Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 230 - Short Reunion!

"Since you are here then you can join in," her master reluctantly agreed, Huo Li bowed her head then she hurried to find an empty seat while Bingchen sat beside her but she soon saw an unfamiliar face beside Huo Mei.

"Is this the second young mistress?" 

Huo Ying nodded her head with a delighted smile on her lips, Huo Li quickly sprang to her feet but she fell back to the floor causing them to jerk forward out of concern but she waved her hands to tell them she is alright then she glared at Bingchen.

"Hey! are you not supposed to help me up?" she scolded, Bingchen quickly held her hand to pull her up, they were surprised watching the both of them, they all had the same question in their minds as they exchanged quizzical glances.

What is going on between both of them?

Even his grandfather was speechless, he didn't know if she should be scolding his grandson for being so submissive or blame Huo Li for taking advantage of his grandson, he could only nod his head.

She finally stood up with the help of Bingchen, then she hurriedly walked over to her with a cup of wine.

"Huo Li greets second young mistress," she knelt on one knee and bowed her head with her hands cupped together in front of the young lady who seems confused.

But everyone suddenly started laughing.

She looked around her in confusion as to why they were all laughing while Bingchen nodded his head at her stupidity with his hand on his forehead.

"Stupid, that is the young mistress," he looked towards Huo Lan who chuckled seeing how she mistook Su Ci for her even though everyone knows the second young mistress of the flame sect has a strange appearance from birth.

"Oh!" she scurried over to where Huo Lan was seated.

"I am sorry, I failed to recognise second young mistress," Huo Li apologised with her head lowered in embarrassment while Huo Lan tried to control herself from laughing.

"It is alright," 

"This is why mother told you to stay in bed, it is obvious that you still haven't recovered," Huo Ying teased, Huo Li could only bury her head in embarrassment but she remembered that the other face was also unfamiliar.

"If this is the second young mistress then this must be the first guardian Su Ci," she went over to where Su Ci was seated again.

"I greet the first guardian, it is really an honour to be able to see you today,". Su Ci only smiled at her, accepting her greeting shyly, then she returned to her seat with Bingchen's assistance.

They started eating, drinking and making funny comments on each other, especially Su Ci and Huo Lan's life in the wind sect, they only made sure to mention the happy things ao as not to ruin the mood of the night.

"You probably don't know this but young mistress has a habit of snoring in her sleep, I almost couldn't sleep every night for eleven years," Su Ci disclosed, they all started laughing once again, with all the jokes out in the open, their stomachs had almost started hurting.

"Su Ci, that is not true," Huo Lan denied

"Second young mistress doesn't need to be ashamed of this, your sister also snores in her sleep, it is really torture when she makes us sleep with her," Huo Mei added, they all started laughing again but Huo Ying was embarrassed, she stood up from her seat with her sword in her hand then she unsheathed her sword and pointed it at Huo Mei who hurriedly stood up and started running while Huo Ying pursued her in circles.

The disciples and elders started cheering them on as they circled, finally, Huo Ying caught her but Huo Mei pulled her hand out of her grasp and ran behind the sect madam, who protected her from Huo Ying.

They played musical instruments and danced for a long time, some of them continued to drink but not to the point where they are wasted, Huo Lan and Su Ci had almost forgotten that they had not been in the sect for eleven years.

They linked their arms as they danced, circling the burning fire in the middle of the large space, the sect madam and the elders watched them with their faces filled with smiles.

{it is such a pity that he chose to go into seclusion before he could see her}

They chased each other around and threw the foods on themselves, at that moment, Huo Lan seemed like the person she has never been, she didn't feel fear, anxiousness, sadness and internal conflict at that moment, she just wanted to live the moment like it is her last.

After the celebration, they all retired to their rooms, all the guardians were slightly drunk except for Bingchen who was trying to stop Huo Li from being too excited because of the wine but she wouldn't stop, he carried her on his back and carried her back to her room.

Huo Li and Huo Ying also retired to their rooms.

"Is this my bedroom?" Huo Lan questioned as she looked around the room but Huo Ying pulled her closer and placed her hands on her shoulder.

"What are you talking about, we are sleeping together,"

"Sleeping together..."

"Of course, we have never slept together since we were born because of your power, now that we have the chance to, we should waste it," 

"But...what if I accidentally,". Huo Ying shut her up with her hand covering her mouth.

"Huo Lan, you won't make any mistake, you should stop being scared of your power, everyone in the Huo family has the same power, yours is just stronger than ours," she said reassuringly but the girl still looked fretful.

"But I..."

"You protected me with your power today so I trust that as long as you have your glove on, nothing will happen,"

"If mother knows..."

"She thinks we prepared your old room for you, you don't have to worry about that, let's go to sleep now," she pulled her to the bed and cuddled her, both girls chuckled, facing each other.

"Sister, can I ask you something?" Huo Lan hesitantly asked

"Ask away,"

"I snuck out of the cave I was imprisoned in one day..."

"What! were you caught, how did you do it?" 

"Wait...I found this necklace on my neck one day but it can actually help me leave the cave, it takes me into another realm, although I still don't understand it, that place is very beautiful," she fondled the crystal on the necklace, Huo Ying took it out of her hand and looked at it closely.

"It looks normal to me but you have to be careful," she dropped it and looked at Huo Lan with worry in her eyes.

"When I was returning one day, one of the disciples saw me,"

"What! did he report you"

"Sister, let me finish," she complained following a sigh

"I am sorry,"

"He didn't report me but he looked very beautiful," she blushed, remembering when she slipped into his arms.

" are blushing!" Huo Ying exclaimed but Huo Lan just looked at her in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

"It means...I don't know how to explain it but we blush when we see or think of someone we like or someone who makes out heart beat really fast, it means you have taken a liking to that person, do you understand?"

"No,". She sighed and signalled her to continue her story.

"I am already used to being called a monster and seeing people afraid of me but he pretended he didn't know me when he saw me but when I discovered he was lying I became really angry and...and my heart ached, tell me, why did I feel that way?" she looked really naive that Huo Ying almost burst into laughter, she didn't think that anyone could be this naive.

"It seems like my sister has also fallen in love," she chuckled but Huo Lan still seemed confused.

"What is that?"

"It means you want to see him every time and have him by your side, you also want to hold him every time you see him,"

" wonder I keep remembering when I slipped into his arms and his face...I always wanted to see him every time I leave the cave but I didn't see him after that day," she sighed and pouted her lips.

{Wait...if he was able to go near the cave then he must be someone of a high position in the sect, could it be Lin Bohai, he was treating me strangely back at the sect, could it be because of my sister}

"Sister..." she paused, if it is really Lin Bohai then it would never work out for them but she didn't want to ruin her sister's fantasy and first chance at love even if it means giving up her enmity towards Lin Bohai.

(If the feeling is mutual then...sigh,}

"But I don't really understand what love means, can sister explain it further,"

"Love is...just like me and Huo Qiang, we always look at each other every second and we always want to see each other and...we even kissed," she covered her mouth, remembering that delightful night.

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