Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 168 - The Emperor's Decree!

At the wind sect.

The disciples were attending their training and classes under the guidance of the many masters in the sect, the day was almost going too well until the letter arrived at the sect.

"Sect leader, it has been more than a week now since the flame sect has returned from the capital but there is still no news of the outcome" the second elder complained.

"At this rate, we might not get any result at all and the flame sect coming out of their seclusion might turn out to be our bane," the first elder added.

The sect leader took in a deep breath, twisting the green jade ring on his finger, he was thinking of what the elders have said, ever since the flame sect madam returned from the capital he has been concerned, he knows that the emperor will never let her return that easily if he found something on the flame sect.

"I understand your concern but we can only wait until there is news from the palace," sect leader Lin responded.

"Sect leader, there is news from the palace," a voice announced from outside the door while waiting for permission to go into the room.

The elders glanced at each other before returning their gaze to the sect leader.


"Could it be the news we have been waiting for," 

"Come in quickly," he ordered

A female disciple entered the study with a gold-coloured scroll in her hand, their eyes fell on the scroll as she entered further into the study.

"Sect leader, the...."

"Bring it to me quickly," he ordered interjecting her with the urge to see the content of the scroll evident on his face, without hesitation, she walked up to him and handed him the scroll with her head slightly bowed.

He waved his hand in a dismissal wave then the disciple retreated and exited the room while the sect elders were staring at the sect leader as he unrolled the scroll to see the content of the scroll, if they had their chance, they would have snatched it from him to read it first.

{....The second young mistress of the flame sect has been permitted by the emperor himself to go back to the flame sect for a day, Decreed by the emperor himself!}

His hands trembled as he read the content of the scroll while his face scrunched up in anger, he couldn't believe that their trip to the capital actually worked against them, he squeezed the edge of the scroll tightly while the elders glanced at each other, wondering what might have caused him to be so angry.

"Sect Leader, what does the scroll say?" the first elder asked in curiosity but the sect leader tightened his grip on the scroll while his chest moved up and down in anger.

"Could it be that....."

"Huo Jingyu, Flame sect!!!" he roared then he threw the scroll to the ground and stomped on it, the elders stood up with him, judging from his reaction, they could tell that the emperor must have found them innocent but it still doesn't warrant the sect leader getting this angry.

"Sect Leader...." the second elder called

"Please calm down," the third elder added, but he turned to him with his eyes burning in anger

"I should calm down, I should calm down, How am I supposed to calm down? see for yourself!" he yelled and swept the scroll towards their direction, the third elder sighed and bent his back to pick up the scroll but the first elder snatched it as soon as he picked it up.

"First elder..." he complained but having no choice, he could only move close to him to read the scroll while the second elder did the same.


"The second young mistress of the flame sect should return to the flame sect for a day, this....this...this," the second elder exclaimed, hanging his hand in the air with his sleeve dangling, they could now understand the reason for the sect leader's anger.

"How could it turn out this way, the emperor would never send such a decree, this must be a fake edict, that witch must be pulling some of her tricks again," the first elder remarked, the sect leader turned to face them with an irritated look in his eyes.

"Trick, do you think she has the ability to fake the imperial stamp, this scroll has been stamped by the emperor himself,"

"If that is so, then the emperor must have been forced to make such a decree,"

"I agree, the emperor is the last person who wants the flame sect to gain the power and influence they once possessed, something must have happened in the court,"

"That Huo Jingyu, she is really sly and cunning, she actually used the situation to her favour, perhaps, we shouldn't have summoned the flame sect to the alliance meeting, that way, they wouldn't have come out of their seclusion," the first elder remarked in regret, not only him but even sect leader Lin was regretting his decision when he brought up the flame sect in the alliance meeting.

{She has not only been acquitted but she had also made an appearance in the court, if I allow things to keep going this way, it will be bad}

He thought inwardly!

"I didn't send a message to the flame sect before the meeting, someone must have informed her of the meeting," he disclosed while pacing up and down the room, while he pondered about who might have disclosed the information of the meeting to her.

"But you said..." the second elder was stopped by the first elder, he had already known that the sect leader wasn't planning on sending the disciples to inform the flame sect of the meeting, the second elder quickly understood his intention so he halted his sentence.

"One of the sect leaders that attended the alliance meeting must have informed her of the meeting but all the sect leaders seem to be opposing the flame sect and they all joined the campaign against the flame sect back then, so it is really not easy to tell who the culprit is," the first elder commented

"That is indeed true but there is one sect that didn't participate in the campaign and is also on good terms with the flame sect or should I say Huo Jingyu," the third elder remarked while they turned to him.

"You mean the azure demon sect," sect leader Lin responded 

"That is indeed not impossible, judging from how Mo Yuhan seems to worship Huo Jingyu and their refusal to take a stand during the campaign, they might have informed the flame sect of the meeting," the first leader added, with a look that showed that he is convicted of his conclusion.

"No, it cannot be Mo Yuhan, after he left, I sent a disciple to visit the inn where he reportedly stayed in before the meeting and the disciple confirmed that he is at the inn, he couldn't have informed the flame sect within the time he left the sect and the time I sent the disciple," sect leader Lin argued with confidence in his investigation.

"If sect leader says so then it is really hard to tell who the culprit is," 

"There is one more person but I hope sect leader won't be offended by what I am about to say," the first leader said but the sect leader could already guess what he was about to say.

"You mean Bohai?"

"It seems like sect leader is also thinking in the same direction, the young master seemed to be displeased with the alliance decision to investigate the flame sect and I have also noticed that he has been interceding for the demoness so I..."

"Bohai would never do such a thing, I suppose first elder has been misunderstanding his intentions, his intentions in interceding for her is to ensure that we do not take the wrong actions and the emperor's decree has proved him to be right," 

The disciple who has delivered the emperor's decree to the sect leader was discussing with the other disciples when her words fell upon Bohai's ears.

"What did it say?" 

"I don't know, do you think I will dare to open the emperor's decree,"

"What are you talking about?" Bohai asked, interrupting their discussion.

"Young master!" they greeted

"What were you saying just now?" he probed, showing his disinterest in their greeting.

"The emperor's decree arrived at the sect this afternoon and I delivered it to the sect leader, I was only informing them about it," the disciple answered, hoping that Bohai wouldn't scold them for slacking and lazying around.

"The emperor's decree," he repeated


"What did it say?" he asked with his urge to know what the decree entailed evident in his voice.

"I didn't dare to open the decree so I don't know the content," the disciple answered.

"Alright," Bohai responded and walked away, the disciples sighed in relief that they didn't get scolded but they found it surprising.

He walked towards his father's study with worry written on his face, he really wanted to know what the decree entails but he didn't think it would be the right thing to do if he goes to see his father to know what the decree says since that would only increase his father's suspicion and dissatisfaction towards him.

"Huo Lan, I really hope you will still be safe after this," he stopped on his tracks when he arrived in front of his father's study, he was still trying to decide if it is the right decision to go in at that moment.

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