Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 165 - Keep Your Facts Straight! 1

"I am really sorry if I did anything to annoy you," she said turning to him with a bow, he was taken aback by her sudden apology when he hasn't even said anything to her, the whole class turned to look at her with scorn on their faces, then they all began laughing.

She lowered her head in embarrassment but Li Jing felt bad, he realized that she must have heard his remark and misunderstood him.

"I wasn't referring to you," he replied, amidst the many eyes looking at them, Li Na knew that this is just the start for the poor girl, any girl that gets too close with her brother has never met a good ending since she will have to face the envy and jealousy of the other girls.

She sighed and shook her head, then she remembered her seatmate, she wondered what he looks like since she couldn't see his face clearly.

"Don't look too much or your eyes will fall out," Lucy said with her eyes fixed on Lina who wasn't sure if the person was referring to her so she just looked away from the guy and opened her bag, ignoring the girl who had just spoken.

"tch!" she was annoyed by the attitude this new girl seems to be giving her.

"Hey, I am talking to you," she said louder than before, Li Na was now convinced that the girl seemed to be talking to her, she turned to look at the girl and glanced at her from her head to her toe, the girl was flustered, she couldn't believe that a no-name new student was giving her such attitude and she doesn't intend to have it.

"Be careful, although our prince seems gentle, he bites so you had better not look too much before you invite trouble to yourself," the girl warned with false friendliness.

"Oh, I see," Li Na concisely replied and looked away from the girl.

"I see....tch!" she couldn't believe that this newbie is actually looking down on her.

"Why don't I show you around the school now?" Min Young quickly added before the issue escalated beyond her control, even though she has never had control over the class as the class captain.

"That will be nice," Li Na replied and stood up from her seat then she walked out of the class with Li Jing and Min Young with furious gazes directed at them as they walked out of the class.

"This is the art room,"

"and this is the chemistry laboratory,"

"ooh, it looks really nice," Li Na remarked as they passed through the passageway with classes at both sides, the students from the other classes watched them as they passed.

"This is the physics lab and that is the biology lab," 

"You might not remember all this but don't worry about that, there is a school map to guide you around," she added, seeing the confusion on Li Na's face.

"oh and this is the music room, that is the dance room, I wonder if you are interested in any," Min Young asked, trying her best to be social with them.

"I am not but my brother plays the piano and guitar," Li Na replied and nudged her brother who seemed to be too quiet, not minding Min Young who still thinks that he has a problem with her especially since he hasn't said anything throughout the tour.

"Don't mind my brother, he is not usually this quiet, he is only like this when he goes to a new school," Li Na whispered to Min Young, crossing over her brother who tried to listen in but couldn't hear anything.

"oh," she smiled, now realizing that it might not be a problem with her after all but she could tell that she is going to have a hard time with him as her seatmate.

"But I am into karate," Li Na added to her surprise.

"Karate," Min Young repeated 

"Yes, is there any karate club in this school," she asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Did dad not say you shouldn't...."

"Yes there is one but...there are only boys in the karate club since no female student is interested," Min Young interjected. not realizing that she did.

"That is quite a shame but I will make do with it," Li Na answered, she could tell that she is not a normal student from a wealthy family so she wondered if she is also a scholarship student like her.

"Are you a scholarship student?" she asked

"No, why did you ask?" Li Na questioned.

"sorry but since the both of you don't look like you are from wealthy families and you also have interest in karate unlike the other girls, I assumed that you are also a scholarship student like me," she replied, she was now beginning to regret asking that question.

"oh you are a scholarship student, that explains why they are all acting that way towards you," Li Na remarked with a look that showed she pities the girl, Li Jing nudged at her with a scolding look, realizing that her comment might have been taken the wrong way, she hurried to defend herself.

"Please don't take it the wrong way, I am only saying that because I noticed that you seem to be outcasted from the class," 

"I alright, I am already used to it, by the way, you should be careful of lucy, she is the daughter of one of the leading petroleum companies, I don't really know much about these things but her parents have a lot of influence and her mother is one of the board of directors," she warned with a concerned tone.

"You don't have to worry about that, although we may look like this, My dad is also very wealthy so she can't intimidate me," 

"But you should still be careful,"

"From now on, I will be your friend, if anyone tries to trouble you or bully you, just tell me, as I told you before, I am a very good fighter although I may not look like it,".

Li Jing nodded his head at how boastful she is while Min Young smiled in appreciation.

"Judging from your name, you are Korean but your Chinese is so fluent," 

"I have been living in china since I was little,"

"It isn't surprising then,"

"We are already done, I think it is time for class now so if there is anything else you need or don't understand, please don't hesitate to tell me," 

"We will," they chorused.

- - - - - -

She arrived at the parking lot and parked the car when she heard her phone ringing, she ransacked her bag for her phone, she finally found it.

"Hello, am I speaking to miss Yu Yan," a masculine voice asked, she felt like the voice is familiar to her but she couldn't remember where she had heard the voice from, she moved the phone away from her ear to look at the contact's name but it was just numbers.

"Yes, who is this?" she asked 

"This is Mr Lu, your psychologist, I guess," he answered in friendly tone without a hint of professionalism but that didn't surprise her, judging from their first meeting, he didn't seem like someone who has an air of professionalism attached to him.

"Ooh, I didn't even get your name back then, I was about to call you but I didn't expect that you would call me even before I call," she responded, reciprocating his friendliness.

"Seems, like minds think alike,"

Yu Yan chucked at his response, she finds him too unprofessional for a psychologist.

"At the last appointment, I told you that I was going to make my research before contacting you for another appointment,"


"I have concluded my research so I would like to invite you for another appointment,"

"That would be really nice, actually my dreams stopped for a while so I thought there was no need for another appointment but I have just recently had another one,"

"Then please contact me when you are ready, so I can leave a spot for you in my schedules,"

"That would be really great, thank you" Yu Yan replied then the call ended.

She realised that she had forgotten her plan to contact the psychologist and she blamed the rude and arrogant headmistress for that.

Hanging her bag on her shoulder, she hurried into the hospital, she was sure that she wouldn't be busy throughout the day except for making her rounds and being on standby for emergency medical situations.

She walked into the hospital, greeting all the nurses and surgeons she met on her way as soon as she entered the office, she saw that only Xiaomeng was inside the office, she wanted to turn around to leave but she felt it would be awkward if she does that.

Staying along with Xiaomeng in the office has never meant anything good, especially since the rumours of her anonymous boyfriend whom everyone has been shipping her with has spread around the hospital, she will definitely have something to argue over with her.

She placed her bag on the table and changed from her jacket into her white coat, she switched on the computer in front of her and fixed her eyes on it, hoping that this silence will remain the same but the chances of that happening seemed very slim.

"Surgeon Yu Yan, what is this that I am hearing about you bringing your boyfriend to the hospital?" Xiaomeng asked, breaking the dead silence in the office, Yu Yan closed her eyes and sighed then she moved the laptop away from her sight to explain to her.

Not that she is afraid of Xiaomeng but she wouldn't want her to tell Chen Kai anything that would make him angry or feel insecure of their soon to end long-distance relationship, not when they will soon be together again.

"There is nothing special you need to know about it, he is not my boyfriend as you already know but Jia Yu's brother, even if everyone starts to spread rumours, You know better than they do so I hope you keep your facts straight," Yu Yan replied, definitely warning her not to say any nonsense to Chen Kai, that she cannot tolerate.

"Are you warning me right now?" Xiaomeng questioned after a scoff, earning a smile from Yu Yan but not a friendly one.

"You can take it however you want to but my only point is that you keep your facts straight," she answered 

"keep my facts straight.....tch!"

"I personally saw you both flirting in the hospital park, should I still keep my facts straight cause it appears to me that you have been cheating or should I say flirting with other guys in Chen Kai's absence,"


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