Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 190 - Held Her Hand To Run!

After work she left work earlier then she would normally, she felt the need to drink but she shrugged off the idea because she still has to get to work the next day, she decided to walk home in the dark even though she could have gotten a ride from one of them.

With her bag dangling as she swung her arms, she walked to the bridge with many couples admiring the scene away from the bridge, she rested her arms on the rail and looked towards the river under the bridge and the colourful lights around the tower far away from the bridge, the scene looked really beautiful and colourful and she felt that looking at this scene is probably going to take away her sadness, at least for that night.

"Should I call, he might be busy I shouldn't disturb him," she removed her phone from her bag and stared at the contact with the name 'My love' written on the screen, she really wanted to tap the part of the screen where it says 'Call' but she was hesitating.

"Chen Kai...." muttered to herself

Meanwhile, Han Chen who was just returning from visiting the company drove past her but he reversed the car when he looked at the side mirror and saw a familiar figure standing by the railings of the bridge.

"Isn't that Yu Yan?" he pondered aloud when he got to the side of the bridge where he parked the car by the river.

He dialled Jia Yu's number but he stopped with a sigh.

"She will just continue her rambling I had better not call her," he ended the call and continued looking outside the window, from how her head is bent backwards and her brooding look, he knew that something had definitely gone wrong.

Yu Yan eventually decided to dial the number, the only person who she thinks is capable of making her cheer up at that moment is Chen Kai, she finally called him and placed the phone on her ear, expecting to hear his soothing voice from the other end.

{User is busy if you had like to leave a voicemail dial...}

She ended the call and dialled his number again but she still received the same answer, she decided to send him a voicemail.

{When you see this message, please call me back I really need to speak to you,}

she placed the phone in her bag and took in a deep breath as she stared out at the water below n the colourful lights.

"I really wish you were here....with me" she mumbled 

"Is she talking about her boyfriend?" he whispered, he had come out of his car to walk up to her but he stopped when he saw the caller ID, he was literally standing behind her but she wasn't even aware, she was about to look to her side when she saw a shadow behind her, she widened her eyes and pretended to not see the shadow, she slowly placed her hand into her bag to look for anything she could use as a weapon.

She felt a sharp tip in her bag, she quickly grabbed the object and swiftly turned around to grab his neck and place the tip of the pen on his neck but just as she turned around with the tip of the pen aimed at him, he grabbed her arm and spun her around, he wrapped his arm around her in a back hug position while he held the arms tightly.

"I have a faster reflex than you," he remarked softly with a whisper in her ear, she fluttered her lashes nervously, she felt the voice is familiar but she just couldn't tell who the person is, she struggled to free herself from the man's grip but he was just too strong compared to her.

"Who are you?...let me go" she ordered with a hint of fear in her voice.

"oooh, so you can actually be scared in this situation and I originally thought you were fearless," he responded with a teasing tone.

"Let me go or I will scream," she threatened

"Go ahead, scream," she felt his breath on her ear, she realized that she strangely like the feeling of his breath on her ear.


"Help, he wants to kidnap me!!" she screamed, everyone around immediately turned towards them but he smiled awkwardly at them hoping they won't come for him.

"Help...." he covered her mouth and nodded his head to diffuse their suspicion and accusing gazes but she was still muffling her screams.

"Stop, it is me, Han Chen," her whispered into her ear and removed his hand from her mouth, he released her while she turned to confirm if it was truly him, she was startled seeing him standing in front of her.

"Why are you..."

"Hey, what are you trying to do to that young lady?" one guy questioned with an accusing gaze in his eyes.

"I am...."

"He must be trying to harass her,"

"What are we still waiting for, let's get him!" another one shouted, then they started coming towards him, seeing how a young lady as beautiful as Yu Yan was about to be harmed, they didn't hesitate to leave their partners for her sake.

Sensing the danger in standing there, he quickly held her hand and started running away with her, she didn't even know why they were running but she couldn't free her hand from his grip and they were still chasing after them, she had forgotten that she screamed for help when he was still gripping her.

"Hey, why are we run...."

"Let's get out of here first then we can talk," just as he finished talking, she broke her heels so she had no choice but to removed her heels and abandon them on the streets, she looked back to see that the men were still pursuing them but they were almost losing them.

"Hey, stop right there!"

"Stop!" they kept shouting but Han Chen didn't listen to them, he just kept running, he had forgotten that he parked his car by the bridge.

They finally lost them completely when they got to a children's park, he stopped to catch his breath then he released her hand but her legs were already bruising from running barefooted, he didn't even realize this when they were running.

She took her seat on one of the swings and raised one of her legs to examine the bruise on her leg, he turned to her when he noticed the bruise on her leg, he quickly moved closer to her and knelt in front of the swing.

"How did this happen, what of iyour heels?" he asked with a worried look on his face, he clearly saw her wearing heels by the bridge, he was about to hold her leg when she kicked him away making him fall to the ground.

"You are crazy!" she yelled at him 

"What did I do?"

"You are asking me..what did you do,"

"I really don't know," he could see the anger in her eyes and the sharp gaze she directed at him but he was still confused.

"Why did you hold my hand and start running, I was wearing a f***ing heels, you idiot," she looked like she was going to hit him at any time.

"But they were coming for us,"

"They were coming for you not me, you made my heels break and I had to remove them while running," she stood on her feet to hit him again but her sore feet made her fall back on the swing.

"Aarrgghh!" she winced in pain, he hurriedly stood up from the ground and rushed to her, he held her foot and placed them on his laps but she tired to retract them, he was stronger than her so it failed.

"Let me go!"

"Don't be stubborn, let me check it," he looked really worried with his forehead creased, he dusted the sand on her feet and lowered his head to blow on her feet, feeling the ticklish feeling on her feet, she hardened her feet and tries her best to hold the laughter that was about to burst out.

He pulled her leg to make her release it, he blew on her feet again setting it lose, she broke into a crack of laughter, holding her belly.

He was startled by the sudden laughter so he raised his head to look at her, he blew on her feet again to test the waters but her laughter became louder. his mind wandered back to the past...


"Let me see your feet,"

"No, I told it's fine,"

"That pin just entered your shoe, you might have a wound on your feet, let me just see it," he held her leg and removed her shoe and socks, seeing the small wound on her foot, he lowered his head to blow on it.


He smiled seeing how hard she is laughing while holding her belly.


"I almost forgot you always get ticklish when I blow on your feet," he mumbled, but she stopped laughing when she heard his mumble.

"What did you just say?" she asked, trying her best to stop herself from laughing again.

"It's nothing...why didn't you tell me you are ticklish when I held your feet, I wouldn't have blown on it if I knew,"

"That's right...I didn't know I get ticklish when someone blows on my feet,"

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