Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1590: ""

I am sure that the person I like can live well, even in the face of death, but also see the future.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

From the leader of the Golden Clothes Guard to the military governor of the Northwest Metropolitan Government, and then to the Governor of the Northwest Metropolitan Government, Martin, who was above 10,000 people in the Northwest Metropolitan Government, began on the day that Crown Prince William was crowned emperor himself. It became the higher prince of the empire.

Even for the imperial prime minister in a corner of the northwest region, for Martin, who is not ambitious, it is already the pinnacle of life in his life; but the situation that has changed sharply is that it has not enjoyed the power of prime minister for a few days. Martin, who felt a fatal crisis enough to destroy his death, forced him to run for his own life.

Prince William, who has claimed to be William the Great, gave Martin great autonomy before ordering Martin to ask for help from the Kingdom of Deman and Dessau; as long as the land is not cut, any other conditions proposed by the Kingdom of Deman and Dessau As the Prime Minister of the Empire and the person in charge of the Empire negotiations, Martin has the power to decide in one word, and there is no need to waste time reporting to Prince William.

With a heavy mission and great autonomy, the mission with Martin as the responsible person came to the joint army camp of the Kingdom of Demand and Dessau; the two armies who knew well about the dilemma faced by Prince William The commander-in-chief, did not allow members of the mission other than Martin to enter the camp. Only Martin, who can really make the final decision, was "invited" to the Chinese military account by a team of German soldiers.

Martin, who feels that his posture is not right, has no chance to speak after entering the big account, and he was calmed down by the price of the two commanders of the Demand Kingdom and the Dessau Kingdom; because they represent the conditions proposed by the two kingdoms. Only when Prince William immediately ceded Calais and Lille to the two kingdoms would they agree to send troops to help Prince William resist the rebel attack.

Such conditions are not just harsh and simple, but naked robbery, but also the kind that kills you when you are sick; not to mention the current Prince William has only Calais and Lille, Even when he owns all the four provinces in the northwest, he has always believed that the empire will open up the territory and expand his territory as his own responsibility.

Thinking of Prince William’s entrustment to himself before leaving, and then looking at the conditions put forward by the Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau, Martin who just wanted to save his own life was crying without tears; he tried to bargain, he just put himself The opening remarks were spoken, and he was ordered to get rid of the big account by the impatient Dessau Kingdom army commander, and stood alone outside the account.

Either cut the ground for help, or return without success. Martin, who had no more choices, struggled in the cold wind for nearly half an hour. He could only shake the curtain and tremble to open the tent in the sarcasm of the guards on both sides of the big tent. Walk into the big account again.

This time, Martin did not hesitate anymore, but directly offered to offer the province of Lille to the Kingdom of Deman on behalf of Prince William, and then put out gold and silver jewelry worth one billion gold coins to the Kingdom of Dessau in exchange for time. Military assistance from the two great kingdoms.

For the strong and strong Deman Kingdom, it is absolutely a temptation to obtain Lille province without a **** sword; for the Dessau Kingdom, whose country is poor and weak, they can now get one billion gold coins, and they cannot refuse Temptation.

After some eye contact, the commander-in-chief of the Deman Kingdom and the commander-in-chief of the Dessau Kingdom nodded in a tacit understanding, and then Martin, as the Prime Minister of the Dragon Dragon Empire and the Plenipotentiary of the Prince William, officially signed the'Three Kingdoms' with these two commanders. Mutual Assistance Treaty'.

If the throne of Prince Harry and Prince William can be recognized by the official history books of the Dragon Empire, then the former signed the'Treaty of Mutual Assistance' with the Kingdom of White Horse, the Principality of Kassel, and the Principality of Feiyu, and the latter with the Kingdom of Deman and Dessau The'Three Nations Mutual Assistance Treaty', these two treaties can definitely rank among the most humiliating foreign treaties in the history of the empire!

The'Treaty of Mutual Assistance' stamped with the seal of the Prince Harry ceded the three provinces of Lusong, Dele and Amiens to the Kingdom of White Horse; the'Treaty of Mutual Assistance Treaty' covered by the seal of the Prince William The Lille province of the Dragon Empire ceded to the Kingdom of Deman, in addition to separately compensating the military expenses of the Dessau Kingdom for one billion gold coins.

What is humiliating and humiliating, the two treaties in the name of "mutual assistance" are enough to explain everything.

When the intelligence personnel of the mournful deceased quickly delivered the contents of these two mutual aid treaties to the imperial capital, Bai Feng sneered and sent someone to send the two intelligences to the royal mountain; one day later, the new royal head Prince Igeng As the head of the royal family, he announced the deprivation of the qualifications of Prince Harry and Prince William of the Dragon, and made the contents of the two mutual aid treaties public.

The'Four Nations Mutual Aid Treaty' and the'Three Nations Mutual Aid Treaty', which were exposed in the content, caused an uproar in the territory of the Dragon Empire. From the imperial capital to the locality, all the imperial nobles and people organized themselves to condemn Harry and William who sought help from foreign forces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Imperial Ministry easily recruited 200,000 recruits from all parts of the empire; these 200,000 recruits were directly supplemented by the Ministry to the garrison regiments stationed there, and then the Ministry was transferred from each garrison regiment. Of the 200,000 soldiers with strict military training sent to the front to supplement the war damage of the Northwestern and Southwestern rebels.

This is the benefit of having a reserve service. The battle damage of the frontline legions can be replenished in the shortest time, and they are supplemented by well-equipped and well-trained quasi-active soldiers, which will never let the battle damage seriously affect the battle of the frontline legions. force.

The 200,000 soldiers transferred from the garrison regiments of the imperial provinces took at least a month to go to the front line. During this period, the Northwestern Rebels of Marshal Albert were temporarily unable to continue the attack; this means that the next For some time, the initiative of the Empire's northwestern warfare was controlled by Prince William, or the Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau.

Bai Feng naturally could not allow this to happen. On the one hand, he sent someone to the first minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Koder, who was responsible for the task. He ordered him to hold the Deman Kingdom. On the other hand, he led the army to the empire. Assasis and others on the northern border ordered them to immediately lead their troops northward into the Rheinland Business Association, and take the Rheinland Business Union to the eastern border of the Kingdom of Dessau.

The Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau are okay. If they really decide to join forces to help Prince William, then Bai Feng does not mind fighting with the two countries at the same time; it is at this time that Opman’s Cossack mercenaries are also working. The northernmost point of the chaotic region is very close to the southern hinterland of the Deman Kingdom. As long as Bai Feng ordered, the Cossack mercenaries could kill the Deman Kingdom.

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