Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 206 - The Same Dish!

"So you have no reason to request for her dismissal...I am afraid,"

"If anything happens to my daughter then I really won't let her go," the woman threatened and stood up from her seat then she glared at the team leader and angrily marched out of the office, it seemed very clear to her that the team leader is only trying to protect Yu Yan instead of disciplining her.

The husband followed after her in the same angry mannerism but she only scoffed at them after they left the office, she sighed when she remembered how Yu Yan spoke to them after they mentioned her social status.

She couldn't help but wonder why she reacted that way even though she has never talked to anyone like that when they mentioned her status, she knew that something must have definitely triggered her and she felt sorry for the girl.

Then something crossed her mind...

"Come to think of it, I already sent him the message so why hasn't he resumed work yet?" she asked rhetorically then she picked up her phone from the table and dialled a number with a frown on her face.

"Is he being arrogant even before he resumes work? I just knew nothing good would come out of having the owner of the most powerful and wealthiest conglomerate as my underlying," she complained with another loud sigh but the person picked the call just as she sighed.

"I wonder what or who is making my team leader sigh so loudly?" Han Chen questioned with a teasing tone in his voice.

"Do you really not know, why haven't you resumed work yet? I sent you the message days ago but you still haven't resumed work, this can be counted as AWOL, don't you think you should be penalised?!" her strict manner of scolding him with her voice raised reminded him of when he used to work under her before she discovered his real identity.

He moved the phone away from his ear and shook his ear, he had almost forgotten how her loud scolding used to make his ear itch.

"Team leader, I haven't even resumed work yet and you are already scolding me fiercely, don't you think you are going to scare me away?"

"Scare you away....hmph! that is exactly what I want, if you get scared away then I won't have the owner of the wealthiest conglomerate working under this humble team leader,"

"Then it seems like you will be disappointed, I will resume work on Friday and when I resume, you can punish me for being absent from work without permission," 

"Good, I will make sure I punish you nicely without any mercy, I am sure you don't know this but I am stricter than I was before," 



"Did she just cut the call on me? it seems like working under her is will be even harder than working in the military," he placed the phone on the table and turned to the managing director standing in front of him with a confused look on his face.

"Why, do you want to ask something?" he asked seeing the look on his face.

"'s nothing, I was just confused since it sounded like you are planning on working under someone...." he lowkey stuttered, he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to pry.

"Yes, in fact, I will be working in a hospital as a general surgeon with the woman I love in the same team, aren't you happy for me?" the smile on his face showed just how happy he is with the thought of working together with Yu Yan, the managing director who has only met him a few times before he arrived at the company didn't know what to think.

He didn't want to bother asking how his boss turned out to be a surgeon.

The smile on his face....he looks like a man in love but is he in love?


"I asked are you happy for me?"

"Of course I am, the lady must be so happy to have you...hehe, she is really lucky," the managing director answered with a wide smile on his face, another bootlicking habit of his.

Han Chen sighed, "It is quite the opposite, I am the one who is lucky to have her and she will probably not like that I would be working in her team...I wonder how she would react when she knows about it," he looked downcasted, thinking of what the look on her face would be like.

Will she smile or frown?


"Everyone wants to know who the owner of Han conglomerate is and most young ladies from prominent families dream of meeting you, how is there such a lady?" he looked really confused, it definitely can't be a one-sided love right?

"There is and that is exactly why I love her so much," his smile broadened as he placed his head on the edge of his hand.

The managing director shook his head and sighed.....he has fallen too deep!

- - - - - - - -- 

In the large mansion with exquisite decorations, a middle-aged elegant woman is seated on a sofa in the parlour with another woman seating opposite her, she has her wavy long hair resting on her shoulder with a light red lipstick on her lips and a light blue lace bodycon long-sleeved dress with earrings of three shades of blue on her ear.

"I guessed you would prefer tea over wine, please have a sip," Mrs Chen said as the maid placed the cups of tea in their front.

"That is really thoughtful of you, I thought you would have forgotten my preference, after all, it has been a while since we met like this," the other woman responded.

"How can I forget that," both women placed the edge of the cup on their lips as they sipped the tea lightly.

"Hmmm...really mellow taste," she remarked as she placed the teacup on the plate

"I am pleased to see you love it, I was passing by a renowned tea store in Japan known for making really quality ancient tea, it reminded me of you so I decided to buy it,"

"I am really thankful, didn't you go to Australia for a business trip?" Xiaomeng mother, Mrs Song questioned.

"I did but the deal ended quite early so I decided to go to Japan before returning to China," 

"That is also good, Xiaomeng has been bugging me to ask for when you were going to arrive but it was really hard to contact you after you left, if you didn't call me the last time then I wouldn't have known you were returning,"

"That reminds me, It seems like Xiaomeng is really doing well, she has grown more beautiful than she was the last time I saw her, I am sure Chen Kai would be surprised to see her when he returns," she crossed her legs and placed her hand on her lap.

"I didn't know you met her yet, You said Chen Kai is returning in the next two days right?" 

"Yes, he is, I was thinking of letting Xiaomeng pick him up, It would give them some time to catch up,"

"That is a wonderful idea, when I told her of their engagement, she was very excited so she will surely be happy to pick him up,"

"After he returns, we should make them get engaged as soon as possible, I want him to settle down with her as soon as possible then he can inherit the companies while I and his father travel around the world,"

"Have you spoken to him about the engagement?"

"Of course, I did, they have been together since they were in kindergarten so there won't be any problem, I am sure Xiaomeng is not the only one who has feelings for him, he surely does too," she answered with confidence, she has made sure he spends his whole life with her to make them bond so as to prevent any disagreement in the future.

"I am really glad to hear that, I was worried that my daughter might be the only one who has feelings for him,"

"You don't have anything to worry about," she smiled gently and sipped her tea again then she placed the cup on the table and looked to her side with a faint sigh.

- - - - - - - - -

"When the patient wakes up, let me know," she instructed Nurse Song and glanced at the lady for one last time before walking away, she pitied her for having such incompetent parents who only care about the status of the surgeon who is operating on their daughter and not her life.

{I guess being born in a wealthy home comes with a price,}

"Every time I regret not being born in a wealthy home, there is always a wealthy person who proves me wrong," she remarked softly as she entered the elevator and pressed the close button, she took in a deep breathe as the elevator moved up.

She was worried that she might get scolded by the team leader for speaking in a rude manner to the patient's guardian but she doesn't regret it a bit, the fact that she got hit twice by a complete stranger and she couldn't return the slap angered her to the bones.

"Very good, from now on anyone who looks down on me will be served the same dish," she raised her chin in confidence, she has already hard it with the whole class discrimination thing.


She got out of the elevator and passed by her office to the team leader's office, she didn't like that the team leader told them about her social status but she knew that the patient's guardian must have asked her and their status must have been higher than hers so she has no choice but to tell them.

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