Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 943: "·Roman Palace"

The first love is to love yourself, and then the other loves follow.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

After more than two hours of galloping, Bai Feng took the personal guards around him to the godly city of Aisini, which was boasted by the people of the kingdom of Aisini. When Bai Feng saw the king with his own eyes, his heart was inevitable. Still a little disappointed.

Although Bai Feng did not have much expectation for the so-called King City of Aisini, but after bragging by the caravans and people along the way, he still had such a slight expectation for King City of Aisini; as a result, this little expectation should not be, At the moment of seeing the king city, the smoke disappeared.

The height and appearance of a city wall is similar to that of the ordinary city of the Tianlong Empire. It is a city that is not comparable to ordinary county cities. It does not match the name of the royal city in any way. In fact, if the royal city of the Aisini Kingdom is placed in the Tianlong Empire, it is ordinary. City level.

As one of the most powerful nations of the Dragon Continent, the Dragon Emperor, its emperors are the four capitals of the mainland, and are known as the four capital cities of the mainland with the Imperial Capital of the Anter Empire, the Imperial Capital of the Deman Kingdom, and the Pope Kingdom; Every aspect is extraordinary.

Not to mention the sacred coercion and prosperity of the Holy Mountain of the Holy See (that is, the Pope's Kingdom). Even if it is the capital of the Deman Kingdom in the bottom of the four capitals, it is also the capital of the former Deman Empire. The city is full of landscapes and beautiful buildings. The population is not less than one million!

Compared with this top-tier mainland capital city, even the Roman city at this stage is not enough to look at, not to mention the king city of the Kingdom of Essini; and the capital city of the Principality of the Kingdom after the four major capitals is also not small in size, and the population is also No less than half a million.

Bai Feng, who doesn't know much about the situation in other countries, can't he understand the situation of the Tianlong Empire? Except for the imperial capital, the cities of the Tianlong Empire are generally divided into four grades, namely the provincial capital, county city, ordinary city, and town.

This is only a rough division. For each grade, there are subdivisions; for example, ordinary cities can be divided into large cities with a population of not less than 100,000 and a population of five based on the number of people and the size of the city. To the middle city of 100,000, a small city with a population of more than 50,000.

Similar to the two-level cities of county cities and provincial capitals, their formation is not so much the increase in population and the expansion of the city size as it is superior in geographical location; because these two-level cities, needless to say More population and larger than Ayutthaya.

In the Dragon Empire, at best, it is a medium-sized city of King Aisini. There are three provincial capitals, more than a dozen county cities, and nearly a hundred cities of various types under the rule. I also saw Baifeng, who lived in the Dragon Emperor for several months. Naturally a little disappointed.

Fortunately, Queen Budeka, who learned in advance of Bai Feng’s arrival, personally took a team of queen guards wearing green armor and stood waiting at the gate of the Wangcheng; such treatment has made Queen Budeka’s Bai Feng a long time ago, satisfied. Yu even moved.

Looking at Bai Feng, who was wearing a white swordsman's uniform, sat on the warhorse and approached him little by little, and even the body of Queen Budeka, who had been thinking about Bai Feng for a long time, shivered slightly; because of this The familiar figure, she has been thinking about it for too long, too long!

After Bai Feng came to Queen Budeka and turned to dismount her horse, the ruddy Queen Budeka opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she finally took into account her status and greeted her gently: " You're back?"

"Well, I am back." Bai Feng with a faint smile on his face said in the same gentle tone: "After I come back this time, I will not leave here for at least half a year; if you want to see me, you can Go to Rome anytime to find me."

"I know." Queen Butika, who was obviously dark, said slightly: "I want to see you, don't you want to see me?"

"If I didn't want to see you, how could it appear in front of your eyes?" In response to Queen Pudika's disgruntled look, Bai Feng felt a little guilty in her heart. Regardless of the surprised look of others, she walked directly to her and took her Hand, walked together to the palace of the city.

Queen Butika, whose face was suddenly covered with red clouds, was very embarrassed: "Bai Feng, this vast crowd,"

"What's wrong with the large public?" Bai Feng, who smiled slyly, pulled Queen Budeca who didn't dare to look directly at her. He said domineeringly: "From the city of Rome to the Kingdom of Aisini, where is not our territory? Soon, the entire eastern region The people will be our people!"

"Well!" Hearing Bai Feng's domineering declaration, especially the use of the word "we", Queen Budeka, who was still shy, leaned her body beside Bai Feng, and was full of love. He held his arm tightly.

The unclear relationship between Bai Feng and Queen Budeka was an important topic of gossip after the tea and dinner of the people of the Roman city and the people of the Kingdom of Essini. So many taboos.

For the barbarians who admire the strong, Bai Feng, the supreme ruler of the Roman city, was the strong in his eyes that was almost invincible; and Queen Budika was a real female hero, these two people It looks like a team made in heaven, isn't it?

Therefore, when the confident Bai Feng led the shy Queen Butika on the streets of King Essini, the people on both sides of the road did not have any doubts and shocks in their eyes, and some were just sincere blessings and Full of goodwill.

After a long journey, Bai Feng and Queen Budeka walked very slowly. The two held hands together and walked together like a walk; after coming to the king city, Bai Feng with a wide smile asked Queen Budeca: "This Was the royal palace built by the Vipsani?

"Well, I didn't want to build any palace, but the people sent by Vipsani insisted on building this palace." Queen Budika, who had not yet recovered from happiness, replied happily: "I can't stop them , Let them build."

Looking at the typical Romanesque palace in front of him, Bai Feng ridiculed Queen Burdika quite amusingly: "I really didn't expect that there are people in our world who Queen Burdika can't bear? Wouldn't it be you Did they deliberately acquiesce in their construction?"

"Where is it?" Queen Butika, who looked more and more squeamishly, looked up at Bai Feng, who smiled and smiled, before she explained with a blushing face: "It is the Vipsani who said that as long as this is built Palace, you will come often, so...I just..."

"Don't listen to Vipsani talking nonsense." Bai Feng, who was funny in his heart, intentionally pretended to be serious, and said to the tight-fitting Queen Budeka: "I am not here because of this palace, but because... ...Here, there is you."

She stared blankly at Bai Feng's spoiled eyes, her heart was like the warmth of Queen Budeka, her eyes turned red instantly; at this moment, in Queen Budeka's heart, she felt that she had been so long before Wait, everything is worth it.

There is nothing more to say, holding Queen Budeka's hand under the watch of the two rows of palace guards at the gate of the palace, with his head high, he walked into the palace; this Romanesque palace is both the palace of the Kingdom of Aisini, and It is the home of Bai Feng and Queen Budeca, only theirs!

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