Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 930: "·General Affairs Officer"

The voice of conscience is silent, but the distance it conveys is never reached by human voice.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

Seeing that the 65th, 67th, and 86th Legions represented by Warrior Eric had divided 60,000 of the 200,000 sets of weapons and equipment; many other regiment leaders who had not completed the whole army refit, immediately Just anxious.

Because there are a total of 370,000 soldiers in 21 legions under Bai Feng, the total number of soldiers equipped with new weapons in all legions is only about 60,000; this means that there are still 110,000 soldiers. Can't get points, it is difficult to fully change.

Among the 110,000 warriors who can't be divided into two types of weapons and equipment, the Long Spear Corps with super long guns as the main weapon and the Cavalry Corps that do not need infantry weapon equipment, these 40,000 soldiers are not involved in the distribution; The number of unaccompanied soldiers fell to 70,000.

No one wants their own regiment. When other regiments are fully equipped with good weapons and equipment, they still use inferior weapons and equipment of unreliable quality; the limited number of weapons and equipment also makes every regiment commander suffer.

Of the twenty-one legion chiefs present, there are only eight who can really do it without worry; the three legionaries who have been assigned weapons and equipment, such as Erik, Krefeld, and Barao, don’t participate in the distribution of Donald. Legion, four generals who don't care about weapons and equipment.

In response to the eyes of the eagerly looking forward, Bai Feng, who had already made plans for the distribution of weapons and equipment, said flatly: "First, collect all the new weapons and equipment of the various legions and then hand them over to the 39th stationed in the province of Lyon. , Forty and Forty-Four Legions to dress up."

"Nuo!" There are as many as seven commanders in command!

The legions that can be equipped with new weapons are Baifeng’s own legionaries. For these legions that are undoubtedly loyal, Baifeng does not need to waste time turning around. The direct orders will be executed most thoroughly.

"The five Eastern legions in the provinces of Lyon and Toulon will change their weapons and equipment before heading to the station; the replaced weapons and equipment will be given priority to the security forces of cities and towns in the three provinces, The excess is stored as combat readiness."

"Nuo!" The five generals of the Eastern Army, including Slim and Luke, were filled with excitement and excitement in the voice of the order.

According to common sense, on the premise that 70,000 soldiers can't be divided into good weapons and equipment, the Eastern Corps, whose military status is not as good as that of the Standing Corps, must be among the unclassified; based on this idea, Slim and others have even Prepared to get no weapons and equipment.

But what everyone did not expect was that Bai Feng allocated 50,000 sets of such sophisticated weapons and equipment to the Eastern Army as soon as he opened his mouth; so much so that while Slim and other five generals were ecstatic, Barcelona and others followed Bai Feng The general who was not long was worried.

"Among the regiments stationed in the province of Mengdan, the 74th, 77th, 82nd and Blast Corps give priority to the whole army to replace their weapons and equipment; the various armies replace their weapons and equipment and store them directly in the combat readiness warehouse, Waiting for unexpected needs."

"Nuo!" Compared with the surprises of Barcelona and other three generals, Montgomery's eyes are more puzzled and puzzled.

"Forty-fifth, forty-sixth, forty-seventh legion and iron-blooded legion, temporarily continue to use the original weapons and equipment, and wait until the weapons and equipment are sufficient in the future before refitting; the remaining weapons and equipment will be used to form a special guard The garrison troops of the army's granaries and combat readiness depots."

"Strictly obey the order of General (Supervisor)!" If the 21 commanders commanded a uniform voice, Bai Feng might be more satisfied if he was not called by a discordant Supervisor.

Seeing all the generals have no opinion on such a distribution method, Bai Feng ordered again: "Weapons and equipment needed for the replacement of the various legions will be distributed to the various troops later, and I will give you five days; after five days, the various legions All must go to the legion of the legion!"

"Nuo!" Satisfied generals suddenly responded.

Before officially ending this military meeting, Bai Feng did not find the worry between the eyebrows of Donald Corps Commander, nor did he not see the doubts in the eyes of the Commander of Montgomery; however, he still did not leave anyone alone, let alone Each will leave.

Bai Feng, who knows why his teacher Donald is worried, does not plan to show off with his teacher now; Bai Feng believes that with the passage of time and the development of the future situation, sooner or later his teacher will want to understand that showdown will only affect the two. Human intimacy.

As for Montgomery, which has repeatedly solicited fruitlessness, Bai Feng's mentality has long since disappeared; and the facts before him give Bai Feng a tenth of nine confidence that Montgomery himself is willing to stay under his leadership.

Otherwise, as long as Montgomery is really determined to continue to return to Prince William, then he only needs to submit an application for transfer to the Imperial Army when Charles the Emperor ordered the formation of the four capitals. Left Bai Feng's command.

Of course, even if Montgomery really submitted such a transfer application, he could take away only Mountbatten and Caswell; no one would like to follow him with the 20,000 soldiers of the Blast Corps. The Duke of Coulomb would not question this.

In addition to the doubtful Donald and Montgomery, and the unclear intention of Eric, the other 18 army commanders have already made their own choices; there is no doubt that this result is exactly what Bai Feng wants to see. Arrived.

After the heads of the regiments all left the governor's palace and returned to their respective military camps, Aukin Lake and others who rushed to Mondan City in advance entered this meeting room; Bai Feng and Aukin Lake and others discussed the meeting An important meeting for the future development of the three Danish provinces.

During the march, Bai Feng planned the development direction and investment scale of the three provinces. After informing Okin Lake and others of his ideas, he first finalized the specific implementation steps and methods with the people before he announced the appointment of important officials in the three provinces.

In the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon, each province will have a military officer, a clerk, a civil officer, and a financial officer; and what Bai Feng does is to establish a new military officer, general manager of the three provinces on top of them. One secretary, chief civil officer, and chief financial officer.

This setting, as the name implies, means that Bai Feng, who sits in the three provinces, will not personally manage the affairs of the three provinces. It is the four general affairs officers who really manage the three provinces; the appointment of such a high-weight general affairs officer is naturally considered by Bai Feng.

Because Moritz remained in Broyansong Province as the military minister of the Dudu Palace, the butcher Lister, who defended the death camp, was transferred by Bai Feng to serve as the chief military officer. He was in charge of the 35,000 city defense troops in the three provinces of Mengdan. Takes heavier responsibilities than the head of the legion.

He served as the Chief Secretary-General Heinrich, the former Secretary-General of the Provincial Bureau of the Provincial People’s Republic of Burundi, the Chief Civil Officer was Auchin Lake, who was proficient in various affairs, and the Chief Financial Officer was Cunningham The ability of these three people to govern the three provinces is more than enough.

The only thing that makes Bai Feng less reassuring is that there is no butcher Lister’s death defense camp, and only the mob Fury can suppress the lawless arrogance and arrogance of the defender; after all, Butcher Lister It is the true creator of the death camp.

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