Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 920: "·Benisav"

Loyalty to the God of Truth trumps all other loyalty.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Because Count Abraham is about to take office as the interior minister of the Metropolitan Government, he cannot follow Bai Feng to the province of Mondan; and the Woodrow Knights in charge of the Eastern Knights, his freedom will not be affected by the Eastern Metropolitan Government.

The Eastern Knights formed with the Imperial Knights of the Eastern Provinces as the core, it is not clear how Baifeng's combat power is; even Hades's snare, did not invest too much monitoring power on the Eastern Knights lacking cohesion.

On the contrary, the Eastern Aristocratic Union, which was ruled by Count Abraham, attracted more attention from the Net when it was formed; later, as Bai Feng’s military newcomers were promoted, more and more joined the Noble League, and the Net was relaxed. Supervision of the Eastern Noble Union.

Among the more than 1,000 Eastern aristocrats owned by the Eastern Aristocratic Alliance today, there are less than 200 original Eastern aristocrats who have no real power like Count Abraham; and the total number of new powerful aristocrats loyal to Bai Feng has exceeded 800, which is the original aristocracy. Four times the number!

This means that even if Earl Abraham, who is the executive officer of the alliance, betrayed Bai Feng, he could not get the support of the alliance forces; even if he showed a trace of intention to betray Bai Feng, the nobles of the alliance would eliminate him.

Among those powerful newcomers scattered in the cities and towns of the Eastern Provinces, which one does not have a batch of local security forces at any time? These security forces may not be as powerful as the city defense forces, but they are definitely stronger than the temporary patchwork.

Take Beni Saf City, the closest city to Broyansong, as an example. In Beni Saf City, which has a population of about 50,000, there are four upstarts who are sealed here and control the security and administration of Beni Saf City. , Judicial, financial power, is an absolute real power aristocracy.

There were also six other former nobles with the title of Baron who were also relocated into the city of Benisaf; these six nobles with the title of Baron, except for the monthly salary of 500 Barons from the main palace There are no other privileges.

Bai Feng, who deprived these noble nobles of his own hands, would not be stupid enough to send them money every month; these five hundred gold coins are the welfare allowances paid to the imperial nobles every month by the imperial capital, and the city's main palace only plays a role of conveyance. .

It is a thing of the past that the number of city defense troops in Broyansong Province is now in the past. Currently, there are only 11,000 city defense forces in Broyansong Province; In the town of Broyongsong County.

The city of Beni Saf lacking the protection of the city defense army has a thousand security forces affiliated with the city’s main government; in Beni Saf, the only person who has the authority to command this thousand security officers is Beni, who is sealed by Bai Feng. The sheriff of the city of Safran, the Viscount of Stanson.

The Stanson family is a Viscount family with a very long history in Broyansong Province, and one of the traditional dignitaries in the city of Benisav; the current Viscount Stanson is a civilian from the original Yulin Army under Bai Feng. Squadron leader.

All the members of the Stanson family's heirs were very unfortunate in the event of a fire in the governor's office in Broyansong County; this squadron leader with the same name as the Stanson family was selected by Bai Feng to inherit in the name of the distant family of the Stanson family The Stanson family.

Stanson, a civilian, knew that his family would not have anything to do with the same-named Stanson Viscount family for more than 500 years; therefore, he knew who gave him the noble title and life, who It is the object that deserves his allegiance.

The Viscount Stanson was originally the squadron leader of the Yulin Regiment, but he earned it with his actual combat skills; he experienced the battlefield, and he took over the security forces of Beni Saf City and began to use the training method in the army. Come to train your security forces.

A month ago, the Imperial Army Provincial Defense Force issued a size limit order, which forced the provinces to cut large-scale urban defense forces formed during the war; in response, Broyan Songxing Provincial Defense Force Commander Moritz responded by , A large number of urban defense forces are organized into the security forces

In every town in Broyansong Province, there are security forces of varying sizes used to maintain local order; these security forces, which have almost no actual combat experience and are equipped with only a wooden gun that can barely be used as a weapon, naturally cannot match the reserve force. City Defense Army in nature.

Although the weaponry and actual combat experience of the city defense army are also less than a star of the regular army, they are still much stronger than the security forces of the militia at best; especially the city defense forces of the eastern provinces, the combat effectiveness is not comparable to that newly established by the military department. The standing legion is poor.

On the one hand, because the city defense forces of the Eastern Provinces were elaborately organized by the backbone of the Baifeng tune, and on the other hand, because the city defense forces of the Eastern Provinces used all the weapons and equipment of the Baifeng's standing army when they were refitted on a large scale, Replaced weapons and equipment.

The weapons and equipment initially used by the Standing Army of Bai Feng are all of the inferior standard weapons and equipment sent by the Imperial Army; they are used to fight on the battlefield for the purpose of murdering the soldiers, but they are used to the best of the armed city defense forces.

Now the city defense troops equipped with military standard weapons and equipment are incorporated into the security forces in various cities and towns. The direct result of this is that the fighting force of the security forces in Broyyangsong Province and even the Eastern Provinces has leap forward. Improvement.

The city of Benissaf near the water tower and the first moon was strengthened by 500 city defense forces because it was the closest to Broyansong County. In this way, 500 of the 1,000 security forces under the rank of Viscount Stanson came from A soldier of the original provincial defense army.

The other six noble nobles, all the servants, slaves, and guards in the family add up to a total of less than 400 people. What can you do to resist the 1,000 security forces under the Viscount Stanson? Therefore, even if Count Abraham chooses to betray, the city of Beni Saf will not change.

You should know that towns similar to Benisav City are not two or two in the Eastern Provinces, but every town in the Eastern Provinces is like this. The military loyal to Bai Feng is the new upstart who controls the province of Broyansong. Every town in the country, excluding the original nobility.

Based on such a status quo, not only Count Abraham did not betray Bai Feng’s capital, but even the Prince of Pros could not clear Bai Feng’s power out of Broyansong and Grenoble, even if Bai Feng agreed to the two. The province belongs to Prince Pross.

The six eastern provinces under the rule of the Great Metropolitan Government of the East, except for the Nice Province, which has been ruled by the Nice family for more than 100 years, all the other five provinces with Broyongsong Province as the core are all Baifeng’s sphere of influence. This is any The reality that no external force can change.

Of course, with the conclusion of a series of agreements between Baifeng and Prince Prosperous, Mengdan Province will inevitably replace Broyansong Province in the future as the new core of Baifeng's forces; There have been some royalizations.

In this regard, Bai Feng’s bottom line to all the upstarts in the two provinces who are loyal to himself is that the control of the security forces in each town must not be lost; if the people in the Eastern Metropolitan Government forcefully deprive them of their power, Bai Feng does not mind that they launched 'Armed rebellion'.

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