Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 907: "·Wait the army to the east"

The highest morality is to continuously serve people and work for human love.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

"You are loving!" Victoria, who is still smiling, took out a magic crystal card with a golden light from the space ring while speaking, and handed it to Bai Feng: "This is what we prepaid to you this year. One hundred million gold coins."

"Don't I just say that?" Faced with the gold card handed over by Victoria, Bai Feng bluntly refused: "I don't need any gold coins here. You have to replace the 100 million gold coins you pay me every year with yes Military supplies of equal value."

"This 100 million gold coin is not the 100 million gold coin we paid you, but the funds paid to various provinces." Victoria explained: "As for the military supplies worth 100 million gold coins, within the next two months, we Will find a way to your designated place."

"The provinces that I can barely control are no more than four." Hearing Victoria saying this, Bai Feng stood up and pointed to the map in the military account. "Among them, the provinces of Ronchamp and Poligny, Whether you are allowed to develop is still unknown."

"Is it?" Victoria, who didn't care, smiled and said with a smile: "I don't believe that I have just led the army to recover the Yulin God of War in Langxianghang and Mulhouse, and will not be able to control a district of Langxianghang; Well, Polynese is a province, so should I say it?"

"The provinces of Ronchamp and Mulhouse are the capital provinces under the Northern Metropolitan Government. Based on the relationship between Prince Prosper and Prince Philip, do you think my ally of Prince Prosperus stays in the power of Northern Xinjiang? Will it not be suppressed by the Northern Metropolitan Government?"

"I don't deny that Prince Philip of your country really has the heart to suppress you, but does he have the strength to suppress you?" Victoria, who does not agree with Bai Feng's statement, sees it in a pinch: "Quentus Warlord of the Northern Metropolitan Government , But your confidante."

"According to the information obtained by our dark parliament, there are a total of 16 legions in the northern governor’s office of your country, of which there are only eight legions, and the six legions under the commander of the Quintus, but Among these eight legions."

"So what can it prove?" Bai Feng, who smiled slightly, said without hesitation: "Prince Philip is the governor of the northern governor's office, and he is in charge of the military and political power of the six provinces of northern Xinjiang; as long as he wants, he can withdraw from Kun anywhere at any time. The governorship of Tus."

"What about that?" Victoria, who deliberately imitated Bai Feng's tone of voice, also calmly said: "Even if Prince Philip withdrew from the army of Quintus, the soldiers of the six legions of Quintus would still only obey his orders. Isn't it?"

"Is it right or not, is it important?" Bai Feng, frowned, said with a solemn tone: "You and I understand that I can't be an enemy of the empire; as long as this original intention remains unchanged, even if Quintus really loses the Warlord I won’t treat Prince Philip anymore."

"Do you think you are the kind of person who can swallow the air?" Victoria smiled in her eyes, not caring about the seriousness of Bai Feng, and deliberately teased him: "In my opinion, you are extremely short-sighted , And the one who must snarl his teeth."

Looking at Victoria, who smiled and laughed, Bai Feng deliberately pretended to be incomprehensible, and returned directly to the topic: "Even if I can keep my power in Langxiang province, there are only four provinces. Take the remaining 60 million gold coins back first."

"Muluz Province and Ronchamp Province in the Northern Metropolitan Government, Besançon Province and Polynesia between the Northern and Eastern Xinjiang Provinces, and six Eastern Provinces in the Eastern Metropolitan Government." Tao: "We must all have the right to free development in these ten provinces!"

"Impossible!" Bai Feng vetoed without hesitation: "The Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is not me, but the Prince of Pros! I am not qualified, nor have the power to hand over the six Eastern Provinces of the Empire. You, let you develop freely."

"Your Excellency Bai Feng, from the point of view of your country's jurisprudence, you really are not qualified and have no right to do so." Victoria, who instantly changed back to the cold lady, said sharply: "But you have both this idea and this strength, Isn't it?"

"The blast thief group that originally belonged to Prince William is now your blast corps; at the same time, the blast fortress built by the Duke of Columbine for Prince William was not received by the Imperial Army or the Governor General of Broyansong."

"You investigate me." The indifferent Bai Feng was revealed in the voice, and the tone was tough: "Is this your dark parliament's attitude towards allies?"

In this regard, Victoria was straight and confident and asked: "Are you really when we are your allies?"

The two, who had had a good time, fell into each other's contemplation after a word of disagreement. After considering for a long time, Bai Feng, who decided to form an alliance with the Dark Parliament, took the lead in making concessions: "The right to free development in the ten provinces, I try to give it to you before the end of the year."

"The Northern Metropolitan Government has Quintus and its six corps, and your development in Mulhouse and Langxiang Province will not be too difficult; for the Eastern Metropolitan Government, I need to reach an agreement with Prince Prosper , You can’t do it yourself during this period."

"Please rest assured, Bai Feng." Victoria, who feels sincere, also solemnly said: "Unless without your formal consent, our dark council forces will never enter any province without authorization, so as not to affect any of your established plans. ."

Bai Feng and the Dark Council, who are interested in finding one side's forces as allies, came together; Bai Feng and Victoria's frank meeting and concession to each other, added a layer of trust coagulant to the originally fragile alliance bond between the two sides. .

Throughout the night, Bai Feng and Victoria have been talking about the specific details of the joint development of the two sides; Bai Yi and Bai Er, who originally stayed in the military account to protect Bai Feng, left the military account with six loosely bound dark parliament law.

Before dawn the next day, the Virgin Victoria left a dark council's beast tamer skills, and she took the six guardians and 500 dark knights she brought and left the house silently. No longer belongs to Bai Feng's military camp.

After a simple breakfast, Bai Feng led his army and headed to the Eastern Empire; this time, the vanguard of the army is no longer the conventional conventional infantry unit, but the 3,000 elite of the guards of the personal guard. cavalry!

Due to the identity of the younger brothers of Azig and Dolgon, Duo Duo, who was appointed by Bai Feng as the commander of the two yellow flags of the Shenshu camp, showed a rather good ability in the process of commanding the two yellow flag cavalry; , Specifically appointing him as the marching pioneer of this trip.

Immediately after the two yellow flags and the 3,000 cavalry, followed by the Gabion's Lance Corps, Montgomery's Blast Corps, Lanok's Jagged Corps, Bai Feng's personal guard, the 74th Corps of Barcelona, ​​Felix Seventy-seventh Legion.

Leopold’s 82nd Legion and Donald’s Cavalry Legion escorted grain and gold and silver jewelry behind the army; these grains of grass and gold and silver jewelry filled with countless carriages and oxcarts are all from Baifeng’s army. Seized, each soldier belonging to the army.

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