Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 198 - Appointment!

"Young lady, are you here to make an appointment or to meet your appointment," a nurse at the reception asked with a broad smile on her face, she really admired and envied the beautiful woman in front of her.

"I am here to attend my appointment with psychologist Lu," she answered

"Please tell me what time your appointment with him is scheduled for,"

"Seven pm,". The nurse checked her wristwatch to confirm the time, she nodded affirmatively and directed Yu Yan to the direction of his office with her arm gestured at the door, Yu Yan thanked her and entered through the door, after passing by few offices, she knocked on the door which she recognised as his office since the last time she visited him for an appointment.

"Come in,". she bent the knob, opening the door, as soon as she entered the office, she met with the pleasant smile of the psychologist who seems to have been solving a puzzle box.

"It seems like I am interrupting your fun time," Yu Yan remarked as she took her seat in front of him without waiting for his permission.

"Other people won't call this a fun time seeing me trying to seriously solve this puzzle box, you are indeed different from others," the psychologist remarked, placing the puzzle box into his locker.

"I will take your remark as a compliment,"

"I was about to retort that but I know that if I start retorting all your statements then we won't be having a proper session today but a bickering session," he folded his hands on top of each other and placed his elbow on the desk.

"I am glad you know that,"

"Then I supposed you want to start telling your experience now then I will tell you what I have made from my research," 

"I will start then, I didn't have the dreams for some time then I suddenly started having them again, this time I dreamt of a little girl in a garden, she seemed to be playing with another girl but the garden suddenly was on fire and one of the girls went missing, the other girl kept calling out for her but she couldn't find her then all of a sudden," she paused, remembering how terrified she was when she woke up from the dream, she felt the fear and anxiousness the girl felt when she was engulfed by the sea of voices.

"She multiplied and her doppelgangers surrounded her, they were calling her a monster, they said she killed her sister" she stopped to breathe, their shouts and whispers made her find it hard to breathe, she fluttered her lashes in anxiousness, the dream was too vivid for her.

"Did you see her kill her sister?" Mr Lu asked, seeing her reaction when narrating the dream, he could tell that the dream has seriously affected her mentally.

"No, but I felt the guilt she felt, the fear, anxiousness and the urge to just-disappear," she ended her sentence, clutching her trouser.

"You felt it-"

"Yes, I am sure, since then, I have been having dreams in the same historical setting but not like the one I just told you about, the dreams just kept showing the girl that looks like my teenage self, she seemed to be in a cave with another girl, her appearance is still the same but unlike the other dreams I had before, she looked happy being with the other girl," she smiled when she ended her narration, Mr Lu narrowed his eyes at her, she was smiling and her eyes weren't concentrated on him.

{She really feels the emotions of the person in her dreams, this is not a usual case, I have seen people have nightmares about themselves and feel scared, even happiness, her dreams seem like every other dream where you imagine yourself in an impossible world that doesn't exist but there is something wrong here, my research might not fit into her situation,}

"Miss Yu Yan, people normally have dreams where they see themselves in impossible places and they also feel the emotions of the person in their dreams, what I need to know is- -do you feel the little girl and the teenage in your dream are your representation in your dreams," he focused his eyes on her to catch every one of her reaction, she pondered on his question, they look like her and everything about the young girl also looks like her childhood pictures which she checked after having the dream but they don't feel like her.

She has had dreams where she finds herself in strange places but not like this, these ones stay in her head, in her thought and even if she looks like she is normal, her dreams are still lingering in her mind.

"No, Mr Lu, I know how normal nightmares and happy dreams feels but I feel like I am seeing somebody else's life, they are definitely not me," she replied with deep and unshaken conviction, as a surgeon herself, she knows more or less about these things and when she decided to visit a psychologist she knew her dreams were not normal.

"Based on my research I concluded that your nightmares must have been caused by past incidents which you may or may not have forgotten but these incidents are appearing n your dreams in other circumstances but now I doubt my research is correct," 

"Most psychologists don't believe in a parallel universe but I do, I have an inch inside me that there is a parallel universe and you have a doppelganger in that universe," He stared into her face, waiting for her reaction but she just looked at him blankly.

"Mr Lu, don't you think your imaginations are too wide," she remarked with a smirk.

"They might seem wild but they are not, I was once involved in parallel universe research, I joined as a psychologist amidst many scientists and physicists to explore humans contribution to the parallel universe but the research failed due to lack of budget and funding just when we were at the climax, we discovered a hole but we couldn't show it to the world," his face showed genuine regret for not accomplishing that dream of his, even though he tried to forget about that research and lead his life as a normal psychologist, he still couldn't help it.

"If that is really your conclusion then I beg to differ, I don't want to believe what you are saying not because I really don't believe but I believe that this world has to be balanced, the existence of what you are speculating will only bring about imbalance, I would prefer to think I am dreaming of the past.....that sounds more plausible," the seriousness on her face showed her conviction, she wouldn't allow anyone to mess with her view of this world and how it runs.

"I understand you, I will continue making my research but If you need someone to talk to about your dreams then you can find me anytime, no one else will believe you," he spread out his arms, showing his willingness to help with a welcoming smile on his face.

"I definitely will, but there is someone who will believe what I say,"

{Chen Kai}

She stood up and nodded at him before leaving his office, he stood up from his seat after she left and walked to the door, staring at the glass space in the door, he watched her until she was out of sight.

"Intriguing, I have never seen someone who managed to arouse the scientist in me, she will make a good experimental specimen" he smirked, pleased.

- -- - - -- 

A black Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 parked on the side on the road and the person driving the car looked at the side mirror to confirm if the person he is waiting for is here, he was relieved to see him already coming towards the car.

He pulled the doorknob and entered into the car with a frown on his face.

"Boss, why do you look so gloomy?" Shi Fen asked

"Many reasons, I realize the need to carefully plan my mission before plunging into it, this operation is not going to be easy, Shi Fen, I will need every help and encouragement I can get," he shook his head and sighed.

Shi Fen "..."

{What is he talking about,} 

"Boss, are you going on an operation, has your suspension been lifted?" he asked confusingly, Han Chen turned to him with a fed-up look on his face, he clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Don't bother, your brain cannot comprehend what I am thinking right now," he turned back to the front of the car.

"tch! even if you want me to bother, I wouldn't," Shi Fen mumbled and eyes the guy seating beside him.

"What did you say?"

"Noth...oh! The major general has announced that he will only lift your suspension when he feels like and Chang Wei is going to take your position while you will get demoted after your suspension," 

"What! Is that senile old man crazy, I don't even care about the suspension but demoting me...he has really gone too far," 

"Boss, calm down, actually, his reason has been justified, I was wondering why no one was talking about our heroic act but it appears that the military government ordered the video to be brought down even after it made the headlines, it didn't manage to reach a lot of people before it was brought down,"

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