Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 173 - The Governor's Grand Daughter! 3

Outside the governor's manor, Ruo Rufei and Wei Xianlu climbed their horses followed by their few servants from the governor's manor and Xianlu's assistant who is also his bodyguard then they started out to tour the city.

As they rode their horses across the street Rufei noticed that most times, his eyes were on her and not on what she is showing him or describing to him, she made sure to look attractive in front of him and behave elegantly as a well-refined young mistress would.

"Young master Wei, I heard you have been at the border for years and you only returned from the border this time because you resolved the conflict between the bandits and the soldiers at the border, young master Wei should be resting in the capital, I wonder why you have accompanied my grandfather to this humble city," she probed in a gentle voice, Xianlu turned to her with a smile on his lips, he found her more attractive at that moment for being an informative woman.

{She is really informative but I can't tell her my real reason for coming to Shannanxi or my father's effort might be ruined}

He decided inwardly!

"Young master Wei!" she called out seeing that he was spaced out even though he seemed to be staring at her.

"ah...forgive my absentmindedness, regarding your question, I am sightseeing in Shannanxi, due to my inability to travel around the world because of my responsibility at the border, there are so many things and places that I haven't seen, it so happens that I heard the governor was returning so I decided to come with him and also use the chance to see the famous governor's daughter who is said to be intelligent, beautiful and brave," Wei Xianlu answered, although all he said wasn't a lie, most of is a lie.

"Once again, you have overpraised me, I only won a poetry competition held in the imperial palace two years ago, it is not a big deal that I have to praised," 

"You are really humble, miss Rufei,". she nodded her head and smiled widely in response to his praise.

{Humble, hmph!}

Xixi scoffed inwardly.

As they rode past the stalls and circus groups performing, Rufei explained the origin of all the activities and snacks sold in the stalls, she pretended like she is a woman who loves to indulge in the lifestyle of the low borns which is rather the opposite of her real self.

"Shannanxi is indeed a city worthy of being a tourist attraction, due to Miss Rufei's thorough explanations, I have really broadened my knowledge and enjoyed myself today," 

"That is not so young master Wei, I could see that you already have some knowledge about these things, all I did was contribute more," they continued forward while they continued discussing their views on the things they saw and books, Wei Xianlu was becoming more attracted to her with each minute that passes by, they laughed when they see or say anything funny.

Then they arrived in front of Ruyi pavilion, at the sight of the pavilion she couldn't help but be reminded of the man she saw some days ago, she was now lost in her own thought thinking of the man.

"What place is this, it seems very interesting?" he questioned with his eyes fixed on Ruyi Pavillon, he turned to look at her when he wasn't receiving any reply but he noticed that although her eye was fixed on the pavilion, she seems to be absentminded.

"Miss Rufei!" he called gently, snapping her back to her senses.

"I was asking about this place, it looks interesting," 

"oh, this is Ruyi pavilion, a famous entertainment place but it is said that the women there don't sleep with men they only entertain them with music and dance," although she gave a good description of the place, the tone she spoke in showed that she doesn't like the sight of the Pavillon.

{it seems like she is not fond of this place but just now...}

"In that case, let's move on" his horse moved forward but he noticed that she was still in the same spot, he turned around with a confused look on his face.

"Miss Rufei, what is it?" 

"Young master Wei, why don't we continue tomorrow I am not feeling quite well so I would like to return to the manor to take a rest," she placed her hand on her forehead in pretence.

{I can't afford to stop now, I still need her to lead me to the spirit Forest otherwise, it will be hard for me to complete the mission in time}

He smiled and moved closer to her.

"I will not hide the truth from you, actually, I heard a strange tale about a forest in Shannanxi, I think they call it the spirit forest so I was hoping that Miss Rufei will lead me to the forest,"

"the spirit forest is said to be filled with danger, most people don't dare to go into the forest for fear of the rumoured creatures living in the forest, if young master Wei wants to visit the spirit forest out of curiosity then I advise you not to," 

{Judging from her tone, it seems like she is not willing to accompany me to the spirit forest but without her help, there is no way I will be able to enter the forest, I must find a way to convince her}

"Miss Rufei, I heard you are the only one who has ever dared to enter the spirit forest and you also brought back a fire element grass to cure the ice poison in your grandfather's body years ago, with your knowledge and my strength, I believe that we will be able to come out unharmed," he maintained although not wanting to sound pushy.

{Why does he insist that I take him to the spirit forest and he mentioned the fire element that I got by chance from the spirit forest, could it be that he intends to take something from the forest,}

"although there are difficulties one must encounter when you enter the spirit forest, I am sure that young master Wei can surely overcome them, due to grandfather's absence, I have been worried and my body has gotten weaker, I am afraid I won't be able to go with you," she urged her horse to turn around and signalled Xixi and the other servants to come with her but Xianlu held the reins of her horse.

"does Miss Rufei not wish to be praised once again for her bravery for entering the spirit forest twice and you might even bring something priceless with you again, it has been my long time wish to see the spirit forest that everyone is afraid of, I hope miss Rufei will grant me this request," he looked at her with a pleading look in his eyes, she felt compelled to do accept his request not only because of his pleading but because of the reputation she will gain if she manages to enter the spirit forest again.

Although this time would be the real one, years ago when her grandfather was poisoned by the ice poison, she didn't want to lose her only remaining family so she took the risk to go into the spirit forest being the intelligent and wise young lady she is, she was able to solve the problems needed to enter the spirit forest but she didn't make it deep into the forest before she was attacked by strange creatures which she still failed to recognise to this day.

The fire element grass she got was obtained by killing the man she met who saved her from the creatures, his whole body was battered and he was seriously wounded when she met him but he already had a fire element grass in his hand, he met Ruo Rufei unluckily on his way out but she took advantage of his weak state and killed him to obtain his fire element grass.

"Alright but young master Wei must guarantee that if any accident happens neither me nor my grandfather will be held responsible,"

"I give you my word," she nodded her head in response and turned her horse around then they started out to the forest.

Meanwhile, the fourth prince, Xi Feng and Xiaodi had already arrived at the spirit forest, they had already managed to solve the chess problems and the trigram puzzle they needed to solve to enter the spirit forest since the fourth prince has been exploiting the spirit forest for years to help him get through the backlash, he has now become familiar with every nook and cranny of the forest.

"Master, are you alright, do you want us to turn back?" Xiaodi asked in concern, seeing the fourth prince clutch his chest tightly, he balled his hand into a fist and placed it on his mouth to cough.

"I am alright, we have to find a fire element grass in the spirit forest before my saint transformation starts otherwise...." he tried his very best to cough silently to prevent them from knowing just how serious his condition is and the severity of the pain he is feeling.

"Don't worry Master, although the fire element grass migrates from time to time, I am sure that with Xiaodi good sense of smell it won't be long before we find it," Xi Feng assured while Xiaodi nodded her head confidently but a faint smile appeared on his lips which confused them.

"It seems like the confinement in the meditation room really helped seeing as you are now praising her," 

They glanced at each other but they quickly looked away and cleared their throat shyly.

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