Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1593: ""

People lie to escape guilt, and lie to strive to survive. Lies are the shadow of truth, and the things under the shadow can only be imagined.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Savona and ****, who are the eight major commanders with Milanesi, Bonafield, Casvol, Paresi, Glenn and Torres, not only did they not get specific positions, but were instead The military department transferred it back to the capital with a paper transfer order.

When the two of them returned to the Imperial Capital with the general guard, 11 of the 20 standing legions immediately behind the two rebels received orders from the headquarters, and the remaining nine standing legions also They all received military orders waiting for the commander to take over.

Among the eleven regiments that received orders from the military, the eleventh regiment of Antonelli, the twenty-first regiment of Xizawa, the twenty-fifth regiment of Morris, and the twenty-eighth regiment of Claire, four of them The destination of each legion is the northern frontier of the empire.

The 14th Corps of Borg, the 20th Corps of McGovern, and the 26th Corps of Keitel, the destination of their three regiments is the Eastern Frontier of the Empire; the 17th Corps of Ward, and Tracy’s The nineteenth legion, Li Xiaogong's forty-ninth legion, and Elliott's fiftyth legion, the destination of their four legions is the western frontier of the empire.

Savona and ****, who were still on their way back to the imperial capital, had not had time to enter the central region of the empire, and they received an appointment letter issued by Bai Feng to them; Savona became the commander of the empire's garrison in the west, *** * Became the commander of the imperial garrison in the north of the empire.

Unlike the imperial garrison of the Western Xinjiang and the imperial garrison of the Northern Xinjiang, which bear the important task of defending the border, the imperial garrison of the Eastern Xinjiang is more symbolic than the actual significance. Titan Slim.

Among the nine standing legions waiting for the commander to take over the command, the twelfth legion of Darren, the twenty-second legion of Brauchich, the twenty-seventh legion of Leopold and others were organized into one Supporting the army, the commander is the former Eastern Army Warlord Eric.

The Thirteenth Army of Lopez, the Eighteenth Army of Sandy, and the Twenty-fourth Army of Felix were organized into a large army. The original commander of the Eastern Army was Giskar; the Batlloli’s The 15th Corps, the 16th Corps in Velmaaren, and the 23rd Corps in Barcelona are organized into a large army. The former commander of the Eastern Army is Montgomery.

Bai Feng, while appointing Montgomery as the commander of the army, also appointed the former Eastern army defender Reichenu as the deputy of this army; Montgomery, who has always been impervious to himself, Bai Feng still trusts his ability, so it should be He will never be used when appointing him, but the appointment will return to his appointment, and Bai Feng's guard against him has never been lifted.

With the newly built ten standing legions and the reinforcements of the two armies, the two frontal rebels on the front line no longer need the reinforcements of the standing legions at the rear; therefore, the nine standing legions, which are grouped into three armies, their task is to Rebuild the order of the western provinces on the spot.

The direct consequence of the frequent mobilization of the various armies in the Tianlong Empire is that it has caused a high degree of vigilance in the three countries of White Horse, Deman, and Deshao; especially the White Horse Kingdom that has been awarded the Lusong Province and is planning to use force to seize the provinces of Dele and Amiens. They even sent their domestic troops one by one to the location of the coalition battalion and Lu Songxing province.

The White Horse Kingdom, which has less than 500,000 standing troops, sent an additional 300,000 troops to the Tianlong Empire within a short period of one or two months. Although there are many recruits in the 300,000 army, it at least accounts for the total strength. Half of the standing soldiers still evacuated all the garrison troops in the entire eastern part of the White Horse Kingdom, and even mobilized many of their garrisons deployed in the north.

The total strength of the White Horse, Kassel and Feiyu Allied Forces, which was reinforced by the 300,000 White Horse Army, has exceeded 500,000, of which 100,000 White Horse Army is stationed in Lusonghang Province, ceded by the Prince Harry to the White Horse Kingdom, 300,000 The White Horse Army, the 50,000 Kassel Army, and the 50,000 Flying Feather Army are stationed near the border of the White Horse Kingdom and the Dragon Empire, which is the westernmost part of the province.

The Tianlong army, which confronted the coalition forces of 400,000 in the province of Delehang, was originally a hundred thousand soldiers of the five standing legions of the Southwestern Rebels under the command of Marshal Longde Steide. Now it has also been replaced by the tenth of the new standing legion of the Empire. A standing army of 200,000 soldiers.

The 200,000 Tianlong Army is opposed to the 400,000-Three-Power Allied Forces. On the surface, the Three-Powered Allied Forces headed by the White Horse Kingdom are more dominant. But behind the Three-Powered Allied Forces is all the eastern regions of the White Horse Kingdom where all the garrisons are evacuated. It is the nine standing corps of the Tianlong Empire stationed in the western region and the four standing corps of the empire in the Western Xinjiang.

The Three-Power Allied Army has a half-million army under the command of Prince Harry as a friendly army, and the Tianlong Army also has 400,000 troops and 100,000 fine rides under the command of Marshal Ronder Steide. If it is added to the Southwestern rebel fighting sequence, it will be With Bonafield rushing to the front line under the command of 100,000 troops, Marshal Ronderstad already had the military advantage to destroy the rebels under Prince Harry.

The Prince Harry and the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, which no longer have strength advantages, have completely lost the possibility of winning the war; unless the three countries of Hakuba, Kassel, and Feiyu are willing to use their national strength to fight the Dragon Empire, otherwise the Dragon Empire will win. It is already irreversible.

Unlike the increasingly clear situation in the southwest of the empire, the situation in the northwest of the empire is still as confusing as ever; the self-asserted Martin represented the Prince William and the Kingdom of Deman and the Kingdom of Dessau signed the'Third Nations Mutual Assistance Treaty'. Why, he accepted the treaty by default and withdrew his army deployed in Lille.

The crux of the problem is that the 300,000 garrisons in Lille Province were withdrawn at the order of Prince William, and Kotarelli, who was defeated and withdrawn into Lille Province, took his 300,000 troops but did not withdraw; The Eastman of Demand Kingdom is preparing to receive the 100,000 troops of Lille province, and it is thus blocked by the Kotarei interest rate army outside the province of Lille, and the two sides even fought several battles for this.

The generals of the Dessau Kingdom, who had already received the first 300 million gold coins, clamored every day in the coalition battalion to lead the army east to help Prince William to fight in order to get the subsequent 700 million gold coins; The generals of the Deman Kingdom, who had been handed over by the province, strongly disagreed with the eastward aid to Prince William now, on the grounds that Prince William had not yet fulfilled the content of the treaty.

No one could persuade anyone whose quarrel lasted for more than half a month, and the already decent Deman and Dessau coalition forces were completely divided; under the leadership of their commander, the Dessau Kingdom Army entered the province of Prince William’s base camp Calais. Under the leadership of his commander, the army of Deman Kingdom officially launched an attack on Lille Province.

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