Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1587: ""

You are not bad at learning, but you have not found what you want to learn.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Time to go back to the time when Marshal Rondestede led the Southwestern Rebels and just entered the three provinces of Argentan, Dele, and Amiens. He led the Northwestern Rebels stationed in the three provinces of Brest, Moron, Rennes, and Northwestern Provinces. Marshal Albert on the border also launched an offensive against Nouillon and Lance provinces on the same morning.

Nooyong province is not only one of the four northwest provinces, but also the gateway barrier of Calais province where the Prince William base camp is located. In order to ensure that Nooyong province will not be easily captured by the imperial northwestern rebels, Prince William deliberately dispersed 1.5 million soldiers in various towns in the province, and there were 500,000 troops under the Kotarelli Department who concentrated on the capital and county of Noyon.

The five counties except the capital and county of Nouyonghang Province add up to about seventy or eighty towns, and 1.5 million troops are scattered among these towns, and the size of the garrison in each town is not less than 10,000. In the cities with more important geographical locations and the cities with strong walls and high walls, the garrison scale is as high as 30 to 40 thousand, and the storage of rolling stones and arrows required for defensive operations is relatively sufficient.

In the face of such enemies, not to mention the fact that the marshal Albert has only 200,000 soldiers and nearly 48,000 flags, even if he has 450,000 troops under his command, it will not be possible to complete in a short time. Conquered the enemy province of Noyon.

Since it is impossible to make a quick decision, you can only rely on the merits but the unswervingly stable and steady fight. You will lead the elite of 200,000 main forces and two blue flags to the marshal Albert who is advancing towards the province of Noyon. Every time you attack Therefore, with an absolutely superior force, the water surrounded by a town where the rebels were stationed could not be drained, and then the participating legions were sent to take turns to fight, while attacking and training.

The Northwestern Rebels, which have been steadily advancing in this way, although regaining lost ground are not as fast as the Southwestern Rebels, but the number of veterans trained is far greater than that of the Southwestern Rebels. For example, the forty-one legion, which is based on General Grezel’s old army, supplemented by a common army of Salvini, and an Empire Standing Corps.

The 41st Corps barely counts as elite veterans. In fact, there are only about 3,000 veterans in the World War I. The other 12,000 soldiers are all recruits with almost zero actual combat experience; Four days after taking part in the war, the corps that sent each wing to participate in the siege in turn exchanged more than 7,000 recruits into soldiers with actual combat experience at the cost of more than 500 soldiers killed in battle.

Soldiers with actual combat experience have a long way to go before they become true veterans, but for the 41st Army Corps, which is dominated by recruits, it has an extraordinary meaning because this is the Army Corps. The beginning from the ordinary army to the elite army.

Under the joint attack of the first and third divisions of the Yulin Army, the 40th Army of the Eberbach Army, the 41st Army of the Glazer, the 41st Army of Kempf, the left-wing army of the Northwestern Rebel Army used In six days, he captured the county town of Ilson County.

The 110,000 soldiers of the three corps and two divisions belonging to the Yulin corps paid the price of more than six thousand soldiers killed and more than 13,000 soldiers wounded, and insisted on the fifty thousand rebels in the city of Ilsong. , Nearly 30,000 soldiers became prisoners of war for the Northwestern rebels.

At the same time that Marshal Albert led the rebel left-wing army to recover Ilson County, and led a half-million army stationed in Kotarelli, the capital of the county of Noyon, he also used his special identity to complete Control over Cambra County, Saint Quentin County, Suvason County.

Prince William, who, like Prince Harry, proclaimed himself emperor, first enlisted Kotarelli with his heavy soldiers as his prince, and then appointed Kotarelli as the second minister of the army and the governor of the province of Noyon. The position of high power gives Kotarelli the right to command all the troops of the Prince William in the province of Noyon.

The 260,000 troops stationed in Cambra County plus the 310,000 troops stationed in St Quentin County, and the 280,000 troops stationed in Suvason County, the land of these three counties together with 80 Wan Dajun fell into the hands of Kotarelli within half a month.

After controlling the 800,000 troops in his hands by dispatching soldiers, Kotarelli transferred all the elite seventy or eighty thousand soldiers from the 800,000 troops to his own, and then took him under his command. Three hundred thousand new recruits recruited from the half a million troops were transferred out and merged into the more than 700,000 armies, forming a million-dollar decisive army.

Kotarelli left the most elite 300,000 soldiers under his command in Noyon, and then led a million troops in Cambra County and a rebel army killed in Cambra County. A decisive battle on an unprecedented scale.

On the Cambra Plain, thirty miles west of the city of Cambra, Kotarelli’s million troops listed a full six rows of fifty huge squares, with eight of each in the first five rows. Square array, the last row is ten square arrays serving as battlefield reserve teams.

Compared with the densely packed rebel soldiers in the plains, a royal army and four standing army under Marshal Albert are full of 170,000 soldiers. Even with the two blue flags, the 48,000 flag elite rides, only the rebels One fifth of the troops.

The 40th Corps of Eberbach, because it was to stay in the stabilized place of the prisoners of war in the recovered Ilson County, was unable to participate in this decisive battle; of course, whether there is the participation of the 40th Corps, the disparity in strength For the two armed forces, the impact is really limited.

At the beginning of the war, Marshal Albert decided not to use cavalry for the time being, with the heavy infantry of each division as the main force, he constructed eight 10,000 battle fronts against the first row of enemy troops; The soldiers battled 160,000 rebel soldiers, and the ratio between the enemy and the enemy was two to one.

But the seemingly large number is actually all Uzbek rebels, where are the well-equipped and well-trained opponents of the Imperial Rebels; the number advantage of the rebels only played a role in the first half hour of the battle, waiting until it was at the forefront When the rebels in heavy rebels started to switch to the offensive, the rebels who were still attacking the previous minute were instantly defeated.

In order to stop the crazy advance of the eight reinfantry clusters of the Ping Rebels, Kotarelli successively used two large ranks of troops, only by virtue of their numerical advantages, they barely blocked the attack of the Ping rebels’ heavy armored infantry clusters; The original battle situation was restored again.

The rebel army of heavy rebels who switched to defending again defended their defenses with their weapons and equipment advantages, but the extremely large number of rebels still surrounded them like a tide.

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