Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 104 - Alliance Meeting! 4

"Are you leaving just like that?" Meng Hui said as she held his wrist tightly with a sulking face.

"Of course, I need to see dad first, take care of the guest," Lin Bohai said with a slight smile on his face, he brushed her hand away from his wrist and walked away, she watched him as he walked away with a frown on her face.​​


Mo Yuhan swiftly left the wind sect and the surrounding without being noticed by anyone, it was as if he had become one with the wind, he landed inside the mountain of the flame sect.

His subordinates were surprised by his ability to enter the barrier of the flame sect without being affected by the effects, he held his disciple's hand while the other two held the remaining tow hand and that was how he brought them with him to the flame mountain.

"Sect leader, why did we come to the flame sect?" One of the guards following behind him said, three of out his four guards are female and they are one year younger than him while the only male on among them is his mate.

"A'Yin, you should no my intention without me having to tell you, do you still need to ask such questions" Mo Yuhan replied, he placed one of his hand at his back and the other arched at his front.

"The flame sect is the secret ally of the azure sect, without them, our sect would have been extinct long time ago, so I guess that young master is planning to inform them of the alliance plan" Chen Feng answered.

"Seems like you know me best, how can we not inform the flame sect of this issue, we need to make sure that they are prepared for the sly move that the sect leader of the wind sect is planning to make," Mo Yuhan said.

"But how is it possible that we are able to enter the barrier? we have heard the news of many cultivators and ordinary people getting injured because they tried to enter the barrier" Wei Qi asked with confusion written on her face.

"We are the only connection of the flame sect to the outside world, do you think that they will keep us out of their barrier when the barrier was made, they had already sent this token to our sect," Mo Yuhan said then he stretched his hand to show them the red token, then he retracted his hand and inserted his token inside his chest.

"They must have expected something like this to happen, which means that they are really responsible for those incidents," Wei Qi said.

"We will hear from them when we go in, they must have detected our presence, let's go in before they come down," Mo Yuhan said then he flapped his sleeves and made his way into the flame sect.

He was approaching the gate when the disciples guarding the gate spotted them from afar, they immediately removed their sword from its sheath and pointed it at them.

"Stop there, who are you?" One of the elite disciples guarding the gate shouted and walked to the front, Mo Yuhan gave him a crooked smile and continued walking forward with his guards against his instruction.

"I said stop there!" the disciple shouted again.

"It has been long since I came here, I almost forgot how fierce the disciples of the flame sect are, please forgive me for my forgetfulness," Mo Yuhan said, he placed his cupped hands in his front and bowed his head slightly.

"enough nonsense! I asked you a question, who are you?" he shouted again as he moved closer with him with his sword now resting on his neck, his guards were about to unsheathe their sword but he raised his hand, signalling them to sheath their swords.

"I am sorry for the misunderstanding," Mo Yuhan said, then he placed his hand inside the opening in his robe and removed the token from his chest. He stretched out his hands to show them the token.

The disciples widened their eyes upon seeing the token, then they fell to their knees and cupped their hands in their front.

"We are sorry for not recognising sect leader Mo earlier, please forgive our foolishness" They chorused.

"There is no need for such formalities between our sect and the flame sect, please rise," Mo Yuhan said, then he held the disciple's hand and pulled him up.

"Thanks for your understanding" the disciple replied.

They have always held the azure demon sect in high esteem for years even before the battle of ever night, their alliance was kept secret from other sects so that they can provide assistance to each other in difficult situations.

In the battle of ever night, although the azure demon sect refused to participate in the war, they secretly sent disciples and weapons to them during the war in case of the flame sect is defeated then their members can seek refuge in the azure demon sect but they ended up surviving the war and they have always been supplying the flame sect with information and other things they needed secretly.

"Please lead us in," Mo Yuhan said


The disciple lead them into the sect while the other disciple stood guard outside the sect, as they walked into the sect, the disciples who were having fun saw them strolling in, they all looked towards their direction, it has been long since a stranger was allowed into the sect and these men are masked, it is indeed a strange event.

"Your disciples seem to be very relaxed," Mo Yuhan said

"We are disconnected from the outside so we have many fun things in our sect, we can't just spend our entire time training and cultivating" the disciple escorting them replied.

"This is exactly why I like the flame sect, rather than being a pretentious sect only focused on cultivating, you even do fun things, I wonder what games there are to play in the flame sect?" Mo Yuhan asked

"Sect leader Mo, there are many games and fun things to do in our sect, gambling, horse racing, archery, chess, cock racing and rat racing, there are many other games so I can't mention them all" the disciple replied

"ohoh, seems like my efforts to make the azure demon sect lively is nothing compared to the flame sect, I should really learn from your sect," Mo Yuhan said

"You are right sect leader, we are not even half as lively as they are," Wei Qi said in excitement while Mo Yuhan smiled cheerfully.

"You really give us more praise than we deserve," the disciple said, then he led them into the hall that is used to greet visitors.

"Please wait here for a while, I will inform the sect leader of your presence," the disciple said then he bowed his head and left the hall.


"Sect leader, one of the elite disciples guarding the gate wants to see you" one of the disciples announced.

"Let him in"

The door opened and the disciple entered the room.

"What is it?" The sect leader asked he dropped the brush he was using to practise calligraphy on the table and raised his head.

"Sect leader, the sect leader of the azure sect is here with his guards" the disciple answered

"I really didn't expect that they would be here soon" Sect leader Huo said then he stood up from his seat with an excited look on his face.

"Lead the way" Sect leader Huo added.

After he came out of his room, he ordered one of the disciples to inform the sect madam of the visit then he walked quickly to the hall, he arrived at the hall in less than one minutes, upon seeing the sect leader of the azure demon sect, he cupped his hands together and bowed his head slightly.

"Sect leader Mo!"

"Martial Uncle! Please don't bow, after all, you are my uncle and you have looked after me" Mo Yuhan said with his head still bowed even after sect leader Huo has raised his head.

"What are you saying, even if you are someone I consider as my son, you are still the sect leader of the azure demon sect," Sect leader Huo said then he held his hand and pulled him to his seat, while he sat on the high seat in the medium-sized hall.

"Uncle, we haven't seen each other for years but you are still looking able and agile unlike my father, he is looking older than his age now, old age is really toying with him," Mo Yuhan said in a relaxed and informal manner as he sat.

"you are really flattering me, at least you have relieved your father of his duty, he can now rest and enjoy himself, but one of my daughters is held as a war prisoner while the other does nothing but cause trouble," Sect leader Huo said then he sighed deeply and patted his thigh.

"You are really joking uncle, A' Ying has always been dutiful, how can she cause trouble," Mo Yuhan said

"I am glad you also think so, I can't believe that you are even defaming your daughter in front of my martial son," the sect madam said as she walked into the hall with two of her personal female disciples.

"Martial aunt!" Mo Yuhan quickly sprung up from his chair and greeted her with his head bowed.

"No need for such greetings, you may seat" the sect madam replied as she took her seat next to her husband.

"Martial aunt, it seems like age has no significance on you, you are looking more beautiful compared to when I saw you last" Mo Yuhan said, he suddenly remembered that he hasn't removed his mask since he arrived, he removed his mask and placed it in the opening of his robe while the others followed suit.

"I was wondering when you were going to remove your mask" Sect leader Huo said

"I forgot my manners please forgive me," Mo Yuhan said

"It's alright, I was just worried that are already unfamiliar with us, it must not be easy having to wear the mask every time," Sect leader Huo said

"We are already used to it, moreover, our sect easily does things secretly because those from the other sects don't know how we look like, even if the sect leader of the wind sect sees me today, he won't recognise me as the sect leader of the azure demon sect" Mo Yuhan said.

"I agree, but why have you decided to pay us a visit?" the sect madam asked

"Martial aunt, an alliance meeting was held today in the wind sect," Mo Yuhan said with a serious expression on his face, judging from how he was looking, they could tell that something serious happened.

"Ever since the wind sect leader overthrew me and became the alliance leader, he has never called an alliance meeting, there must have been a special reason why he needed to call for an alliance meeting," Sect leader Huo said with a serious expression.

"I also thought so, so I decided to attend the meeting but I waited until they mentioned something relevant to the flame sect or the azure demon sect, Sect leader Yang of the vitality sect reported that his sect was robbed and his sect suffered severe causalities leaving of his most talented disciples near death so..."


"He suspects that the flame sect was behind the incident, he connected the appearance of the golden eagle in Ping Yao city and Yu-Shan city with the escape of the three people that robbed his sect, Sect leader Wu of the Wudang sect also reported that those three people caused the death of a captain who is highly favoured by the emperor" Mo Yuhan narrated.

"From what I know, the golden eagle was summoned by the guardians once, no one could have summoned the golden eagle" Sect madam replied with a confident look on her face.

"There were four people sitting on the golden eagle when it returned to your sect the second time he left the flame sect, even I saw the golden eagle when it left the sect," Mo Yuhan said

"Only the important members of the sect can summon the golden eagle, the first time they summoned the golden eagle, he poisoned one of them but he still answered his request which is very weird, the golden eagle can only be summoned but he would never answer anyone's request," Sect madam said


"What Yuhan said is indeed true, the golden eagle left the sect twice to rescue the guardians," Sect leader Huo said with a dark expression, if his wife learns of this then that means she would learn of the cruel punishment he gave to Huo Ying, he was already regretting his actions and he was hoping that it would be forgotten but now he has to dig it up again.

"Why wasn't I aware of this?" the sect madam asked with a confused expression on her face.

"You had fallen into a deep sleep then, Huo Ying somehow made the golden eagle take her to rescue the guardians and Huo Li," the sect leader said

"What! How did she manage to do that?" the sect madam asked in surprise.

"I also don't know" the sect leader replied

"Martial aunt and uncle, I am lost, were all these things actually done by the flame sect," Mo Yuhan asked

"Months ago, Huo Ying fell ill and was at the point of death but the herbs that were needed to treat her couldn't be found anywhere but in the vitality sect and you are aware that the vitality sect would never sell their herbs to us, so my disciples had no choice but to steal it from them, I am not aware of the other things you have just said.

Meanwhile outside the hall.

The female disciples who had secretly peeked into the hall to see Mo Yuhan were fascinated by his handsome look, he originally has a tall and well-built structure but they haven't seen his face because of his mask when he entered the sect, they stopped peeking when they had satisfied their curiosity.

"Sect leader Mo is so handsome"

"I agree, he is even more handsome then guardian Qiang, and he looks very manly"

"What are you girls talking about?"

"What! You don't like us talking about him"

"We admit that he is more handsome and even capable than guardian Huo but I bet that he is no match for our young mistress"

"that might not be true"

"What are you all talking about?" Huo Mei asked as she walked up to them.

"Guardian Mei!" they greeted

"Did you just mention Mo Yuhan?" Huo Mei asked

"We forgot to inform you, sect leader Mo has paid a visit to our sect" One of the female disciples answered


"Yes, he came in not long ago" she replied

"So, if I didn't ask, none of you would have bothered to report this to the young mistress, if she had missed the chance to see him, you would all be punished," Huo Mei said with a smile on her face.

Mo Yuhan has been their childhood friend since when they were little but they haven't seen each other for six years, she couldn't imagine how excited Huo Ying would be if she hears this news.

"We had forgotten to report his visit in excitement, fortunately, you passed by"

"Alright, I will inform her the rest of you should inform the other guardians and Huo Li of his visit" Huo Mei commanded

"Understood!" they chorused then she walked away.


"Huo Ying! Huo Ying!" Huo Mei called out as she tapped Huo Ying who has been sleeping for hours after she finished training that morning.

"What is it?" Huo Ying mumbled as she spun around on her bed, her long hair was already scattered on hr face why some strands strayed on her lips.

"Sect leader Mo is…"

"What sect leader? my father hasn't spoken to me for months now, don't try to play a prank on me" Huo Ying said in her sleep.

"I am not talking about that, Sect leader Mo is here!" Huo Mei shouted hoping that she would be willing to stand up from her bed upon hearing the news.

"Which sect leader Mo?" Huo Ying asked still half asleep.

"Who else, Mo Yuhan!" Huo Mei answered.

"What!!!" Huo Ying shouted as she sprung up from her bed.

"Mo Yuhan paid a visit to our sect bot long ago and he is in the reception hall" Huo Mei said

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go" Huo Ying said in excitement as she walked towards the door but Huo Mei quickly pulled her back.


"Are you planning on going out when you are dressed like that?" Huo Mei asked as she looked at Huo Ying from her head to her toe, she was still in a white top and white pants.

"I understand" Huo Ying replied.

In a minute, she had already dressed up in her normal red and black non-feminine clothing's and was about to leave the room but she was stopped again…

"Huo Ying, your hair is still messy," Huo Mei said

"I don't care about that" Huo Ying replied then she brushed her hand away from her wrist, she brushed her ling hair backward with her hand as she ran towards the reception hall with Huo Mei following behind her.

Before she got there, the other guardians had already arrived including Huo Li and they were waiting for Huo Mei to arrive with Huo Ying so they can clear the matter.

"Why is the young mistress dressed like that?"

"She normally dresses in a smart way but she even let her hair loose"

"Don't you know how close Sect leader Mo and Mo Yuhan are, they are childhood lovers, she must be running like that because of him"

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