Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 909: "·Intent to woo"

There is no way to achieve peace, peace itself is a method.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

After the army had camped on the spot in the evening, Bai Feng asked Ivan in the rudimentary military tent he built temporarily: "I let you secretly go to the governor's house in the county of Nice to monitor the actions of the Duke of Nice. What have you learned recently? "

"General Qi Jun, the Duke of Nice has not made any special moves in the last half month, but just practiced his own Duke Guard as usual; but the Prince of Pros, Broyongsong Province, sent three envoys in an attempt to Drew the Duke of Nice to support him."

"The result? What I need to know is whether the Duke of Nice has accepted the prince of Pros."

"There should not be at present." Ivan, who was afraid to use too certain words, explained in detail: "Prince Pross sent two messengers to win over the Duke of Nice. After the Duke of Nice avoided it twice, he had a third. Meet the emissaries of the Duke of Nice."

"This messenger who met the Duke of Nice had met the Duke of Nice as he wished, but he had never had the opportunity to get alone with the Duke of Nice; every time the Duke of Nice received this messenger, he would call the other people in the province of Nice. Official."

"In this way, the Duke of Nice himself should not be willing to accept the prince of Pros." Bai Feng nodded and made his own judgment, and asked again: "The officials at all levels in the province of Nice, to the emperor of Pros. 'S attitude?"

"The Nice family has been enshrined in the province of Nice for hundreds of years. It has operated the province of Nice as an iron bucket, from the military, administrative, civil and financial officers of the province to the city owner of a city and a town. The mayor is all a confidant of the Nice family."

"Our Highness Pros is not the one who gave up lightly. He can send the messenger three times to draw the Duke of Nice, and he will certainly not be discouraged by the rejection of the Duke of Nice; you immediately send someone to closely monitor the messenger he sent to prevent him. Secretly bought out the provincial officials of Nice."

"Nuo!" Ivan, who had clearly sent someone to monitor Prince Prosper's messenger, gave no explanation.

As Ivan was about to withdraw from the military account, Bai Feng seemed to remember something, and called him: "Oh, after arranging the shadow killer to monitor the messenger, you go to Hades and ask him to stay in the cloth. Has Abraham and Woodrow in Royan Pine County recently moved?"


After Ivan left the military account, Bai Feng, who was dissatisfied with the actions of Prince Pross, began to think about his response strategy; to say that it was a response strategy, nothing more than how to win the Duke of Nice and prevent the Earl of Abraham and the Knight of Woodrow Betrayal.

Although Bai Feng knew that the Duke of Nice would not easily accept the siege of Prince Pros, he was still worried that the Duke of Nice would not accept his siege; as for the Count of Abraham and the Knight of Woodrow, Bai Feng knew that for the time being they would not dare to betray themselves blatantly.

The blood and fire that night in Broyansong County allowed Bai Feng to discover the talent of General Wink, but also allowed Count Abraham and the Knights of Woodrow to understand what is called a real slaughter; the lesson in front of him will be like Shanli swords hang over them.

However, the imperial aristocratic mercenary is a figure, and the inflamed nature, but it can not be changed; no matter how much the Count Abraham and the Woodrow Knight are afraid of the past, they can not change the essence of the imperial aristocracy in their bones, which is difficult to change.

After all, on the surface, Provence’s princehood and the position of governor can completely crush Baifeng, supported by a large number of garrisons; who can guarantee that Count Abraham and the Knights of Woodrow will not do it again'wisely' Your choice?

Bai Feng knew in his heart that his struggle with the Prince of Pros in the Eastern Metropolitan Government would eventually only be a game on the political level; similar to the military's support for this military power, the role it can play is actually no better than other How strong is the political power.

Of course, compared to the Duke of Nice, who is in charge of the provincial military and political power of Nice, there are not many real powers. The Count Abraham and the Woodrow Knights are very insignificant; the former is the object that Bai Feng is really concerned about and desperately wants to win. .

On the sixth day of mid-July, the swaying army under Bai Feng was still advancing in an orderly manner, but Bai Feng himself brought eight elite cavalry of the guard battalion and two white flag 3,000 cavalry of the Shenshu battalion, and Five thousand grassland horses went straight to the city of Nice.

Son, the son of Subahai, as the leader of the two white flags and three thousand cavalry of the Shenshu Battalion, his command of the cavalry is far better than that of Duduo; but what surprises Bai Feng is that the young Jurchen knight’s political smell is different. Yu ordinary people's keenness.

If he was not from the Jianzhou Jurchen, but from the empire soldiers, then Bai Feng wouldn’t mind training him well; it’s a pity that his origin decided that he would have nothing until Bai Feng did not completely conquer Jurchen. In the early days.

The movement of the three thousand two white flag cavalry and the eight-team system cavalry at the same time is not small, plus five thousand empty prairie horses; the smoke and dust rolled up by the march of nearly ten thousand horses has been enough to cause Nice to travel. The focus of the provincial defense force.

Under the painstaking management of the Nice family, the City Defense Army of Nice Province was originally a relatively elite presence in the Empire City Defense Army. Especially when the soldiers of the Orc Army came to the city last time, the Duke of Nice absorbed a large number of veterans who had retreated. Enter his city defense army.

Even though Bai Feng led the army to successfully recover the fallen Eastern provinces, the Duke of Nice was planning to spend a lot of money and purchased a large number of extremely sophisticated weapons and equipment from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce for the replacement of the provincial generals.

After several enhancements, the combat power of the City Defense Army in Nice Province will definitely not be inferior to that of the standing army of the Empire. Even if it is a standing army under Bai Feng, the combat power may not be much stronger than the City Defense Army in Nice Province.

Seeing that the Nice Line Provincial Defense Army, which actively intercepted itself, was equipped with sophisticated weapons and equipment that the Imperial Ministry could not get out, Bai Feng's evaluation of the Duke of Nice immediately raised another grade; a governor willing to spend money for the army is definitely not Short-sighted people!

After Bai Feng personally indicated his identity to the commander-in-chief of the city defense army, the captain first paid respectfully to Bai Feng. After that, he did not immediately let Bai Feng continue to lead the army, but sent someone to the county of Nice to report to the Duke of Nice. Please ask.

The performance of this captain of the City Defense Army, in Bai Feng’s eyes, is not inferior to those of his own field-proven coalition captains; from this, it can be seen that the City Defense Army of the province of Nice is indeed extraordinary, both soldiers and officers have different Belong to the regular and elite of the city defense army.

After waiting quietly for about half an hour, the cavalry sent by the United Captain to report to the Duke of Nice quickly rushed back to the horse; with him, there was also the Duke of Nice himself and his elite hundred Duke Guard the cavalry!

For the Tianlong Empire, which had a serious lack of war horse resources, it was very difficult to form a large cavalry force; even a local emperor like the Duke of Nice, holding golden gold coins in his hands, could not buy a large number of war horses.

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