Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 964: "·Each choice"

Whenever you are in a game, you will feel very happy. If your entire life becomes a game, then you can't imagine how happy you will be.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

Nishimura's initiative to choose sacrifice made the atmosphere in the headquarters obviously tragic; everyone knows that no matter how persistent Naoki Yoshikawa's words are, it will not be able to change the reality that Nishimura is about to return. This is sacrifice.

Knowing his duty, Naoki Yoshikawa, after reluctantly suppressing his inner sadness, turned his head and ordered Xiachuan Pinggong: "Xiachuanjun, in the next defensive battle, you will be led by the army to defend the outer wooden wall. "

"In addition to your original 10,000 elite, Yamashita also transferred 20,000 less powerful soldiers to you; and all you need to do is to stay at the outer wooden wall for at least five days. When necessary, I Allow you to set fire to the surrounding wooden wall!"

"Commander, the outer wooden wall is the most important line of defense for our defense. I will stick to it as much as possible and fight for the precious time for the subsequent defense." Xia Chuanping said with a firm commitment: "People are on the wall, people die." The wall is destroyed!"

"No, Xia Chuanjun, there is nothing wrong with people on the wall, but the wall can't kill people if they destroy the wall." Naoki Yoshikawa stared at Xia Chuanping with a scorching eye: "We need you to withdraw your troops to the second wooden wall defense line , Continue to command the army to resist the attack of the enemy."

"If you die in the first wooden wall defense, then who should be the second, third, and fourth wooden wall defense? The Yamashita should sit in the camp to ensure the stability of the rear. , Xicun Jun is about to go away, we only have you left."


"Nothing is wrong!" Xiachuan Pinggong wanted to say something, but was violently interrupted by Naoki Yoshikawa: "Xiachuanjun, I can't let you all die because of this war; if this is the case, victory What is the value for us?"

"Loyalty to the hero, fighting for the hero, is indeed the most proud thing for each of us, but I can't just watch each of you fight to the battlefield; I would rather sit and watch the battlefield for the death of 10,000 soldiers than to see you Any one of them has a leather shroud!"

Naoki Yoshikawa who showed the true feelings, even his eyes became rosy; perhaps, in Bai Feng’s eyes, the spies and ninjas of the shogunate system were all irrelevant non-Roman mainstream special operations forces, but they were also flesh and blood life.

The battle between life and death, and the experience of sharing hardships together, let Naoki Yoshikawa and Jun Nishimura establish a very deep robe feeling; therefore, Naoki Yoshikawa was reluctant to see his robe brothers fighting in the battlefield, let alone send them to the direction death.

"Ji Chuanjun, I believe that with my 30,000 soldiers and the strength of the first wooden wall defense line, we can definitely resist the enemy’s attack for at least five days; once the five-day period arrives, as long as nothing can be done, I will definitely lead the army back to the second line of defense and stick to it."

"Okay!" Naoki Yoshikawa who apparently heard the subtext in Xiachuan Pinggong's words, after all, said nothing more.

"Shanxiajun, the 15,000 soldiers left to you are both your strength to stabilize the rear camp and our last living force; please make sure that no matter how fierce the battle against the wooden wall defenses, the rear camp must not break out any of us. Chaos of power."

"Xia Chuanjun, please be assured that before the last wooden wall defense line falls, I will make sure that there will not be any chaos in the rear camp!" Yang Xi, Yamashita, calmly said: "If you stay in front for less than a month, I will think Way to pull the enemy together to destroy."

The understatement of the story shows an extremely firm will to fight in the depths of Yang Xi's heart; for this, Naoki Yoshikawa, who has heard the statements of Jun Nishimura and Ping Gong Xiachuan, has been unable to persuade him.

After the secret meeting that lasted no more than an hour, Nishimura was busy selecting 3,000 dead, Xia Chuanping was busy arranging the defensive affairs of the first wooden wall defense line, and Yamashita Yangxi was busy looking for the families of enemy soldiers and giving speeches .

Because Naoki Yoshikawa's accurate positioning and secret propaganda of Yang Xi Yamashita has given him unparalleled prestige among the rebels; even when the rebel army is about to be under the city, it can be said that Yamashita Yang Xi is a leader. Helpless compromise after human control.

In the speech of Yamashita Yamashita, the leader of the northwestern part of Luya, Virias, was described as a puppet controlled by the betrayal nobility; the famous Luci general Gregory, who led the 100,000 rebellious army south, secretly surrendered to the traitor Shameful scum.

In other words, the entire Lu Xiluo has almost become a traitor's paradise. Instead, he and others who bear the name of the rebels have become heroes to save Lu Xiluo; the barbarians who firmly believed in this statement exploded as a matter of course. In response to the wave of counterinsurgency.

More than one hundred thousand barbarian old people, women, and half-aged children who were not in the army by Yang Xi of Yamashita took up their own crude weapons and voluntarily asked to join the defensive army; even more, they shouted The slogan of the **** battle against the rebel army.

According to common sense, even if Yamashita’s speech is carried out in secret, it should not have such a significant effect; but the facts in front of it are enough to prove that the fanatic gesture of more than 600,000 mad shouts is by no means It was deliberately disguised.

The unexplained Yamashita has no time to think too much. Standing on the podium, the only thing he can do is to guide the fanatical barbarian people as much as possible to fight against the rebel army that is about to come to the city. Endless and difficult war.

In stark contrast to Yamashita's confusion, it was Naoki Yoshikawa who remained at the headquarters without leaving; listening to the deafening shouts coming from all directions, he only muttered to himself with a voice that was small enough to murmur Road:

"In exchange for the seemingly invaluable food, in exchange for the full support of 650,000 barbarians, we fought a war of defeat and defeat with Gregory's 100,000 rebellious army; this may be the fate of our ninja, born in the night , Died in darkness, and no light was visible for life."

"Hopefully, Nishimura, Xiachuanjun, and Yamashita, they can live to be supported by the protagonist." Naoki Yoshikawa, with a rare expression on his face, said to the criminals gathered behind him: "As for us, we should also be The protagonist’s plan has made his own choice!"

Because the fighting ability is not inferior to the ninjas of the noble warriors in the west of Lu, almost all of them were arranged by Naoki Yoshikawa to serve as officers at all levels in the rebels; therefore, the ten ninjas and eighty spies who remained beside him became his hands The only hole card.

The busy Yanxi Yamashita, Xiachuan Pinggong, and Nishimura Jun did not know that when they were very busy, Naoki Yoshikawa had taken ten ninjas and eighty spies, and quietly left Kirkwall The camp went towards a destination that no one knew.

Of course, before leaving the Kirkwall camp, Yoshikawa Naoki also gave the real content of the order issued by Bai Feng to a spy who stayed in the camp; and ordered him to keep this seal after 14 days of success in the camp. The secret letter with the order of the protagonist is handed over to Yamashita Yangxi.

Yoshikawa Naoki, who can’t guarantee that he can come back alive, can only choose to use this method to tell the truth of Yamashita Yangxi; in his opinion, when they learn the truth, they must have successfully completed the protagonist’s Command, he is dead.

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