Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 948: "·Beheaded"

Don't show off what you have, because it will radiate your energy.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)


The barbarian warrior whose mouth was covered by Yoshikawa Naoki finally struggled after half a day of cramping; after striking the short rib forward a few times, Naoki Yoshikawa dragged this deadly barbarian warrior Hidden in the darkness.

Like a **** of death hidden in the darkness, Naoki Yoshikawa never confronted any barbarian warrior head-on, he just kept reaching out his hand and dragging one barbarian warrior into the darkness, Then stabbed mercilessly into his heart.

The other four ninjas, including Xia Chuan Ping Gong, are not as sharp and sharp as Naoki Yoshikawa, but the speed of assassination of barbarian warriors is not inferior to that of Naoki Yoshikawa; after all, they are all ninjas who are proficient in various assassination techniques. !

In the fiery settlement, a dozen or twenty barbarian warriors disappeared, perhaps for a while and a half did not attract the attention of other barbarian warriors who were busy fighting fires; but as the number of barbarian warriors assassinated increased, The body of the dead barbarian warrior was finally found.

Seeing the heads of the twelve barbarian warriors stacked in one place with their own eyes, they immediately fell into rage; at this moment, as the leader, he had inexpressible guilt in addition to his uncontrollable anger. And self-blame.

When Yamashita Yangxi reminded him that there might be an "enemy" attack at the banquet, he laughed and teased that Yamashita Yangxi was too unfounded; because in his view, the brave and fearless Lu Xiluo warrior was impossible to betray Lu Xi secretly surrendered to the enemy.

But the facts in front of him not only slapped him hard, but also almost destroyed the settlement that he devoted his life to. Once he was furious, he really wanted to cramp all the traitors who betrayed his own tribe. Peeling and deboning Ling was executed later!

It's a pity that anger can't solve the problem after all, and he still has a sharp sword in his hand, he can only use the way of hacking the wooden pile next to the body to vent his anger that nowhere to vent in his heart; Xijun Chun, who is watching with cold eyes, is also Clenched the long sword in his hand.

After hacking dozens of piles, the slightly tired leader finally stopped his senseless venting and ordered the soldiers around him: "You don’t need to follow me, hurry to find your family Well, they need you."

"Yes!" The soldiers who worried about their families quickly went home.

Looking at the soldiers' backs and the flames blazing around them, and the cries of crying from all directions, the more decadent leader, and the eyes of the gods turned back and said to Nishimura: "Brother, I should not listen Your advice!"

"Chief, what is the use of saying this now?" Xi Cunjun sneered at the corner of his mouth, sarcastically said: "Your stupidity destroyed your home, who can blame it? Just blame, only You can blame your barbarians for being too stupid!"

" did you say!!!" The shocking leader, staring at his eyes, seemed to incredulously look at Nishimura, trembling: "It's you! You are a traitor, You brought us to attack us!"

"Traitor?" With a scornful smile, Nishimura had no intention of explaining, so he shot his shuriken at the shocking leader.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Raised his hand and waved his sword, slamming the three shurikens coming from behind, the same sneered leader, said to Jun Nishimura: "You think, I really will Are you unprepared for sudden visitors from afar?"

"Then I want to see if your defense is useful!" While talking, Nishimura once again shot three darts at the leader; the other four ninjas under Nishimura were also in the other four directions. Shoot darts and shuriken at him.

"Huh! It's just a little trick on the table, and dare to show off in front of me!" The leader with the strength of a senior swordsman is not afraid of the siege of five second-level ninjas; because of the The gap in combat power is indeed quite different.

Otherwise, the soldiers not far away who were busy with fire fighting had already been called by the chief; and the reason why he did not call those soldiers over was because he was fully sure that he would wait for five people including Nishimura Beheaded!

"Is it a small means, but you idiot are qualified to evaluate!" It seems that he is deliberately annoying the other party's Nishimura, deliberately saying some provocative words; the leader who is already angry, hearing these words, becomes more and more spontaneous. Irritable.

When the leader and the five ninjas fought together, Xia Chuanping and three ninjas came to Yoshikawa Naoki; they just wanted to rush out to help Nishimura and others, they were stopped by Yoshikawa Naoki: "Don't act lightly ,hold on."

"Hi!" Xiachuan Pinggong, who didn't know why, didn't ask much, but just hid behind Naoki Yoshikawa.

In the fierce fighting, the five ninjas joined forces to siege one of the leaders, but they failed to suppress the powerful leader. Instead, the angry leader broke out with an extremely powerful fighting power, and the five ninjas were beaten down.

In the process of fighting, Nishimura has not stopped his sarcasm on the leader's words. Almost all the unpleasant adjectives were added to the head of the leader by Nishimura; the violent leader, regardless of the other four ninjas, was angry, Straight after Nishimura Jun!

This style of play is typical of fighting for life, and the leader who hated Nishimura is going to use a hard fight against the four ninjas to slash and humiliate him in one fell swoop; looking at the leader who is chasing him A strange smile also appeared on Nishimura's face.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Pun!" "His!"

The last three darts in Nishimura’s arms were shot down by the long sword in the leader’s hands. Only four ninjas successfully cut through the leader’s left arm and right leg in a single blow. Nishimura, who fought the long sword with the long sword Fly out with a sword.

Among the seven sounds, except for the sound of the three darts being shot down, the sound of two ninjas slashing the leader, and the sound of Nishimura’s rolling to the ground, the remaining sound was the sudden kill of Yoshikawa Naoki from the back. Pierce the voice of the leader's heart!

Needless to say, Nishimura, who has long been aware of the existence of Naoki Yoshikawa, constantly uses language to stimulate and provoke the leader. The purpose is to allow the leader to attack himself desperately and create a chance to kill him in the shadow of Naoki Yoshikawa.

"You... you... poo..."

The unwilling leader, looking down at the short rib that pierced his heart, trembling his hands to say nothing but saying nothing; after a spit of blood spurted out, his strength was far superior to the leader of the second-level ninja, angry He fell to the ground with his eyes open.

Naoki Yoshikawa who succeeded in killing the leader first gave Nishimura a glance, and then took out his short ribs to kill Nishimura; Nishimura, who was so enlightened, raised his long sword and Yoshikawa while shouting that the leader was attacked Straight trees are entangled.

The barbarian warriors who heard the call of Nishimura threw out the bucket in their hands in a hurry, picked up the long sword and the short axe, and killed them. Naoki Yoshikawa, who was fighting and retreating, slashed and killed several After the barbarian warriors rushed up, they quickly fled backward.

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