Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 801: "·Unexpected Battle"

Your burden will become a gift, and your suffering will lighten your way.

——Rabin Deran Tagore (Indian poet, philosopher and Indian nationalist)

At the end of March, in the northern part of the empire, where the chill was gradually dispersing, the green fields of the village of Besançon had begun to show a little greenness; the tender leaves of trees and the new buds of farmland crops no longer showed that winter was going away and The advent of spring.

The seasonal change from winter to spring will not stop because of the outbreak of war, nor will it change because of the will of any human being; Bai Feng, who is not yet ready for war, has not yet led his army to launch a counterattack against Langxiang province , But war is inevitable.

The Jurchen cavalrymen, who had endured a whole number of months, finally could not restrain their looting desire to plunder, and slowly extended the scope of their wanton plundering from the province of Ronchamp to the province of Besançon on the south bank of the Xingyue River.

The Xingyue River is a tributary of the Cangluo River, which flows between east and west, like a jade belt between Besançon Province and Langxiangxing Province; although the Xingyue River is only a tributary of the Cangluo River, the width of the river is still as long as 100 Meters, must pass the bridge to pass.

There are three large iron bridges and more than ten ordinary wooden bridges on the Xingyue River separating Besançon Province and Langxiang Province. To avoid the Jurchen cavalry going south, there are more than ten ordinary wooden bridges. When the province fell, it was destroyed by the imperial army.

The remaining three large-scale iron bridges are all magic bridges that have been used since ancient times. They cannot be destroyed by the imperial army alone; even Baiyi and Baier, whose strength is the fifth-level fire swordsman, are all Can't shake these three sturdy iron bridges.

Therefore, after the Marquis of Besançon was appointed as Governor of Besançon, he sent three small troops to the south bank of the three bridges; after Bai Feng led his army to Besançon, the three of them The garrison of the bridge has been strengthened again.

The 3,000 generals of the city defense army with average combat effectiveness, together with the 1,500 defenders stationed on the bridge, together constitute the garrison of the three fine iron bridges; the 1,500 soldiers are stationed on the shore of a bridge. Configuring Baifeng is relatively safe.

You should know that the main responsibility of these 1,500 defending soldiers is not to resist the Jurchen cavalry's large-scale offensive; but when the Jurchen cavalry is making a large-scale offensive, while holding the bridge's shore first, the other side quickly ventilates to the main army behind Newsletter.

The station has moved from Besancon County to the army more than fifty miles south of the Xingyue River. It only takes two hours at most to quickly support any bridge under attack; this time, it is completely a bridge guard The time the army can stick to.

No one thought that the unexpected battle would break out so quickly; while Bai Feng was discussing the situation with General Louis in the 14th Legion, there were six thousand Zhengbaiqi cavalrymen attacking the second bridge!

The basic establishment of the Eight Banners Cavalry is Niu Lu. Every 380 Qi cavalry composes a Niu Lu, and the Niu Lu is also called Zuoling; then the five Niu Lus are compiled into a Jia La, and the Jia La E Zhen is also called a leader. ; Every five Jiala groups form a Gushan, and Gushan Ezhen is also known as Tongtong.

According to this establishment, there should be three Gushan in the Zhengbai Banner full of 20,000 cavalry, but this is not the case; Jurchens with tribes as their settlement units are used to organizing the army by tribes, as is the establishment in the Eight Banners.

The leader of Zhengbai Banner is Sol Gobel, and Gushan Erzhen, who handles the daily affairs of Zhengbai Banner, is Huerhan appointed by Nurhachi himself. That's it.

Under the banner of Belle and Gushan, the Zhengbai Banner is a tribe. The leader of the Hunhe Department, Solgobelle, is both the highest leader of the Zhengbai Banner and a subordinate of the Hunhe Department. Loyalty to all tribes.

In the Zhengbai Banner, there are only about 10,000 cavalry who really belong to the Hun River Department, and all the other 10,000 cavalry come from the affiliated tribes of the Hun River Department; they follow the battle for the Hun River Department around Solgo, the Hun River Department The price to be paid is to give them enough loot.

With limited resources, Langxiang province is plundered by the five flags of yellow, red, red, white, and white. On average, there will not be too much money for each flag; the greedy cavalry of the white flag, first This will extend their range of plunder to the south bank of the Xingyue River.

The leaders of the Zhengbai Banner, which have great freedom of action, often gather together to find new targets for plunder; because one Jiala is too weak to compete with other flags, at least two or three Jiala are required to join forces. Only then can we have a stronger predatory competitiveness.

In Langxianghang province of the Dragon empire, the plundered Eight Banners cavalry need not worry about the counterattack of the Dragon empire, but the conflict of other flag cavalry who contradict each other; this has to be said that it is indeed the sorrow of the Dragon empire It is also a shame for all imperial soldiers!

After really unable to find any good target for plundering, the four Zhengbaiqi leaders who had several cooperation experiences decided to join forces to launch a plundering operation against the rich province of Besançon for their respective The tribe grabbed some more property.

When the six thousand surging Zhengbaiqi cavalry appeared on the northern bank of the Xingyue River, the bridge guards who had been waiting for it responded immediately; several police cavalry, with the urgent report of the Jurchen cavalry, quickly rushed to the army station Ran away.

The 1,500 soldiers stationed on the second bridge were divided into three combat units; five hundred infantrymen quickly rushed over the bridge and blocked the southern end of the bridge in a dense formation, and five hundred archers were arranged on both sides of the bridge, and Zhang bowed The arrow awaited the arrival of the enemy cavalry.

The five hundred infantry, who served as a reserve force, remained on the south bank of the bridge in a posture of preparation. Once the five hundred infantry on the bridge were defeated by the enemy cavalry, their task was to rush up and continue to block the bridge until the rear reinforcements caught up.

The Zhengbaiqi cavalry, who is proficient in cavalry, has a bow and arrow range of only more than 80 meters. It is impossible to launch an arrow rain attack on the defending infantry on the bridge outside the bridge; after rushing over the bridge, the Zhengbaiqi cavalry's charge advantage is again It will be lost, which is a dilemma.

However, the Zhengbaiqi leaders, who are confident in their cavalry, will not think that the 1,500 infantry on the other side can withstand the fierce attack of their own 6,000 cavalry; without any hesitation, these four leaders Decided to launch a hard attack on the defending army.

The 1,200 Zhengbaiqi cavalry from the four Jiala, after preparing for the offensive with Niulu as a unit, launched a charge against the bridge guard infantry; the limited bridge width allowed the attacking Zhengbaiqi cavalry, Have to make the loose charge formation dense.

The first Niulu cavalrymen had just rushed to the bridge, and the 500 garrison archers who were ready to make volleys immediately released their right hands pulling the bowstrings; the volleys of the five hundred archers, against the dense cavalry In general, there are not many casualties that can be caused.

However, at a distance of about 100 meters, how many rounds of arrows can these ordinary archers shoot? After just two rounds of arrow rain, the morale of the Zhengbaiqi cavalry rushed into the defending infantry group and trampled the frontmost defending infantry into mud.

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