Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 978: "·Enter the camp"

We think poverty is hunger, undressed, and no house; however, the greatest poverty is not needed, loved, and unconcerned.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

The third team of Roman soldiers of the 1st Wing of the 1st Wing of the 7th Roman Regiment, who did not relax their vigilance, walked slowly along the camp door of the Kirkwall camp with the tacit cooperation that only they knew each other.

At this moment, if the rebels in the camp suddenly become difficult, then the Roman youth army walking at the forefront will use their shield formation to resist the attack of the rebels; the Roman light infantry that follows is responsible for using their hands The javelin was thrown at the enemy rushing up.

In the end, the Roman heavy infantry with the strongest combat effectiveness, their task is to control the camp gate that is related to the life and death of their own soldiers when an accident occurs; as long as the camp gate is not lost, even if the rebels suddenly make trouble, the Roman soldiers who entered the camp Can withdraw methodically.

There are Yamashita Yamashita, Xia Chuan Ping Gong, and Nishimura Jun sitting in the Kirkwall camp, and there are spies and ninjas who actually control the rebels; the rebel soldiers in the camp are naturally impossible to do anything excessive to the soldiers of the Roman army Move.

After successfully entering the camp, the three teams of Roman soldiers of the first brigade did not immediately lay down their guards, but stood silently on both sides of the camp door, making a look to welcome the follow-up Roman army into the camp.

Yamashita Yangxi and others are elites. How could they not see the secret guards of the first brigade soldiers? It's just that they don't mind that; because what's coming is not a general at the rank of a commander of the Roman city, but Bai Feng himself, the governor of Rome!

Therefore, the warnings of Yamashita and Yangxi to the 7th Legion soldiers are understandable; but it is understandable that the 7th Legion soldiers are allowed to do such behaviors that obviously distrust them without representing them. It is also an insult.

Although the Roman system and the shogunate system belong to the same camp, and the shogunate system is also an auxiliary system of the Roman system; but the Roman system soldiers and the shogunate system soldiers, they seem to have a natural relationship between them.

The generals and special characters of the Roman system, as well as the generals below, generally regarded the people of the shogun system as a vassal; just like the soldiers of the Roman Empire in the past treated the soldiers of the auxiliary legion, they did not treat the other party as their equivalent.

Correspondingly, the shogun generals and shogun missions of the shogun system, as well as the shogun army below, they regard the people of the Roman system as their competitors, always trying to perform better than the people of the Roman system to prove that they Own ability.

Such a competitive relationship between the Roman system and the shogunate system, Bai Feng, who is the governor of the Roman city, naturally cannot be unaware; however, Bai Feng himself does not exclude the existence of this competitive relationship, and sometimes he will intensify it intentionally or unintentionally. Competition between the two major systems.

Because in Bai Feng's view, benign competition is conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm of competitors, not to mention, the competition between the two major systems is not the only competition within the city of Rome; know that the barbarian generals of the city of Rome are also among each other Each is divided into several factions.

As long as the following competitors do not use excessive means to take the existing benign competition in the direction of vicious competition, Bai Feng will not actively interfere in these competitions that do not affect the interests of the city of Rome; this is Bai Feng’s attitude and the white rules of the city of Rome Under the grey rules.

Seeing that the camp gate of his camp was controlled by the Roman soldiers who entered the camp, while Yang Xi took the guard to the camp gate, he whispered to the Nishimura Jun beside him: "Xi Village Commander, you go down and arrange it immediately, Prepare the soldiers in the camp."

"Nuo!" After hearing the order, Nishimura quickly turned and left.

When the public is under the public, Yamashita Yangxi and others will pay more attention to their vocabulary, and will not say anything that will easily expose their identity; as for the names of Yamashita Yangxi and Nishimura, the names of the barbarians are already All kinds of strange things, no need to pay attention.

"There are not many soldiers under the leadership of the Yamashita leader, Nishimura, and no matter how powerful they are." Xiachuan Pinggong, who was behind Yangxi Yamashita, suddenly made a suggestion: "Should I let the guards on the city walls also move Get up and cooperate with Xicun Commander?"

"Xiachuan Commander, it's too late to say this now." Yang Xi Yamashita shook his head and refused: "Your Excellency Bai Feng is about to enter the camp, but your army is all over the wall; at this time, it is better to do something you can't be sure of. Do what you can be sure of."

Hearing Yamashita Yangxi said this, Xia Chuanping understood it instantly; he had a large number of defenders spread all over the walls, and once there were any mistakes in the coordination process, it might cause unnecessary confusion. .

Rather than risking confusion to deliberately add to the icing on the cake, it is better to act in accordance with the original plan; Xiachuan Ping Gong, who wants to understand this, will not mention anything about cooperation, but just straightens his waist. Behind Yang Xi, Yamashita.

The two brought 500 soldiers to the vicinity of the camp gate, kept a distance of about one hundred meters from the Roman soldier next to the camp gate, and then quietly waited for Bai Feng's arrival; but Bai Feng's identity determined his fundamental It is impossible to enter the camp too early.

After the first three teams of Roman soldiers took control of the camp door, the other three brigades of the first wing entered the camp immediately after the first two teams of 2,000 Roman soldiers entered the camp. It was the first Longbow United to start camp.

The six thousand long archers of the three Longbow Wings affiliated to the Seventh Legion were instructed to take over the southern wall of the outer perimeter of the Kirkwall camp; for the orders given by Bai Feng personally, Yamashita Yang Xi and Xia Chuanping even thought of the Roman soldiers Dissatisfied, but did not dare to violate Bai Feng's life.

First, the six thousand longbowmen of the three longbow wing teams took over the south wall of the camp, followed by the two thousand Roman soldiers of the second wing of the seventh legionnaire ascended the south wall; ensure that the south wall was completely under the control of the seventh legionnaire Later, Bai Feng drove into the camp.

Bai Feng, who is surrounded by five flaming swordsmen and white guards next to him, came to Kirkwall camp after spending so much time on Zhou Zhang, not because he was worried about his safety, but because he wanted to take the opportunity to let the Roman Legion Form coercion against rebel soldiers.

Now that Bai Feng has made up his mind to support the rebels, with the rebels as the core and southwestern Lu as the ruling area, a new Lu Xiluo is established; then, how to erect the inviolable majesty of the Roman city in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in the western Lulu has become Bai Feng The focus of attention.

Sophisticated weaponry and neat military formations are indeed synonymous with the Roman army, but these are far from enough to establish the absolute prestige of the Roman army; so, a demonstration ceremony of entering the city, with Bai Feng’s acquiescence Born.

Would you be able to play with more than 600,000 rebels and more than 100,000 rebel warriors between the applause of Yang Xi Yamashita, wouldn't you see Bai Feng's intention? The answer must be no. The reason why he blamed the Roman soldiers was nothing more than his loyalty.

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