Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 226 - Returning To The Sect! 3

Su Ci chuckled looking at the current Huo Lan, she wondered what if Huo Lan would have been a different person if she was raised in the sect and what her position as a guardian would have been like if she was also raised in the sect. 

She was the first child to be pronounced as a disciple since she was to escort Huo Lan to the wind sect and also protect her while they are there. 


A young man entered into the large eerie throne room with a woman in long apparel sitting on the throne behind the curtain. 

"Master," he greeted with his hands cupped together and raised them with his head bowed. 

"How is it?" the woman questioned 

"The disciples are ready to set out, we are just awaiting your command," Si Feng informed. 

"Hmmm...remember, you must bring her back unharmed after the task is completed, as I told you before, there are some people who will help you in this mission, after the task is completed, eliminate them all," 

"Yes, master," he turned to leave but he stopped when she called his name. 

"Si Feng, be careful, do not underestimate the strength of that girl, after all, he was once regarded as the most powerful man who ruled over many kingdoms," a tone of respect was present in her words and it reminded him to take her word seriously. 

"I thank Master for your warning," 

"It seems like the left and right blood moon demons no longer fear me, they actually dared to disobey my order, Si Feng, I need you to pay them a visit after this mission and bring me their heads," her anger resounded in her tone. 

"Master, the left and right blood moon demons have always obeyed your orders, I fear that they might have met a problem on their way, I suggest master waits for them to arrive before master decided what to do with them," he bowed his head and raised his cupped hand, he fears she might take it as he is going against her orders. 

"Alright, since you have interceded on their behalf, I will spare their lives.... for now," 

"Master is wise," then he turned around to leave. 

She placed one of her hand on her chin and she fondled with the metal claws on the other hand, she had a worried look on her face then she sighed deeply and looked towards the exit of the throne room.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this, what exactly is going to happen?" as a diviner who lost most of her power and can only feel but cannot see the future anymore, she still trusts her feelings and it has never failed her for once.

Meanwhile, they have already been riding for over six hours now and they still haven't gotten to the flame sect which is far away from the wind sect, Meng Hui was already getting frustrated, especially when she remembers how Huo Lan had the last say and she even dared to shut her up.

"How long until we get to the flame sect?" she asked Feng Shi who was riding beside her.

"Senior disciple Meng Hui, it will take about two more hours before we get to the flame sect, I suppose they must have made arrangements to receive us outside the sect since the flame forest is not open to outsiders," Feng Shui answered, informing her in advance that they might have to wait for a while before they are allowed into the flame forest.

"Flame forest....very good, I will get the chance to see what the flame sect looks like, I am sure it cannot be compared to the wind sect in any aspect, they are just a fallen sect, what right do they think they have to keep us out of the flame forest," she scoffed, taking pride in her sect.

"I don't think that is the case though..." he muttered, not wanting her to hear his comment.

"Let's ride faster, I cannot keep riding for another two hours,". She hit the side of her horse with the sword in her hand then they started riding at a faster pace.

Huo Lan and Su Ci were already asleep in the carriage, since this is their first time of coming out in so many years, they were excited to see the scenery outside the caves, they both giggled and pointed at the stalls, streets, rivers and trees they passed by. It was all too fascinating for them, they couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to finally be able to settle down where they belong.

"Stop!" Meng Hui ordered when she heard the rustling of leaves from the mountains above them.

"What is it, senior disciple Meng Hui," Feng Shui asked.

"Someone is here, be at alert," she whispered, both of them unsheathed their sword then they looked around them and above the mountain.


They swiftly turned around when they heard an arrow hit the carriage, the disciples quickly unsheathed their swords in preparation to fight, many assassins in uniform with black masks over their faces, jumped down from the mountains, they surrounded them.

"Who are you people?" Meng Hui questioned with her sword pointed at the assassins at the front.

"Just hand her over and we will let you go," one of them answered.

"If you are referring to the second young mistress of the flame sect then you are not in luck, I will like to hand her over but if she disappears then it will only bring trouble to my sect, leave now before you all lose your lives," she threatened.

"I see words won't work on you, then we can only do this the hard way," they dashed towards the disciples, Feng Shui and Meng Hui remained on their horses to fight, they were already outnumbered by the assassins who are five times their number.

She killed them as soon as they neared their horses.

"Protect them, if anything happens to them, I will not spare any of you!" she ordered the disciples, then she killed her way to the carriage, she hated to have to protect them but as their death or disappearance would affect their sect she has no choice, her priority right now is to make sure they are not harmed.

She had almost gotten to the carriage when one of the assassins wounded her horse log, causing it to neigh and fall to the ground, she quickly backflipped from the horse and landed one on a knee, she rolled off the ground as two assasinators almost cut her into two with their swords.

Just when they heard noises outside the carriage, both of them opened their eyes.

"What is going on?" 

"I don't know," Su Ci opened the window and peeped outside, just as she opened the window, one of the assassins almost stabbed her eyes with the sword, she quickly dodged it and slammed the window shutter on his hand, then she pushed his hand away while he groaned in pain.

"Assassins!" Huo Lan exclaimed, they didn't have the time to digest the situation before some swords pierced through the carriages, they both moved away but they weren't taught martial skills for so long so they didn't know if they should go out of the carriage or sit and wait for their death.

The assassins started focusing their attack on the carriage, one of them almost pierced through Huo Lan's chest but Feng Shui blocked the sword then he pulled it out of the carriage and killed the assassin.

The assassins are very skilled and they are also outnumbered so it seemed really hard for them to protect both girls.

"Feng Shui, take them away, I will take care of these ones," Meng Hui ordered.


"Right now," 

He nodded in agreement then he killed his way to the horses controlling the carriage, he hopped on the horses and held the reins then he started riding the carriage away, half of the assassins followed them while the other half stayed to kill Meng Hi and the two of the disciples that were still alive.

Meanwhile, Huo Ying and Huo Mei were still on their way to meet them hoping they won't reach the city before they catch up with them.

"Why haven't we met them yet?" Huo Mei questioned in concern, they were already expecting to have seen them even before now but since they still can't be seen, she was already getting worried.

"I don't have a good feeling about this, we have to hurry up," She flogged her horse with her rolled whip then she started riding at a faster pace while Huo mei followed suit.

Feng Shui was riding the carriage while trying to fend off the assassins who are almost catching up with them, he looked ahead only to see a cliff at the end of the road, he looked around for another road to divert then he found one, he was about to make a turn when the horse stopped moving but the carriage was almost flipped if he didn't steady the horse with his force.

"What is happening, are we really going to die?"

"We won't, I will protect you," Su Ci reassured her while they held on to the bars at the side of the carriage to balance themselves.

"What are you talking about, we don't have good martial art, we can't defeat those people,"

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