handle it all!"

"Your Majesty, the minister returned to the Rheinland Business Association today after arranging the affairs.

"So good!"

When the old year is about to pass and the new year is about to come, the Tianlong Empire, which has just experienced a year of chaos, has once again launched its own war machine; it will not hesitate to use the World War I to fight the white peak of the empire’s stability. The reason why he is so daring to do so is that he is ready to exchange gold coins back to Rome!

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