Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 940: "·Recruitment of Shogunate"

When you can enjoy your life as an independent individual, you are free and you release your dependence on others.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

Almost all the ninjas and spies in the shogunate system were mobilized by Bai Feng to mobilize the emperor of the Dragon Emperor to form a mournful dead; therefore, he needed to recruit a group of ninjas and spies to go to the west of Lu to implement the destruction plan.

The recruitment price of the second-order ninja with the strength equal to the junior swordsman is two hundred stones, and the recruitment price of the first-order traitor with the strength is equal to one hundred stones; although the combat power is not comparable to the battlefield ghost and shadow killer, it is also better than the average The barbarian warriors are stronger.

More importantly, these ninjas and prostitutes who are proficient in latent camouflage, the task to be performed is not to confront the warriors in Luxi, but to secretly burn the food and various material reserves of the settlements in Luxi to weaken. The war potential of western Lu's land.

Under Adrien, there are 180 battlefield ghosts with the strength equivalent to the senior swordsman, and Ivan also has 120 shadow killers with the strength equivalent to the senior swordsman. Among them, certain battlefield ghosts and The best shadow killer, the strength has reached five levels!

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the ghosts and shadow killers on the battlefield will undoubtedly be a few streets away from the ninja and the spy. Among the characters that can be recruited in the shogunate system, the battlefield ghosts and shadow killers can be compared with only the battlefield ninja, geisha, The three are the saints.

Battlefield ninjas and geishas with an initial experience level of 4th rank have no strength gap with battlefield ghosts and shadow killers; however, their characteristics determine that they are not suitable for performing battlefield ghosts and shadow killers. This is Bai Feng. None have changed the reality.

As for the Juggernaut, which is more powerful than the ghosts and shadow killers of the battlefield, it is the strongest person available for recruitment in the shogunate system of the fifth-order initial experience level; but the excessively high recruitment price of the Juggernaut determines that they are difficult to become Recruitment objects with high cost performance.

For example, a battlefield ninja recruited at a price of 1,200 stones is a team of battlefield ninjas consisting of a total of twenty-four fourth-order battlefield ninjas; the fifth-order swordsman is stronger and can withstand twenty-four fourth-order battlefields Is the Ninja team attacking?

Compared with those low-level shogun figures, the cost-effective recruitment of Juggernaut is still very good; but compared with the battlefield ninjas who are also senior shogun figures, the cost-effective recruitment of Juggernaut is much worse. This is why Bai Feng has not recruited Juggernaut reason.

Since the shoguns with the strength of the battlefield ghost and shadow killer or even stronger, all do not have the ability to perform the task of stealth destruction; then the recruitment of more ninjas and spies to perform the task of stealth destruction becomes Bai Feng's only choice.

After careful consideration and comparison, Bai Feng decided to recruit 400 spies with similar capabilities to the ghosts of the battlefield, and 200 ninjas with similar capabilities to the shadow killer; the former cost Bai Feng 40,000 stones, and the latter also cost Bai Feng 40,000 stones. .

Attribute of the Shogunate

Region ruled by the Shogunate: Mutsu State

Shogunate assets: 98400 stone

Shogunate income: 17,300 stone (one-hundredth of the ruled stone height)

Shogun figures (1541): priest (level 1, 500), spy (level 1, 575), secret agent (level 1, 75), ninja (level 2, 265), geisha (level 4, 30), battlefield ninja (154 Level 4, Team 4)

Shogunate Army (42240): Nouta sword samurai (level three, one hundred teams), monks (four levels, twenty teams), young sword samurai (three levels, ten teams), spear warriors (second level, sixty teams), Long rifle (level 1, 80 teams), iron artillery (level 3, 82 teams)

Shogun General: Goto Kiji (Top Special Samurai)

Looking at the shogunate assets in the system of the shogunate suddenly dropped from 178,400 stones to 98,400 stones, Bai Feng still felt a bit of pain in his heart; if the entire 80,000 stone shogunship assets were used in the shogunate Army recruitment, it is a large army of tens of thousands of scale!

Of course, even if Bai Feng did not continue to recruit shogunate troops now, the size of the shogunate army could not be underestimated; with the exception of the 18,000 soldiers remaining on the northern Xinjiang grassland of the Tianlong Empire, the remaining soldiers were still up to More than 24,000 people.

However, among the more than 24,000 shoguns stationed in the barracks outside Rome, there are nearly 10,000 sergeants with the same guns as the cannon fodder; they can be called the elite third-level samurai and fourth-level monks of the shogunate. The total number is only 3,600.

Unlike the initial experience level of all recruited soldiers in the Roman city system, the division of the shogun armies of the shogunate system is very strict; the initial experience level of ordinary arms in the shogun army is very low, while the initial experience level of elite arms is Very high.

Bai Feng's understanding of this is: the lances with an initial experience level of one are light enough, that is, pure cannon fodder troops, they must be recruited on a large scale in order to function; the lances and samurai with an initial experience level of two are combat power Regular army to be promoted.

The three-level initial experience samurai warriors, child samurai warriors, bow and arrow cavalry, lancers cavalry, child cavalry cavalry, heavy cavalry, have exceeded the scope of the ordinary regular army, are among the elite troops, are the real mainstay and The backbone.

Monk soldiers with an initial experience level of four are the only top-level arms in the Shogunate; fanatical beliefs, sturdy combat strength, high morale... The countless auras above the head are the undoubtedly the strongest arms of the Shogunate system!

The other two special arms, which are the same as the first-level shogun arms, have very different values ​​than the long-gun shoguns. These two arms that are deeply reused and trusted by Bai Feng are the firearms and the sunset fortress. Li Qigong's iron cannonmen.

Recruitment of iron cannonmen with a price of three hundred and fifty stones is an upgraded version of recruitment of firearms with a price of two hundred stones. The excessive use limitations and fatal flaws of the firearms determine that Bai Feng would rather spend more costs directly. Recruiting iron artillerymen, but also unwilling to recruit firearms.

After the war of reunification in the eastern region ends, Bai Feng will lead a large-scale shogun army to the Yamato Empire; at that time, the remaining nearly 100,000 stone shogun assets will be used by Bai Feng to recruit shogun troops and shoguns. general.

Prior to this, it was already the limit of Bai Feng to spend 800,000 stone shogun assets to recruit 400 spies and 200 ninjas; these 600 newly recruited shogun figures will wait for the battlefield ghost and shadow killer to gather. Go to West Luluo.

Six hundred ninjas and spies in the shogunate system, three hundred roman battlefield ghosts and shadow killers in the Roman system, and what kind of movements can be tossed in the west of Lu and the Eastern Alliance, Bai Feng will wait and see.

That evening, after dealing with the two systems, Bai Feng fell asleep with a contented smile; the next morning, Bai Feng woke up and the first thing he did was not to summon the ninjas and spies recruited last night. , But directly sent back to the Imperial East.

The ghosts of the battlefield under Adrien and the shadow killers under Ivan were found in the six eastern provinces of the empire and the six northern provinces; but they were both in the military camps on the front line of Mengdanxing province, which Bai Feng gave them early in the morning. Orders issued.

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