Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 16 - Rude MVP

"I almost forgot we were supposed to go to the karate centre today, and I didn't bring my uniform" yu yan said, "I knew you didn't bring yours so I brought one for you on my way back" Jia yu replied.

"seems like the friendship between the both of you is so strong" he said to gain their attention, "what else do you expect and point of correction it is sisterhood not friendship" Jia yu snapped back at him, "then do you mind me coming along, I have never seen you practicing karate before" Han chen said.​​

"OF COURSE, WE DO!!!" they both shouted at the same time, " didn't you say you needed to go just a while ago why are you still here anyway" Jia yu asked, " did you think I would wait till you come and then get punished, I had already called to tell the boss that my sister had an emergency so I couldn't report to duty today", "that is quite like you brother, if you both are ready let's leave now" she said and they both left the villa in Jia yu's car.


They arrived at the karate centre and met the others there except Xiao Meng and Xiao qi, "you guy arrived really late we have been waiting for an hour now" Ji chen said in a slightly angry tone, "sorry I had to go back to the villa to get Yu yan and I also got an extra gift unexpectedly" Jia yu replied, they all turned to look at Han chen whom Jia yu had referred to as an extra gift, " are you not planning to introduce this handsome young man to us Jia yu "An ke said, they all nodded in agreement with An ke statement.

"hmmmn this is my cousin Han chen, Han chen this are my friends An ke and Meng yao" Jia yu said, "why didn't you introduce Ji chen or are you denying him in front of your cousin" Yu yan said, "of course not I was just about to introduce him", she turned to face Han chen and said "brother this is my boyfriend Ji chen we went to the training together with Meng yao" she said in coquettish manner.

"ooh so this is the guy you told me about, he is quite handsome but not handsome than I am" Han chen said sarcastically and stretched out his hands to shake Ji chen with a smile on his face, Ji chen returned the gesture and said " please take care of me brother in law", they all laughed at his statement. Those who arrived late proceeded to the changing room to change into their karate uniform, by the time they came out the two guys were already chatting and getting along well with each other. Both girls came closer to the guys and Yu yan said "seems like you both are getting along well with each other", "of course we are I have to make my brother in law like me, if he disagrees with our relationship then that would be a big trouble for us, isn't it Jia yu" Ji chen said.

"what you just said is true, if my brother doesn't approve of you then my parents wouldn't either, brother you have to put in good word for him when we meet my parent since they always listen to whatever you say"

"it depends on your performance" Han chen replied and moved on to Yu yan "why don't you teach me karate Yu yan, I heard from my sister that you are the best among them". "I don't teach just anyone for free you have to pay me" she said coolly, "he moved three steps closer to her and said "how much is your lesson worth" he said in a quiet tone, "I will think about it later" yu yan replied.

"brother, why do you need to learn that you are a soldi…." Jia yu was just about to complete her sentence when he ran over to her and covered her mouth using his hand, he puled her away from yu yan and Ji chen, "don't tell them I am a soldier"

"why, oooh are you ashamed of being a soldier" Jia yu said and smiled, "of course not I am a proud soldier, if they find out that I am a soldier then they won't feel comfortable around me anymore they might get sacred of me".

"ok then for the sake of my boyfriend I will keep it a secret but why do I feel like that isn't your reason for wanting to keep it a secret, you are not perhaps interested in yu yan are you?" Jia yu said with her hands pointed at him, "of course not, I just want them to be free around me" he snapped back quickly, "in case you are, she has a boyfriend even though you are handsome and attractive than him she would never date you so quit early in case you get hurt"

"I know, moreover I don't have time for dating, I think you know that too" he said, "of course…wait what do you mean by you knew I have never told you that" Jia yu with doubts written all over her face, " I mean she is so beautiful it would be weird if she doesn't have a boyfriend.

"what are you both talking about, lets get on with the training", "coming" Han chen shouted back, he turned to face Jia yu and said "we have agreed right", she nodded her head positively and they both returned to the other two.

"by the way where is Meng yao I haven't seen her since we came out" she said and looked around to find Meng yao, "she just hooked up with a guy who walked up to her while the both of you were changing, look at her, they are on the fighting ground flirting with each other, Yu yan looked in the direction where An ke had pointed "not surprised though" she said and pulled Han chen by his hand to the training ground. "I pity your brother, he doesn't how fierce Yu yan is when training others, I remember when we were still in university I wanted to get closer to yu yan so I joined her karate club, the sufferings she put me through is something I can never forget" Ji chen said, he and Jia yu moved to the sparring ground, the both of them sparred and ended up with a tie, they finally sat down after thirty minutes of sparring and hydrated themselves. They watched Yu Yan as she thought Han chen the basic karate steps.

Yu yan held his legs in a kicking position and told him to remain in the kicking position for thirty minutes, she straightened his leg in a slant position to the standing punching bag, that was the first thing she told me to do back then too, I didn't last for ten minutes I wonder if your brother can" Ji chen said as she gulped down the water and passed Jia yu the remaining bottle of water, "don't underestimate my brother he is capable of lasting for an hour" Jia yu said and poured the water down her throat which was already dry by the time she had finished sparring with Ji chen, "even yu yan who was the school champion then can only last forty five minutes in a kick position how can your brother last foe an hour when he doesn't even have the basic training yet" Ji chen said, " since you don't believe me then let's watch and see" Jia yu said and folded her arm over her chest as she watched the both of them training.

Thirty minutes passed and Han chen was still in the kick position, he didn't seem tired but sweat still trickled down his face unto his chest "seems like you are quite fit no one has ever passed the first step of my training before you can stop now" she said. He came closer to her and said "I am stronger than you think now what do we do next"

"cant you talk without coming close to me, next you have to kick the punching bag fifty time while concentrating your effort on one spot" she said and moved to another punching back close to the one he was using and demonstrated how he should kick the bag, they were both practicing until a tall and well-built guy walked up to them, "can I speak to you privately "he said

"sorry but I am busy right now say whatever you need to say here" she said without even looking at the face of the person who was talking to her. The guy waited for a while hoping that she would give him attention or at least look at his face, frustrated by her indifference to him as she was about to land another kick on the bag, he held her leg and drew her closer to him with her leg under his arms, "hey what are you doing, let me go" she said, she struggled to free herself from his grip but to no avail, "now I have your attention" the guy said smiling.

The others rushed up to where they were practicing, "aren't you the winner of the national MVP, Zhang wei" Meng Yao said with her mouth wide agape, He smiled in response to her statement and released Yu yan, "is that why you are acting rude just because you are someone popular" Yu yan said in an angry tone, she attempted to walk out on him but he grabbed her hands tightly to stop her from moving.

"let me go" she said with her eyes burning with anger, "I said I needed to talk to you but you keep ignoring me"

"I don't want to talk to you so let go of me" she snapped back as she continued pulling her hand away from his grip, Han chen who had been watching without doing anything before suddenly gripped the guys hand and brushed his hand away from Yu yan's hand.

Annoyed by his sudden intervention, the guy turned to look at Han chen with a non-friendly look, the others realised that they were about to fight when Han chen returned the look with an expression that seemed to undermine the strength of the other guy, "Zhang wei or whatever your name is, is that how you treat a lady you just met" Han said with his eyes fixed on his face.

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