Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 975: "·The **** battle continues"

If you find peace and happiness, they may be jealous of you; no matter what, you still have to be happy.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

When Roderick hurried to the battlefield with his 110,000 soldiers, he knew that the victory had been decided by Hall, so he handed over the battle of the remnants of Marlene to the army of Roderick, and began to give him the same exhausted three. Fifty thousand last soldiers slowly withdrew from the battle.

With 110,000 soldiers as the main force of the siege, Rodrik with 40,000 cavalry for assault, it will take several hours to wipe out the 40,000 soldiers of the remnants of the Mullens; after all, it is 40,000 armed weapons. Warrior, not 40,000 lambs to be slaughtered.

Even if there were 40,000 lambs to be slaughtered, 150,000 people rushed to kill them one by one, it would take time; Rodric, who did not find traces of the other 450,000 troops of the enemy, was engaged in this siege battle. , Not in a hurry.

In order to avoid too many casualties among the soldiers under his command, Roderick didn’t mind spending a few more hours, first used the cavalry to divide the enemy into separate squad groups, and then had the advantage of absolute strength. The infantry besieged the squad of enemy troops

Undoubtedly, this kind of siege by Roderick is indeed much smaller than the hard-fighting of 40,000 soldiers with 150,000 troops; the time it takes to spend is much longer. As everyone knows, this wasted time is exactly What Mullen needs most urgently!

The army’s active surrender to the anti-slaughter experience allowed Mullen to command the **** battle of less than 40,000 remnants without any extra words; it can be said that it was Hall’s and his soldiers’ swift success. Mullen's procrastination.

The fighting on the battlefield became more and more intense with the passage of time. The elite warriors of the Dart tribe who were born to fight began to fight for survival. They could only do it in this way. Struggling with his last dying.

After half an hour passed, the strength of the remnants of the Marunian army fell from 40,000 to 32,000, and more than 8,000 soldiers were killed; after an hour and a half, the strength of the remnant army of the Marunian army fell from 32,000 To 18,000, more than 14,000 soldiers were killed.

After three hours passed, the strength of the remnant army under Marlene was reduced from 18,000 to 6,000, and more than 12,000 soldiers were killed; and the last remaining 6,000 soldiers are all the elite of the Dart tribe. Veterans, warriors of other tribes and cannon fodder have long been annihilated.

Dat tribe veterans who have persisted to the present with excellent weapons and equipment and excellent combat strength, although there are still six thousand people, they are unable to fight any more; a whole day of blood battle has exhausted the last trace of strength in their bodies, even the tenacious Will is no longer useful.

Seeing that the enemy was about to be wiped out, and the cost of his own casualties was only three or four thousand, Roderick was planning to order his soldiers to launch a final blow against the enemy who could not resist. Suddenly, a long, low horn sounded The directions came at the same time.

It was easy to recognize that Rodrick, whose horn sound was not his own, immediately realized the seriousness of the situation; if nothing unexpected happened, the army that was about to be killed from both the north and the south would inevitably be forty-five days after the Eastern Alliance disappeared for several days. Ten Thousand Army!

If it is at the peak of its own army's long-term recuperation, Roderick may not have used his 150,000 elite teachers to meet the confidence of the 450,000 Eastern Alliance Uighurs; know that the army in the west of Lu is lower than the east. The alliance is strong, that is a recognized fact.

But the crux of the matter is that the more than 145,000 soldiers under the command of Roderick, after a few hours of fighting, can still exert a few percent of their combat effectiveness; is it 90% that does not affect the combat effectiveness? Or is it 50% that affects combat power? No one can guarantee this.

Fortunately, it's an hour or two before the night falls. As long as Roderick and Hall gritt their teeth and get through these two hours, they get a precious night of breathing time. After regrouping, they will be able to fight the enemy. The army fought hard.

After a little discussion, Roderick led 38,000 cavalry and 80,000 elite soldiers in two ways; among them, 60,000 elite soldiers on the north road built a defense line on the spot, preparing to resist the enemy from the north, the third on the south road Eighty thousand cavalry and twenty thousand elite warriors took the initiative to attack.

The advantage of cavalry over infantry has never been as simple as mobility. Even the light cavalry with weak impact, the lethality of the full charge can not be underestimated; especially the charge of tens of thousands of cavalry, it is even more terrifying on the battlefield Incomparable war machine!

In order to take full advantage of his cavalry, Roderick chose the enemy from the south as the attack target of his tens of thousands of cavalry; followed by 20,000 elite soldiers, he used to cooperate with the cavalry to hit the enemy Auxiliary force.

The Eastern Alliance South Road Army, composed of 50,000 soldiers and 150,000 artillery forces, walked at the forefront of the army, naturally those purely used artillery forces; the combat effectiveness of these artillery forces is self-evident. And metaphor.

When the tens of thousands of cavalry who rolled up the dust, rushed towards them in an unprecedented charge, the panicked cannon fodder instinctively fled backwards without even thinking about it; until the supervision team behind them, yes They held up sharp butcher knives.

It seems that it has become the practice of the Eastern Alliance to force the cannon fodder to fight with the supervising team; but Rodrick, who led the tens of thousands of cavalry to charge the enemy cannon fodder, has to admit that this method of persecution is indeed a practice. Good and effective method.

It's just that the time it takes for the squadrons to play their role and the cannon fodder to reorganize their formation is enough for the immediate assault cavalry to complete a hearty offensive and hit the enemy's chaotic cannon fodder.

The overseer who succeeded in containing the tendency of their own cannon fodder to collapse, forced the cannon fodder in front of them to rush forward, while the cannon fodder in the forefront was still fleeing backwards. The child became chaotic.

The Lucy cavalry who took advantage of the opportunity to rush into the enemy's cannon fodder, only the first wave of penetration successfully penetrated the formation of the enemy's cannon fodder; then, the unsurprised enemy's cannon fodder reacted and turned the horse's head of the Lucy cavalry The second wave of charge began again.

After two rounds of recurring charge, as many as 150,000 cannon fodder troops in the Eastern League South Road Army, more than 30,000 generals were killed by the Lucy cavalry, or died due to chaos and crowding, the battlefield The miserable scene on it is almost unbearable.

The Los Angeles cavalry, which lost only two or three thousand, quickly began their third and fourth waves of charging; after this round of reciprocating charge, the 20,000 Lucian elite infantry who rushed to the battlefield in time after the cavalry, Then he joined the attack on the enemy's cannon fodder.

After the 20,000 elite warriors took over the attack on the enemy's nearly collapsed cannon fodder, the Lucy cavalry, who freed their hands, began to replace their charge targets with the enemy elite soldiers behind the enemy cannon fodder. It is the key to determining the outcome of this battle.

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