Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 211 - His Return! 3

When he helped her apply the cream on her bruised feet after they ran...

When he returned the car to her....all these times, he had the familiar scent on him, she even remembered admiring the scent of his perfume.

"Strange...I have never smelled that scent before except on him, could he have..." she shook her head to shake off the thought.

"No way...why would he be at the airport at the same time as me, someone else might have the same perfume," she decided to think that way.

She stopped when they got to a renowned hotel in the area, his mind was a little bit clear but he was still in the same wasted condition, she helped him into the hotel and booked a room for them, she dropped him on the bed when they got to the room and sat by his side, she was already exhausted by having to hang his arms over her neck and pulling him into the room, she took in a deep breath and turned to look at him.

"He is at least worth the trouble...." she started undressing to change into the bathrobe arranged in the room, he felt like his head was being pounded, he rubbed his forehead to erase the pain but it was just too much, he opened his eyes...meeting he ceiling.

He couldn't remember him driving to his house or anywhere else, he looked to the side of the room, the looks like a hotel room but when did he drive to the hotel, he rubbed his forehead harder and turned to the other side, the sight of a half-naked lady standing in front of him made up almost puke, he quickly turned to the other side.

"Who...who are you?" he asked in a panicky and muddled state, she smiled seeing that he is now conscious when she finished tying her robe, she moved closer to him and placed her delicate hands on his shoulder.

"Yu Yan..." he muttered when he felt her touch on his shoulder.

"Hmmm....are you awake now, I had a really hard time bringing you here, if I had known then I wouldn't have let you drink so much," the hint of worry and concern in her voice melted his heart, he slowly turned to her side, his eyes watered looking at the woman scooting beside him with her hand on his shoulder.

"Is that really you...Yu Yan?" he asked in doubt, her long silky brown hair scattered on her shoulder, her eyes, nose, lips and every other facial feature he missed were right in front of him but is it really her?

"Yes, it is me," she answered.

"But you were just with him, you kissed him right in front of me, right then I felt like my heart was being pricked by thousands of needles, you looked happy...too happy, I thought I had lost the fight before I could even start the fight," the tears in his eyes were starting to fall, he reached out his hand to touch her face, he caressed her face gently as though he is in a dream where she only exists in.

{It turns out he is wonder he drank so much,}

"I am here now, am I not?" she smiled warmly at him, he swiftly pulled her by her hand towards him and jerked his body up, he wrapped his hands around her and hugged her tightly, she was almost starting to be suffocated by his hug.

"Yu Yan...Yu Yan, I am so happy you are here, if this is a dream then I don't want to wake up, I was too hurt seeing you with him, I lost all the confidence I had in just a second," the tears in his eyes fell uncontrollably as he tightened his grip on her, the lady slowly raised her hand to pat his back.

She pitied him...wondering what woman could have managed to make him so heartbroken.

"I am here you don't have to be worried," she reassuringly said with a gentle voice.

He unwrapped his arms around her, holding her shoulders in front of him, he caressed her face, still unable to believe that she is actually with him, he couldn't care less about where they are at this moment, all that matters to him is the fact that the woman he loves is right in front of him now....his gaze trailed to her lips.

Her lips parted with a slight space between them they looked really attractive and he felt the urge to place his lips on hers and feel the softness of her lips....he place his finger on her lips and caressed her lips then he tilted his head as he brought his face closer to hers.

But all of a sudden, the pain he was feeling before came back...he held his head as he groaned loudly in pain with his head lowered.

"What is wrong, are you okay?"

"My head...." he raised his head to look at her again, his vision started duplicating and the pain in his head increased, he was now having flashes of two women in front of him.

In one second she is Yu Yan and the other she changes into someone else, he was confused but the pain hit him harder, he raised his head again to confirm if the woman in front of him is Yu Yan or not but he was still having the flashes.

"Are you really Yu Yan?"

"Huh...of course, I am Yu...Yu Yan," she answered 

"No...Yu Yan would never be here with me right now, she was so happy to see him earlier, there is no way she would leave him to be here with me," his tears started welling up again, the feeling of loss struck him again.

{She is not Yu Yan...she is not Yu Yan,}, he reminded himself continuously.

"Are you okay, what is wrong?" she asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder again but he aggressively pushed her hands away.

"Don't...Don't touch me with those filthy hands of yours," he roared angrily with his eyes glaring at her, raising his head, he could now see who is really in front of him, a complete stranger that he doesn't even recognise.

{What exactly happened,}

"What...filt..filthy hands, did you just call my hands filthy?" she scoffed in disbelief, he glared and her and looked away, he couldn't be bothered to answer her, he frantically searched his pocket for his phone.

"Where is my phone?" 

"How am I supposed to know where your phone is, moreover, you just called my hands filthy and you haven't apologised?" he ignored her and continued looking for his phone, he bent over the side of the bed to see if he dropped it, he found it just at the edge of the bed.

"Hey!" she screamed in anger and frustration, he was treating her as if she wasn't there.

He hurriedly picked up the phone and wiped the surface with his hand then he scrolled through the list of contacts in his phone. 

He dialled Jia Yu's number first knowing that Shi Fen and Roy are on a military assignment so they won't be able to answer his call for the meantime, he placed the phone on his ear but she wasn't picking the call.

He called her three more times but she still didn't pick, he concluded that she might be on call at the hospital or with her boyfriend.

"Hey, I am talking to you,"

He ignored her and continued looking for who to call.

"If you got your heartbroken then don't take it out on me, I just brought you here thinking I could have some fun tonight but it turned out to be like this...." she looked at him from up to down with a demeaning look.

He still ignored her remark although her remark pricked his already wounded heart, he felt the urge to hit her but he was trying to tame his anger and the only way to do it is to ignore her, however...he is almost at his wit's end.

He found Yu Yan's contact almost at the end of his contact list, he moved his thumb forward to press the screen but he hesitated...he was still in a drunk state but the only thing keeping him sane is that fact that the woman in front of him is not Yu Yan....some minutes more and the effect of the alcohol might take effect again.

He tapped the screen and placed the phone on his ear...he is drunk so he can't drive, in fact, his vision is blurry and he can only see her name clearly on his phone.


"Yu Yan..are you the one?"

"Yes, why are you calling me now...didn't you act like..."

"I need you," he interjected mid-sentence.

She was taken aback by his statement, somehow, her heart skipped a beat hearing him say he needs her.

"W-what do you mean, where are you?" she sounded worried--it gave him hope.

"What is the name of this hotel?" he questioned, turning to the lady still scooting in front of him and her anger evident in her eyes.

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