Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 969: "·Blood tears shouting"

Very few of us can do great things, but everyone can do ordinary things with lofty love.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

"Teacher, our army has 5,000 soldiers on the wall of the rebels, and it is less than 3,000." François, the leader of the rebel army West Road Army, suggested to Gregory: "Do you want the 20,000 main forces behind? Rush up and replace the vanguard remnants?"

"François, there are no mentors and apprentices in the army, only subordinates." Gregory, who glanced at François with a cold eye, questioned him with dissatisfaction: "You tell me that the mission of the five thousand pioneer soldiers is What? Did they complete the task?"

François, who was awed by his heart, quickly straightened his waist bar and replied aloud: "General Qiqi, the task of the five thousand pioneer soldiers is to test the outer wall of the rebel camp to defend the reality; and, they have not yet completed the task!"

"Since they haven't completed their mission, why do we need to replace them?" Gregory replied: "As a soldier in our western part of Lusi, even the rebel defense on the outside wall of the entire area cannot be tested. What use are they?"

"General, behind this rebel, there is secret support from outside forces. It is reasonable for us to send five thousand second-tier fighters to beat them; if we send a main force to attack, we will definitely be able to defeat this outer wall in one fell swoop. The rebels!"

"Is it?" Gregory, anxious and smiling, said with a chill: "If you insist on thinking so, then I will give you a chance! You led 20,000 main forces to immediately attack this outer wall, if it is You can’t defeat the rebels before the setting sun.

François's blood was flowing through the barbaric warrior's blood. He couldn't bear his teacher to despise him, and he made a military order on the spot: "General, he will be willing to use his soldier's honor as a guarantee. Before sunset, he will defeat the army." The rebels captured this outer wall!"

"I..." Gregory, who hates iron and steel, raised his whip in his grip; but, when he thought of tens of thousands of his own fighters behind him and Francois, he did not put it like he used to. The whip pulled towards Francois.

A long time later, Gregory, who had no choice but to put down her whip, said, "François, have you been with me for ten years?"

Francois, who didn't know why, didn't think much but just respectfully said: "General, I have followed you for twelve and a half years."

"In a blink of an eye, is it twelve and a half years?" Gregory, slightly stunned, immediately sighed: "But why is twelve and a half years past, are you still so impulsive? Do you think you are still ten? Was that young noble warrior two years ago?"

After seeing shame on Francois's face, he did not want to hit Gregory of his love too much, and said seriously: "Francois, you must remember your identity; you are no longer young. Sheng noble warrior, but the commander of tens of thousands of warriors!"

"The honor of the soldiers is important, but can it be as important as the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers? As the commander of the army, what you need to do is not to personally lead the army to the enemy's walls, but to command your soldiers to Get the biggest result with the smallest price!"

"Teacher..." François, who was more ashamed of his face, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

The fighting on the west wall of the Kirkwall camp did not stop because of the conversation between Gregory and Francois. The aggressive wall-guarding rebels squashed the siege fighters, whose number was less than three thousand, to the edge of the wall. zone.

Following this trend, it will continue to develop for at most an hour or so, and the vanguard units of the counterinsurgents who attacked the wall will be driven off the wooden wall or annihilated by the wall under the constant compression of the rebels defending the wall. Above.

Xiachuan Pinggong, who is only one step away from the battle front, has never meant to shoot in person; as Gregory said, as a military commander, what Xiachuan Pinggong needs to do is to command the army to guard the wooden wall, not like The soldiers fought in battle like themselves.

Suddenly, a ninja wearing a barbarian warrior's armor brought a team of elite warriors to Xiachuan Pinggong and conveyed to him the command of Yang Xi under the mountain: "General, the commander will let you wipe out the enemy as soon as possible; at the latest Half an hour later, the shouting action will begin."

"Well, it only takes fifteen minutes at most to go back to the commander. There will not be an enemy on the camp wall!"

"Nuo!" The ninja turned and left.

As soon as Yamashita’s herald had left, Xia Chuan Ping Gong divided the 10,000 soldiers who had not yet entered the battle into two. Five thousand reinforced the defenders on the west wall, and five thousand reinforced the defenders on the east wall. In the shortest time, complete the elimination of the enemy troops at the wall.

More than 13,000 defenders on the wall, and the number of crazy attacks has dropped to more than 2,000 enemy forces; the six-to-one comparison of forces has allowed the vanguard troops of the rebellious army to retreat to the east and west. The opportunity for reaction was not left to Gregory and others.

Here, Xia Chuanping just commanded the army to clear the offending enemies of the wall, and the enemies who were waiting for the outside of the camp to launch the attack again. The family of the southern soldiers arranged by Yamashita Yangxi came to the wall and began to cry with a loud horn. Talked.

"Ledrian, I’m your mother Gulal! Your father and wife have been killed by the mob from the north; your children have lost their mothers, come back quickly, don’t let them Lost father!"

"Damanan, I am your elder brother Ludkoya! Our father and mother were both tragically killed under the butcher's knives of the northern invaders. How can you live for the butcher in the north, are you worthy of our murderous parents? "

"Ferrand, this is you..."


Thousands of southern soldiers’ family members, accused of blood and tears on the west wall of the camp, caused the originally peaceful rebel army West Road County to quickly fall into chaos; no matter how Gregory and Francois bounced, it was difficult to be stunned by anger. The southern soldier of the mind calmed down.

Think about it too. How can a barbarian warrior who is impulsive and warlike, after hearing the grief of his mother, elder brother, wife, child, etc., cry out, how can he control his full anger; It is necessary to use killing to vent!

The first 30,000 southern warriors who also had a robe with the northern warriors the previous second raised the weapon in their hands to the robe that they once wore; the northern warriors who were unwilling to catch their hands did not hesitate to move. Raised a weapon and launched a counterattack against the southern soldiers.

In the West Road Army with a larger number of southern soldiers, even with the personal command of Gregory and Francois, the insufficient number of northern soldiers can only retreat north in a posture of war and retreat; there is no way, who What makes the violent southern warriors behave exceptionally bravely?

Reluctantly, it can be regarded as a fratricidal battle that lasted for about half an hour. The red-eyed southern fighters did not pursue the retreating northern fighters, but followed the outer wall of the camp and rebelled from west to east. The Army East Army killed.

In the eyes of these southern soldiers, the tens of thousands of northern soldiers of the East Road Army are the culprit in killing their families; revenge for their dead family members is the only thought in the mind of every crazy southern soldier!

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