Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 924: "·Current Situation of Three Provinces"

To achieve non-possession and equality, a person must first change his mind and attitude.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Because Bai Feng intends to return to Rome in early September to start his journey to unify the eastern part of the vast land; therefore, he must deal with the affairs and garrisons of Mengdan, Lyon and Toulon before the end of August. Divide.

Due to the limited marching speed, it was decided that Baifeng could not arrive in Mengdan County, where the capital of Mengdan Province is located, as soon as mid-August; this means that after arriving in Mengdan County, Baifeng only has less than Twenty days to deal with these things.

Bai Feng, who was pressed for time, had to marry Heinrich, Auchin Lake, Cunningham, and others to Mondan County on the way to get acquainted with the affairs of the three provinces of Mondan as soon as possible. The situation in the three Dan provinces is sorted out.

Before the last day of July, which is the third day when the army entered the province of Lyon, the overall status of the three provinces with a good net was finally delivered to Bai Feng; at the same time, a copy of the status of the three provinces sent by the secret guards was also served. Bai Feng's hand.

What makes Bai Feng feel unbelievable is that the status quo of the three provinces sent by Hidden Guardian is not very different from the status quo of the three provinces sorted out by the net. This is still in the eastern provinces with the weakest Hidden Guardian force. How powerful is the Secret Guard!

Looking at the two almost identical current data of the three provinces in his hands, Bai Feng, while lamenting the strength of the secret guard intelligence, is also fortunate that he has the secret support of the secret guard commander Ames; otherwise, too many secrets belong to him, I am afraid it has already been Make it public.

The establishment of a powerful intelligence organization is by no means a one-day effort. Even if this intelligence organization has numerous favorable external conditions, it will take time to gradually improve its own intelligence system; and Bai Feng’s network is just such an intelligence that needs time to grow. organization.

As for Bai Feng's tragic deaths, which were organized in the imperial capital with the shogunate, ninja, secret ambassador, and geisha as the core, they have long lost the confidentiality and development space that an intelligence organization should have; these are all Ames through the secret guard Tell Bai Feng.

Fortunately, the relationship between Tianyulou and the mournful deceased has never been discovered by Charles the Great and the emperor capitalists, where it is still the most valuable place for the mournful deceased; but, with the alliance between Ames and Bai Feng, their The importance has dropped a lot.

With the hidden guard commanded by Emperor Charlie, who is regarded as a confidant in the heart of Ames, it is impossible to hide Bai Feng from any big or small things that happened in the emperor's capital; in this way, only Tianyulou, which can only hear some important information and cannot guarantee accuracy , It seems dispensable.

Of course, the existence of Tianyulou also has its own irreplaceable special value; for example, the use of geisha as a bait to control some noble aristocrats in the imperial capital is one of Tianyulou’s biggest functions, and it is also Baifeng’s expansion of his own The secret means of imperial power.

After thinking about the matter of the three intelligence organizations such as the Internet, the Secret Guard, and the Elegy of the Dead for a while, Bai Feng, who regained his mind, began to carefully browse the current status data of the three provinces in his hands. This is related to how he developed these three provinces. .

The longest occupied by the orc army, the most damaged town in the city of Mengdan at the time of recovery, now has five counties, but the total population is less than 4 million; of this population, less than 4 million, The number of young and strong population is only more than 800,000.

Districts of 800,000 young and middle-aged people need to feed 3.2 million old and weak women and children. On average, each young and middle-aged person has to support four old and weak women and children. This does not include themselves; such a disproportionate number of young and strong people make war. In the post-reconstruction Mengdan province, there is a serious lack of recovery momentum.

When the Duke of Gennar commanded all the major troops stationed in Mengdan Province, if it was not for the Duke of Gennar’s repeated embezzlement of the army to save food for the relief of the people, maybe the population of Mengdan Province would drop by about one-tenth, after all The people of Meng Dan at that time were really homeless.

Thanks to the relief of the Duke of Genna and the support of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce, the four million people in Mengdan Province managed to solve their own food and clothing problems; from eating without food and clothing, to eating and clothing, This is the result of several months of development in Mengdanhang province.

Now if Bai Feng wants to focus on developing Mengdan province, the first thing he needs to do is to take the large number of idle fields in Mengdan province as the core, supplemented by food subsidies and policy support to attract proletarian poor and bankrupt refugees in other provinces of the empire.

Although the road from other provinces of the empire to the province of Mendan is relatively long, there is the Sofia Chamber of Commerce and Westminster Chamber of Commerce, and no further distance will be an obstacle to attracting migrants in the province of Mendan; sufficient financial support, It is the foundation of Bai Feng's implementation of the policy of attracting the displaced people.

It is not difficult to feed millions of people in the five counties of Woye in the province of Mengdan; the only thing to worry about is the sunset fortress in the neighboring Mengdan province and the hundreds of thousands of orc army occupying the sunset fortress.

Bai Feng has a way to deal with the orc army who rely on a brute force to fight the war; therefore, Bai Feng dares to develop the province of Mengdan boldly without worrying that his investment in Mengdan province will eventually come to an end. The bamboo basket drew an empty end.

With the detailed status quo of the counties in Mengdanxing province in hand, after careful consideration, Bai Feng decided to set the population size development goal of Mengdanxing province to 8 million; that is, within two years, by adding four Millions of people, and ensure that the young and strong population is not less than one-third!

To achieve this goal, Bai Feng will need to invest up to one billion gold coins! Among them, about half of the gold coins are the relocation costs for the displaced people, and the cost of eating, drinking and sleeping along the way; the rest of the gold coins will be used for the construction and development of the five counties.

If a town wants to accommodate more people, it must have more and better housing and various other public buildings; in addition, every relocated family from the relocated family needs to be bred and farmed Specifically, these require capital investment.

Counting the piecemeal costs, the two-billion-dollar investment in two years seems to be high but not much; compared with the worst state of Mondan, they are Lyon and Toulon, which are four-county provinces. The situation will be better than half a star.

The total population of the province of Lyon is 5.6 million, and the number of young people is about 1.6 million. The development of the four counties, cities and towns is not slow; especially to Bai Feng, the province of Lyon Now we have basically achieved self-sufficiency in food.

People in Mendan and Toulon provinces are able to get enough food and clothing, mainly relying on the full operation of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce. Only Lyon Province is achieved through its own rapid development; in view of this, Bai Feng gave Lyon Province The population target is the same as 8 million in Mengdan province.

Because the economic recovery of the province of Lyon is relatively fast, and the province of Lyon is not as close as the sunset fortress to the province of Mengtan, Bai Feng only needs to invest 600 million gold coins to complete the total population of Lyon. The goal.

Finally, the province of Toulon with a total population of more than six million but less than one million young and middle-aged people. For such a province where the shortage of young people is too serious, Bai Feng’s idea is to abandon the agricultural industry of Toulon. Provincial status, to develop it into a commercial province.

In this way, the province of Lyon does not need to take measures to absorb the migrants and the poor for the time being, and only needs to develop the economy with all its strength; the cost of developing the economy can be much greater than that of developing agriculture. Bai Feng’s rough calculation requires a minimum investment of ten. Only 400 million gold coins can reach the goal!

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