Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 128 - Secret Memories!

"You have said it all, I really don't know what to do and since everyone keeps saying the same thing to me, I think I am going to have to drop the idea of performing the surgery" she fiddled with the beer can while she waited for him to say something encouraging or would he...

"Then why did you ask for my advice?" Han Chen asked, from what she had just said, it seemed like she had already made up her mind on the issue so he wondered why she still asked him.​​

"You said it yourself...."

"What did I say?" Han Chen asked with a confused look in his eyes.

"You told me that you are an anomaly, so I was thinking that you might say something different" She answered, then she spun the beer can on the table playfully, he chuckled as he uncrossed his hands on the table and ran his hand through his already loose hair then he leaned his body forward again.

"If I tell you what you want to hear, what difference does it make, after all, I am not as close as Jia Yu is to you or...or your boyfriend so would my advice really make a difference to you?" he had this accusing smile on his lips that made her really feel guilty as she pondered on his question.

{What difference would it make to me....?}

She questioned in her mind!

Now that he mentioned it, she realized that she doesn't even know her intentions for asking him for his advice in the first place but now, it seemed to her that his answer might really make a difference in her decision making.



"It would, it would make a difference, if one person can just tell me that it is okay to take the risk, I might change my mind," the smile on his face slowly disappeared, he was expecting one of her straightforward and awkwardly cruel answers but she seemed to be telling the truth, even if she didn't directly say that only his answer would make a difference, he is still happy to hear her say that.

His answer might really make a difference for her...

"Then tell me, what do you want?" he asked with a soft and gentle look in his eyes that she felt familiar with or maybe it was with Chen Kai.

"If I tell you what I want, will you grant my wish?"

"I am not a genie but If you tell me what you want then I might help you make a difference" he answered with the same affectionate look in his eyes.

"I want to perform the surgery" Yu Yan replied with an earnest expression on her face as though she desperately needed him to support her cause, even she wondered why she is so desperate to hear him say that she can do it.

"I can assure you that you have asked the right person for advice, follow me," he said then he stood up from his seat and entered the parlour while he walked swiftly to the stairs, then he turned back to make sure that she was following behind him, after seeing that she was, he continued walking up the stairs, then he opened a brown door with golden handle and decorations on it.

"Wow..." she brawled without being aware of herself, she only saw the rooms that are in the second floor but the third floor of his mansion looked to magnificent that she couldn't control her urge to 'wow'.

"Is this your bedroom?" she asked after passing through the brown door amidst many doors on the third floor.


"Then what am I doing here?" she asked, activating her sense of danger.

"Don't think anything stupid, I just want to give you the solution to your crisis" he replied

"What solution...." he twisted the horse statue on his bookshelf then the bookshelf divided, exposing an even more magnificent and large room, she opened her mouth wide agape as they entered into the room, she has never seen anyone having such a hidden place in their house, it almost felt like she is in one of those wuxia dramas where the lords normally have this kind of hidden compartment in their manors. After entering farther into the room, she looked around only to find that the room behind the bookshelf wasn't like hat she had imagined it would look like, it seemed more like a research operation theatre....or she just couldn't describe it.

The big screen in the room, the Ct scan machine, the operation table and different monitors, and the different technologies in the room amazed her and aroused many questions in her mind, as she walked past them, she touched their surfaces to appreciate them while she looked around for other things that might catch her attention.

"The solution to your problem is here, fortunately for you, I have personally operated on a similar patient two years ago under the supervision of a german specialist cardiologist and a Russian Cardiologist, do you...." he turned back only to find that she was nowhere near him, he looked around but he couldn't find her anywhere in the room, despite the brightness of the light lighting the whole room and creating a professional atmosphere for the room.

He walked away from the table of the instruments he was fiddling with then he walked around the large room with different compartment, he couldn't help but worry after searching for five minutes without finding her, the only thing reassuring him is the fact that she got lost in his home so there can't be any real danger except if she messes with any dangerous equipment.

A few minutes later, he was now inside his main bedroom, he entered his wardrobe room to find her but he still couldn't find her there, he placed his hands on his waist and lowered his head in frustration, had he known that she was such a wanderer, he would have ignored the word boundaries and held her hand, in his mind, he decided that this is a lesson for him.

He was about to leave the bedroom for downstairs when his eyes caught an open space inside one of his closet, he dimmed his eyes and widened them as he turned around to make sure that he was seeing right, could she have...

He quickly walked swiftly to the closet then a red light blinked three times above the wardrobe before opening the door to the secret compartment behind the closet, the closet closed itself immediately after he entered the secret compartment.

That compartment is the most personal part of his life and no one has ever been able to enter that room, except for one person, the only person he has ever loved and cherished, the only thing he kept chanting in his mind is 'I hope she didn't see it'. He swiftly walked to where he kept the things that were pertaining to his high school life which only contains the memory of him and Yu Yan and his parents, the different collections of paintings, gemstones and many other things that his parents also collected for years before they died were also kept in the room.

He couldn't imagine what kind of explanation he would give to her if she sees the pictures, the clothes they shopped together and the couples teddy bears they bought when they were still in high school, even the portraits the drew of each other and their cute couple kiss pictures, even the potteries they made.

All those memories, he couldn't let her find it, he finally saw her standing in front of the large mural painting of a girl on the wall, he heaved a half sigh of relief with his eyes shut, then she moved forward to press the button on the wall, wondering what sort of wonder pressing that button will bring her after everything she had seen in the compartment, he quickly sprinted to where she stood after he opened his eyes.

"Don't!!" he screamed and quickly dashed to her then he finally caught hold of her hand that was just one cm away from the blue button on the mural wall, he heaved a heavy sigh of relief as he fixed his eyes on the blue button not realizing that he had almost scared her to death.

She held her breath and her mouth slightly opened as she gazed at his face staring at the blue button, she was terrified and at the same time wondering what was so special about the button that he had to scare her to death.

"What are you doing, you almost scared me to death?" she snapped at him seeing that he wasn't even thinking of releasing her hand anytime soon.

"oh...sorry for that, I was in a hurry just now" he apologized, then he released her hand and rubbed his hands on his trouser.

"Just because I wanted to press the button, I almost lost my life, do you even realize that?" she retorted angrily this time around, she just didn't like the feeling after he stopped her from pressing the button like she didn't like that he was keeping it from her but she questioned herself...

{why am I angry, this is his house...}

Then she relaxed her tense face and got rid of the victim look on her face, seeing as her expression has changed, he could tell that she must have realized that she is in the wrong and she was supposed to apologize for walking off in someone else's house instead of flipping out at the owner.

"I can guess that you have already answered your own question in your mind already" he answered with his arms folded and his eyes staring down at her, making her seem shorter than she really is.

"Is it that obvious" she fluttered her lashes in guilt then she smiled awkwardly with her white teeth exposed and her mouth grinning.

"I am sorry, I just felt a sense of familiarity the moment I entered this room or should I say deja-vu..."

"Deja-vu" he repeated with one of his brows raised.

"I won't bother explaining since I can't say I was in a trance, sorry for trespassing, I am not someone who walks into someone else's personal space, this is a one time mistake, I can assure you" she frantically explained with a chagrin feeling, she herself couldn't explain why she had trailed off in his house and she strangely knew that there is a compartment behind the closet, the feeling of familiarity she felt....have I been here before? she asked herself but she shook her head dispelling the impossible thought.

"This is actually the second time," he said in an inaudible voice.


"Nothing, anyways, your apology has been accepted, I understand that with all these collections, you might have been tempted, so it isn't actually your fault" he replied then he made towards the door while she watched him walk away with a wronged expression on her face. He stopped and turned back when he noticed that she wasn't following.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I said it was a mistake, I wasn't tempted by your collections, I am not a materialistic person who is easily carried away by things like this" the look on her face seemed like a child who had just been accused wrongly, he chuckled at her childish attitude then he nodded his head and walked away leaving her frustrated at his attitude towards her.

She closed her eyes and balled her fist, after taking a deep breath, she made towards the exit then she suddenly stopped and turned back to look at the mural, from what she could see, it is the back view of a young girl...maybe a teenager wearing a pink hoodie with the inscription Han Yu that is illustrated on the mural, then she left the room.

She returned to the working room where he had originally brought her to, then she found him trying to set up the projector in front of the big screen in the room, the moment the projection focused on the big white screen, a picture of him in a green surgical top and trouser is the first thing she saw.

"What is this?" she asked as she walked closer to him.

"I was saying earlier that I have carried out the surgery with a similar case as your patient under the supervisor of a german specialist cardiologist and a Russian Cardiologist, so I will can help you having experience of the surgery, my advice for you is to perform the surgery if that is what you want," he concluded then he placed the remote on the operating table in front of him and turned to see the unbelieving look on her face.

"Are you saying that you have actually performed a surgical operation with such rare case when you don't even have a license," Yu Yan queried, part of her wished what he was saying his true but he just didn't give her that vibe that would make her believe him.

"Seeing is believing" he pressed the play button on the remote then he sat down on the couch in the room and tapped the seat beside him, then she followed suit and sat beside him.

"Теперь операция начнется," a voice in the video said, as different people moved around the room frantically.

"What did he just say?" Yu Yan asked in confusion, she could tell that the language is Russian but she had no clue of what the man in the video had just said.

"He just asked us to begin the operation," Han Chen answered in Russian to tease her and of course, she reacted as expected.

"Are you toying with me right now?" she questioned with a serious expression on her face and her eyes narrowed.

"Is it that obvious?" he replied sarcastically, she pouted her lips and folded her arm on her chest to show her frustration then he smiled and told her what it really was that the Russian man had said.

" he is just announcing the commencement of the surgery" Han Chen replied then the both of them faced forwards to continue watching the video, as soon as they faced the screen, a young man in green surgery outfit appeared, he walked in the midst of some soldiers who saluted him as he walked by.


He walked fast-forwarded the video before she fully heard what they called him, she felt like there is something suspicious about it so she gave him a doubtful look, feeling her stare boring into him, he turned to face her.

"You will soon have to go home so we can't waste time" since his excuse made sense, she decided to believe him, then he played the video again, recognising that he is the man that had just walked in in the video, she cast a glance at him, wondering if he is truly telling the truth, after all, he didn't seem like a serious person to her.

The man in the video made a large incision in the patient's stomach to begin the surgery while the cardiologists supervising him kept speaking to him from outside the surgery room through the microphone in two different languages, the soldiers marching around was also visible but Yu Yan didn't care to ask any question about that at the moment, she just wanted to find out if he was telling the truth about having performed the operation.

She watched as he carefully and skillfully operated on the patient, by now, she wasn't even surprised that he was telling the truth, what surprised her is the preciseness and speed he used while performing the surgery. She has always been commended for her speed and her preciseness during her surgeries but seeing him in the video, she knew that she can't be compared to him, she stared at him in shock and unwilling to believe that he is actually such a good surgeon and she can't even be compared to him.

"You are awesome!" she exclaimed all of a sudden, he knew that she would be impressed but he didn't expect her to praise him.

"What did you just say?" he asked, itching to hear her praise him again.

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