Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 161 - Excited!

{Seems like he really loves me, this is not a dream}

She said excitedly in her mind.

Soon after they arrived at her quarter and entered her room, he gently carried her and placed her on her bed, she couldn't help but feel awkward with her sitting on the bed especially when they have just kissed, she cleared her throat to calm herself.

He went away then he soon arrived with candles to heat the room up and duvet to cover her body, he was about to cover her body when he realized that her clothes were see-through so he quickly turned his face around, she wondered why he suddenly stopped then she traced his gaze and realized that her clothes are see-through, she quickly crossed her arms over chest.

{as if being in underclothes once is not enough, embarassing}

She bit her lips in embarrassment while he smiled at the embarrassed look on her face and proceeded to cover her up with the duvet, then he knelt down in front of her, she was confused as to why he was kneeling in front of her until she felt his cold touch on her leg.

He removed her boots her causing her to retract her leg but he pulled it back.

"Don't move" he ordered with a stern voice and she obediently followed his order, biting her lips.

He removed her socks and rubbed her feet with his hand to warm her up but he didn't know that is her weak spot, she was trying really hard not to crack up, he was infiltrating her weak spot since that is the place she is most ticklish.

Then she couldn't hold it anymore, she cracked up, bursting into a burst of loud resounding laughter, he looked up to see if she was alright then he saw her laughing frantically without any control, he guessed that she was ticklish but he still wanted to confirm his suspicion so he rubbed her feet again, making her crack into another burst of laughter.

"Stop, stop, please stop, I can't hold myself," she pleaded, still laughing but seeing as he had just discovered her weak spot, he didn't plan on stopping, he continued rubbing her feet making her laugh again, she felt like her intestines were going to cut and pain in her lower abdomen because of the laughter.

She had already overturned the blanket he covered her with in a fit of laughter and even he smiled as he watched her laughed to her heart content, he realized that it has been a long while since he saw her laugh freely like this.

"Stop...sto....stop!" she pleaded while holding her abdomen to stop herself from laughing as she couldn't help it, seeing as she seemed to be holding her stomach because of the pain she is feeling in her lower abdomen, he stopped but placed her leg on his thigh, while she tried to bring her laughter to a stop with a teary eye from laughing too much.

"You, you should never do this again, please," she said in a weak voice, bringing her laughter to a stop but still clutching her stomach tightly to get rid of the pain, she was now smiling sweetly, remembering that she has just been confessed to.

"You should laugh like this more often," Huo Qiang said with a teasing smile on his lips then he noticed the blanket has already been removed from her body, his eyes caught her accentuated upper figure, he quickly turned his head in another direction while she looked at him confusingly.

"The blanket," he said, pointing forward but his fingers were pointed to her side since he wasn't facing her but the moment she heard 'the blanket', she realized what she meant, it was almost as if she is always in something inappropriate whenever they are alone.

"ooh," she replied in embarrassment and quickly draped the blanket over her shoulder.

"You can turn now,". She was already starting to feel shameless, even though he turned his head, he must have already seen it all by now, and since she was even in her undergarment once, is there anything that can be worse than that?

She asked herself inwardly!

He pulled another pair of socks over her legs and gently placed them on the bed, then he pulled the duvet on the bed over her legs, signalling her to prepare to sleep but she didn't seem like she needed or wanted to sleep at that moment.

After all that happened, she knew that there is no way she would be able to fall asleep without thinking of all that had transpired, she suddenly felt the need to have Huo Mei with her since she is the only person she can tell these things to without feeling too embarrassed about it.

"You should sleep now," Huo Qiang instructed, he almost sounded like a father tucking his child in.

"What of you?"

oop! she exclaimed inwardly

An air of awkwardness filled the room the moment she put out that question, she didn't know what to say with that so she had just blurted out whatever came into her mouth, both of them looked away from each other embarrassingly, she couldn't imagine what he was thinking in his mind after hearing her ask that question.

She really felt like slapping herself!

His adam's apple bobbed in awkwardness,

{How could she be so...}

He couldn't bring himself to finish his thought!

"hmmm hmmm," he cleared his throat to speak, she clutched the duvet, not wanting to hear what his answer would be in case if it is something as stupid as her question, the situation shouldn't get any worse than it already is.

"What do you mean, of course, I will return to my room to get some sleep, I wouldn't be sleeping here anyway," their eyes met then they looked away again.

Why did he have to include the last phrase!

{oh no...I made things even worse,}

"Of course not," she retorted sharply

"Then goodnight," he responded hurriedly and took a step forward but he felt something or someone holding him back, he turned to see her hand holding his finger to stop him from going any further, he turned to look at her in confusion.

"are we...?" 

He understood what she wanted to ask, after all, he hasn't been straightforward with her all this while and that lead to one misunderstanding, he wouldn't want another misunderstanding to set in, he smiled sweetly and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead, this time, she wasn't surprised but she blushed, she had never seen this side of him before.

"You don't need to feel insecure, you are now my woman and I am yours," He responded to her unfinished questioned with his face still leaned forward, only an inch away from hers, she felt quite shy hearing his answer but he liked it, she liked how he made it sound like they only belong to each other and no one else.

A broad and girly curve formed on her lips then she stretched her body to reach his forehead and planted a kiss on his forehead, sitting back on the bed, she was now grinning from ear to ear, he was surprised but he did like it.

"hmmm," she hummed in response and quickly lied on her bed, covering her entire face with the duvet to prevent him from seeing the embarrassed look on her face, he smiled and straightened his poise.

"Goodnight," then he turned to leave, not waiting for her to reply.

As soon as she heard the creaking sound of the door closing, she removed the duvet from her face and looked towards the entrance of the room, when she confirmed that he was gone, she heaved a sigh of relief and pinched.

{If it was all a dream then it is time for me to wake up,}

She thought to herself then she pinched her cheeks but winced in pain.

"It wasn't a dream, this is real," she screamed in excitement.

She jumped on her bed crazily in excitement, she has always dreamt of this day but it turned out to be better than she has always dreamt it was going to be, she was sure that at that moment, she is the happiest woman in the world, she threw the pillow on her bed and threw the duvet to the floor, in excitement, she didn't want to hold it in, she really wanted to tell someone about it.

He quickly moved away from the door when he saw her come down from her bed, he was peeping at her to see what she would do after he left but her reaction was more than what he expected it to Be, he was now more sure than ever that they both feel the same way, even though he wasn't throwing things around like her, the excitement he feels in his heart is probably times two of hers.

He retired to his room.

She changed into another set of clothing and picked up an umbrella while she walked out of her room, she didn't think it would be possible for her to survive the night if she doesn't tell someone about it, and the only person she could possibly bother with this is Huo Mei, she had even forgotten that she had scolded her earlier for her mischief.

Huo Lian and Huo Mei are sharing the same quarter but they have different rooms, however, Huo Lian likes to cuddle her twin to sleep so she always makes Huo Mei sleep in the same room with her, she gently knocked on the door, hoping that Huo mei would wake up without having to disturb Huo Lian who doesn't seem to be very pleased with her these days.

The door soon opened and she was relieved to see that Huo Mei is the one who answered the door.

"Huo Ying, shouldn't you be sleeping, what are you doing here?" Huo Mei asked with sleepy eyes.

"I am sorry but I have something to tell you and I really can't hold it in," she answered sounding apologetic and yet excited, Huo mei had already guessed what she needed her for so she just sighed deeply.

"Why are you so excited like just drank chicken blood? I really want to sleep, we will talk about it tomorrow," she responded with sleepiness in her eyes, she could understand how excited Huo Ying must be feeling but she really wasn't in the mood for girl's gossip.

"Huo Mei...." Huo Ying insisted, pulling her hand, then she finally decided to give in, she was also interested to know how she felt with the kiss and what happened after then so she just nodded her head in agreement and followed behind her, trying her best to wipe away the laggy feeling on her body.

She had originally retired to her sister's room and lied on the bed without even removing her dress, she lied beside her sister who was already asleep in her white undergarment and wrapped her arm around her body, cuddling her to sleep.

Huo Lian opened her eye as soon as she felt her sister's touch, she thought Huo Mei was going to sleep with Huo Ying today and abandon her to sleep all by herself, she secretly smiled, happy that her sister didn't really leave her to sleep all by herself.

She also woke up when Huo Ying knocked on the door and she heard their entire conversation, she was happy when she heard her sister refusing to go with Huo Ying but when she finally agreed to go with her, she clenched her fist and bit her lower lips.

She stood up from the bed now that her sister is out of the room and walked to the door, she watched the duo walk out of sight with Huo Ying pulling laggy Huo Mei by the wrist.

{She has it all but she just wouldn't let me have my sister to myself, despicable}

She cursed in her mind with her fist clenched more tightly!

Huo Lian has always been one to easily get jealous and possessive when she has something she really wants or like, she has always wished she was in Huo Ying's position as the young mistress of the flame sect and she envied the family relationship between her and her parent even though Huo Ying always acts like her family without her sister is incomplete, she has always thought of that as a joke.

Being the child of a runaway disciple from the vitality sect, she has always wanted to grow stronger than anyone and even have more power than her peers but she is still the least powerful guardian in the sect, the only thing she found herself capable of being possessive of is her sister but she has always felt that Huo Ying has taken the better share of her sister's love.

"Just wait and see..." she drawled with a vengeful tone attached to her voice then she turned around to return to bed.

- - - - - -

"Sit here," Huo Ying ordered, pulling her to the bed then she dropped the umbrella and returned to sit with her on the bed.

"You wouldn't believe what happened today," Huo Ying said in excitement while she waited for Huo Mei to ask her what exciting news she had to tell her.

"I know about everything," Huo Mei responded, she had already been pulled long enough for her sleepiness to disappear, but Huo Ying had a confused look on her face.

"I was the one who told him to go after you and I saw the both of you kiss," she confessed.

"What!" Huo Ying exclaimed.

"I didn't mean to spy on you two but I just wanted to make sure that no major misunderstanding occurs between the both of you so I followed behind him when he went after you, come to think of it, he didn't even notice that I was following him because his head was too occupied with finding you," Huo Mei said teasingly, she definitely knew that Huo Ying would be embarrassed to know that she actually spied on them and that was what she wanted.

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