Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 134 - Excuse!

"hmmmn..." she answered softly, he lowered his eyes to his chest then she traced his gaze, realizing what he was trying to say, she quickly moved her hands away from his chest in embarrassment while she bit her lower lips, and her eyes avoiding his.

He took notice of her sleeked hair on her forehead, making her look really pretty and innocent, he couldn't help but be taken aback by her beauty at that moment, he has always known her to be the most beautiful lady in his life but at this moment, she seemed more pretty than she has ever been to him.​​

Without any hint or warning, he pulled her arm and wrapped his hands around her shoulders and placed her head on his chest with one of his hand holding the back of her head, her eyes went round at the sudden hug as soon as he pulled her, she didn't know what to do at the moment, was she supposed to remain like this or to wrap her arm around his waist which will show that she is happy with the hug.

"I will lend you my body to rest on," Huo Qiang said in a gentle voice that mesmerized her, it was almost like he was trying to make her sleep with his gentle voice and his manliness made her feel a tingle in her heart.

She wrapped her arm around his lower back without further hesitation with a broad smile on her lips, she has always wanted to hug him like this so many times but she has never been able to, his broad chest seemed very comfortable for her as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath to dispel all the stress she had piled up in her chest.

Huo Qiang smiled, he felt like he has accomplished something great by taking the initiative to hug her in such a romantic way, previously, when she hugged him casually, he has never been able to breathe, having her too close to him always made him feel nervous but right now, he feels like he is floating on a cloud.

"I am sorry" Huo Ying mumbled with her eyes still shut

"For what?"

"for everything...I have caused you all so much trouble because of my anger and I am the reason why we are in this situation" Huo Ying answered with a remorseful voice.

"You don't have to take the blame for everything, if Huo Li didn't do those things then we wouldn't be in this situation and we should have stopped we are also at fault" Huo Qiang replied, soothingly.

"Do you know...I was really scared of losing Huo Mei today, I wouldn't have been able to bear the guilt if she had really lost her life because of me, don't ever do what she did today because I wouldn't be able to bear seeing you injured"

"As long as you are in danger, I will do the same...we will all do the same" Huo Qiang replied, he was really happy that she is pouring out her heart to him.

"Fool, the both of you are really stupid, you are all stupid," Huo Ying remarked softly then she tightened her grip on him, while he caressed her hair in a way that made her feel really comforted, she took in another deep breath to inhale the sweet scent on his body with a smile on her lips.

Then she suddenly remembered something...

She gasped and quickly pulled away from him!

He felt embarrassed seeing her pull away from him in a hurry but he still wondered why she suddenly pulled away from him, she wrapped her arm around her chest and turned her back at him with her face scrunched up, only then did he notice why she had pulled away from him, he quickly turned his back as soon as he realized it.

"Sorry...I am sorry, I didn't notice that you weren't.... weren't fully dressed," Huo Qiang stuttered, the both of them were too preoccupied to notice that she was in her undergarment, she bit her lower lips in embarrassment, she just wished the ground would open and swallow her to save her from the situation, apart from the twins and Huo Li, no other person has seen her like that but he actually...

"turn back!" Huo Ying commanded in a low voice that showed how embarrassed she was, after all, she is also a woman even though she sometimes behaves otherwise.

"oh...Okay," he answered then he turned to the front again while she turned at the same time, both of their eyes widened as they faced each other again, she furrowed her eyebrows at him and slightly opened her mouth.

"Didn't I ask you to turn back, what are you still looking at?" Huo Ying questioned in a drawled voice, if she had her chance, she would have moved closer to him to slap at the moment.

", I had already turned back before...I was just confused" Huo Qiang stuttered frantically, while he stood like he was frozen to the spot, then she started moving her eyebrows as though she was trying to tell him something but he just tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you still looking at?" Huo Ying questioned again, she couldn't understand why he was acting dumb and still looking at her.


"You.....pervert!!" she yelled, he quickly moved closer to her and held her by her shoulder then he covered her mouth using his hand, but she slipped back and ended up leaning against the wall, she widened her eyes in shock of his action.

He leaned against her body while her back leaned against the wall, they both stared into each other's eyes, at this point, he doesn't even know why he had done that and she was just shocked by his sudden change of attitude, previously, she has always been the one giving him friendly hugs and acting unrestrained in front of him but today, he seemed totally different, he is the one making the advances, despite the fact that he has always been keeping their master and subject relationship clear most of the time.

"What are you doing?!!!" she yelled, then she brushed his hand away from her mouth pushing aside the thing in between their faces, his lips landed on her lips!

The both of them seemed immobile like the statue of a couple kissing without intending to, their eyes went round, about the same size.

We kissed!!

That is the only thought that ran through their mind, the feeling of their lips touching felt too good, the both of them smiled inwardly knowing that they just had their first kiss even though they have been pretending not to have feelings for each other.

He moved away from her while she straightened her back and moved away from the wall, she placed her hands on her lips and caressed it gently, then she raised her head to look at him but he just had a startled look on his face, a look that didn't show that he was happy to have kissed her, more like he just committed a crime, she furrowed her eyebrow at his expression, while she wondered if he really doesn't have any feelings for her.


"I suppose young mistress doesn't have extra clothing, I will get you a new set of clothing," he said after interjecting her sentence, then he swiftly walked towards the door.

"You...." she tried to say something but he had already left the room, she walked over to the bed disheartened and sat next to Huo Mei, she cupped her face in her hand and lowered her head in sadness.

Seeing how loose he was with her, she had already assumed that he also had feelings for her and she is not the one who has a one-sided feeling for him, they even kissed and he just acted like he just kissed his enemy or someone he doesn't have any feelings for.

"How could he run away after kissing me? my first kiss," Huo Ying complained, feeling dejected.

After some minute, she heard a knock on the door so she walked towards the door, expecting to see him but after she opened the door, she only saw a young lady who seemed like she is a wind sect disciple, she frowned her face at the sight of the disciple.

"What is it?" Huo Ying asked, staring down at the tray of clothing in the girl's hand.

"your guardian asked me to deliver these clothing to you" the girl answered then she raised the tray forward to prevent their eyes from meeting, she was also one of the disciples who witnessed the drama between her and Bohai, she couldn't help being terrified in front of her.

"thank you, you may leave," Huo Ying replied then she collected the tray from the girl and closed the door before she could even say anything else, she walked angrily into the room and placed the tray on the table.

"hmmph! do you hate that we kissed so much that you wouldn't even come here yourself?" Huo Ying asked rhetorically, she slammed her hand on the table angrily then she glanced at Huo Mei who winced at the noise she made.

After changing into the new set of cloth, she ordered a bowl of water and a towel to wipe Huo Mei's face and body, then she got another knock on the door, she opened the door only to see the person she has been terrified of meeting ever since the incident.

" Moth...." before she could even finish her greeting, her mother burst into the room angrily, she balled her fist anxiously and walked into the room after her mother, she didn't know what her mother's reaction to finding out what had happened will be but she just knew that it wouldn't be good.

"Huo Mei!" her mother called with a worried look on her face, almost the same worried look she had on her face when Huo Ying was ill and on the verge of death, she raised her hand to check her pulse, seeing that her pulse is strong, she placed her hand on the bed and turned to face Huo Ying with a frown on her face.

"Mother" Huo Ying pronounced then she quickly fell on her knees.

"Don't call me mother, you are impulsive and hot-tempered, you don't know how to control your urge to kill, you don't deserve to call me mother," Her mother scolded angrily in a loud voice and her index finger pointing at Huo Ying.

She cupped her hands together and pushed them forward.

"I know I have acted irresponsibly but I hope mother will forgive me, I didn't do it intentionally, she...."

"Do you want to say that she spoke against your sister?" her mother questioned in rage, Huo Ying raised her head at her mother's question, indeed, she has been using this as her excuse every time she does something wrong, always her sister, she has never thought of it before but hearing her mother, she realized that she has made her sister the sole reason for all her problems but somehow it always felt like it is her first instinct to fight for her sister.

"Has it ever occurred to you that you have only been using your sister as an excuse, you have made her your weakness and not your strength when she is released by the emperor and she finds out that she has always been your reason for killing and changing into something that you are not, how do you think she will feel?" she didn't know what to say, everything her mother said was right, she has always made her sister a weakness instead of her strength and her purpose, how would her sister feel when she finally returns home and finds out?

She questioned herself!

"Do you think she cannot leave the wind sect on her own? she can but your sister has remained here because she is scared of her own power and she feels guilty for holding the sect back, when she finds out that her existence has become a reason for your atrocity, don't you think she will even hate herself more?" she raged in a loud voice, never has Huo Ying seen her mother speak to her in this matter, reflecting on herself, she realised that she has made both her mother and father angry because of her recklessness.

"I am sorry," Huo Ying said remorsefully, she has never felt this way after turning aggressive but after listening to her mother, a sudden feeling of guilt overcame her.

"Everyone in the sect sees you as a future leader but your recent behaviours shows otherwise, although the guardians are supposed to sacrifice their lives for you, a true leader would never let such a situation arise, the one you should be sorry to is Huo Mei," her mother responded in a disappointed tone then she turned back and headed towards the door without giving Huo Ying a chance to say anything.

"Sect madam..." Huo Qiang called as soon as she left the room, he was listening to everything the sect madam said to Huo Ying from outside the room and he knows just how sad she is at the moment after hearing all that scolding, she turned to glance at him while she softened the angry look on her face.

"I know what you are about to do but I advise you not to, you have all been indulging her for too long and that is why she has continually endangered you all," from her tone, it seemed pretty obvious to him that she is really angry with her this time and if Huo Ying doesn't find a way to absolve her anger towards her, they might remain at odds for a long time.

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