Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 950: "·Striving for victory"

Never stay in mediocrity because it is a sin against life.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

In the operation of 400 spies and 200 ninjas in the west of Lu, there have always been dedicated intelligence personnel responsible for passing the details back to the city of Rome; of the 40 groups of action teams, the only thing that Bai Feng saw was the Yoshikawa Naoki team .

Yoshikawa Naoki, Xiachuan Pinggong, Nishimura Jun, Yamashita Yangxi, the performance of these people is quite good; especially Yoshikawa Naoki, who is the captain of the team, whether it is decision-making or decisive execution, makes Bai Feng feel The eyes lit up.

The ninja who can be a good captain is definitely not only Naoki Yoshikawa, but the captain who can make a dive plan and execute it perfectly is not only Naoki Yoshikawa; but the one who can pull an army on the land in the west of Lu, only Yoshikawa Naoki alone!

Although the countermeasures of Naoki Yoshikawa are not a clever strategy at all, even a small leader of the Luxi settlement can be seen; however, his countermeasures and the subsequent concealment have been successful. , Isn't it?

No matter how clever the strategy, no success is nonsense, no matter how simple the layout is, as long as the success is strategizing; Bai Feng never cares about the cleverness of the strategy, he cares whether the executor has the ability to develop the strategy.

Undoubtedly, Naoki Yoshikawa performed very well in this respect; so that before the spy and the ninja had retired, the name of Naoki Yoshikawa was specifically circled by Bai Feng and became his key training target in the future.

At this moment, the spies and ninjas of the shogunate system have been turned upside down in the west of Lu, but compared with the unlucky Eastern Alliance, Lu Xi's situation is undoubtedly much better.

How could the situation of the Eastern League be better with the battlefield ghost of Commander Adrian and the shadow killer of Commander Ivan starting against the Eastern Conference? What's more, on the main stream of the Cangluo River, there are sixty Roman city warships that completely isolate the eastern and western sides of the Eastern Alliance.

After numerous desperate breakthroughs and no results, the Eastern Conference with heavy casualties finally gave up this meaningless brutality; except for the occasional night smuggling, the Eastern Conference, which has almost no surface power, has no choice but to swallow.

Of course, the reason why the Eastern League temporarily chose to swallow their voices instead of continuing to die with the blockade fleet of the Roman city; on the one hand, because they were unwilling to consume their living power in vain, but on the other hand, because they had not reached the end of the mountain. .

The eastern coast of the Eastern Alliance has a population and army size that are far inferior to those of the western coast. Naturally, the demand for food and its own food reserves are naturally less than that of the western coast; as a result, the Eastern Union’s food crisis will take some time Accumulation will erupt.

According to Bai Feng's speculation, the food that the Eastern Alliance appeared out of thin air came from the orc empire east of the Sunset Mountains; if this speculation is established, then there will be no food shortage in the eastern coast of the Eastern Alliance, and sooner or later there will be a food shortage problem. It will be the West Bank area.

According to Lu Quesi's speculation, the Eastern Union's food comes from the White Horse Kingdom to the north of the west of Lu; if this speculation is established, then there will be no food problems in the Eastern Union's west bank area, and sooner or later there will be food shortages. It will be the East Coast area.

In response to this situation, the ghosts and shadow killers who were responsible for destroying the Eastern Union’s settlements and storing grain were divided into two by Bai Feng and sent to the two sides of the Eastern Union. Among them, Adrien and Ivan were commanded by Bai Feng. Send to the more important West Bank area.

As a special character of the Roman city system, the relationship between the battlefield ghost and the shadow killer is far less harmonious than it seems on the surface; in comparison, the first caster to unlock is much more low-key in this regard. Did not show strong competitiveness.

This is actually also related to the initial experience level of the special character itself. The caster with the initial experience level of three is lower than the level of the battlefield ghost and shadow killer with the initial experience level of four. .

Even on the Dragon Continent, swordsmen and knights one level higher than magicians are often inferior to magicians with lower levels; but in the Roman city of high ranks, low-level casters cannot compete with high-level battlefields. Spectre and Shadow Killer are on a par.

In the minds of the special characters of the system, there is no spellcaster as a spell group attacking arm, which has a more strategic value concept; for the special characters who believe in the supremacy of power, whoever has a higher experience level will be more qualified to override. Above each other!

The point of the problem is that the caster who knows that the experience level is not as good as the battlefield ghost and shadow killer has not participated in this kind of competition from beginning to end; and the battlefield ghost and shadow killer of comparable strength have been going for whom is stronger. Various forms of open struggle.

In all fairness, this battle between special characters of the same hierarchical system, Bai Feng, the governor of the Roman city, agrees; otherwise, he will not take Ivan again after taking Adrien to the Dragon Empire Transferred to the Dragon Empire.

In Bai Feng’s view, keeping the special characters of the two powerful systems under his command to maintain a healthy competitive relationship is conducive to the two special characters to improve their own strength; therefore, instead of stopping them, he will often create for them Some competitive opportunities.

This time, it was also a competitive opportunity that Bai Feng deliberately created for the battlefield ghosts and shadow killers; it was only the small forces of the battlefield ghosts and shadow killers that were sent to the east coast of the Eastern Alliance. All their real large troops were left in the Eastern Alliance. West Bank area.

Adrien, who is in charge of the battlefield ghosts, and Ivan, who is in charge of the commander shadow killers, each brought together the ten strongest battlefield ghosts and shadow killers under their command to form a team to perform the destruction missions that Bai Feng explained to them.

Battlefield ghosts and shadow killers who have performed countless tasks have never lacked the elite who have successfully advanced to level five; therefore, the battlefield ghosts and shadow killers who follow Adrien and Ivan are all experience level five The absolute elite of the level!

The fast-moving Adrien and Ivan, after ascending to the West Coast of the Eastern Alliance with ten elites behind each other, as the leader of them, they chose an extremely large tribe as the target of their joint attack.

This Eastern Alliance tribe, jointly selected by Adrien and Ivan, was originally a medium-sized tribe affiliated with the Eastern Alliance. Later, because it stood against the team in the Eastern Union civil strife, it was quickly supported by a dominant tribe. .

From a medium-sized tribe with a population of only 30,000 fighters less than 6,000 a year ago, to a population of more than 70,000 fighters up to 25,000 people today; this tribe's development rate, in ordinary barbarian tribes, can be Use incredible to describe.

The reason why Adrien and Ivan chose this tribe as the target of the attack is because this tribe is the largest tribe within a hundred miles of the Cangluo River on the west bank of the Eastern Alliance; since they want to force the Eastern Alliance to die, they will pick the hard stubble to start. the best choice!

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