Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 238 - Welcome Party! 6

"The rain is so heavy, Yu Yan, where are you?" he ruffled his hair in frustration, he looked around both sides of the road as he drove, after a while, he saw someone in black walking on the roadside of the highway.

"Yu Yan…" he quickly drove towards the person who he perceives to be Yu Yan, he now had a close view of her.

She is walking barefooted with her heels in her hand and a soulless expression on her face, the rain washed the blood from her wrist to the ground, mixing it with the raindrops.

"Yu Yan…" he muttered softly seeing her miserable look and he also noticed how the other drivers on the highway were staring at her, but he is in no condition to park the car.

After they had gotten off the highway and she started walking in a wide field with tall trees, he quickly parked the car and rushed towards her.

"Yu Yan!" he called out, but she still continued walking on, after he got to her, he grabbed her hand.

"Yu Yan," he called again, placing his hands on her shoulders to hold her still.

"Let me go!" she retorted, pushing his hands away then she started walking away but he held her back.

"The rain is too heavy for you to walk under and you are barefoot, lets get into the car first," he pulled her hand, but she snapped out of his grip.

"What part of leave me alone don't you understand!"

"You are injured, your wrist is bleeding badly, you need to come with me now,"

"It is none of your business, why do you keep acting like you care!"

"I care, please...stop resisting,"

"Why, do you think I am pitiful after what happened, if you come after me, I will hurt you," she turned to leave, he grabbed her hand from behind, but she swiftly turned, grazing his face with her heels.

He turned to face her with the cut on his face, she dropped the heels, seeing blood seep out of his wound.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to…" she started sobbing.

"Just come with me, please…"

"No! I really want to be alone, please leave me alone, don't make me hurt you again," she resisted, crying aloud, looking at the cut on his face.

"Why, do you feel bad for cutting my face, you are still the same Yu Yan, you hate seeing me hurt," he held her hand and placed it on his face where she made the cut.

"This is not the first time," they stared into each other's eyes as the rain continued drenching them until she dropped to the ground, with her fist on her chest, she started crying aloud.

He kneeled beside her, he placed his hand on her cheek and wiped the tears mixed with raindrops on her face, she looked up at him then she threw her arms around his neck.

"I-I am really foolish, I fooled myself all these years only to be end up like this," she said amidst her tears, he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You were foolish…" she unwrapped her arms from his neck.

"But everyone can be foolish," he wiped her tears again then he caressed her face, amidst the pattering sound of the rain dropping to the ground, they could hear their own heart beat .

She stared deep into his face, noticing every one of his features, she felt the pain in her heart fade away just by his touch, his eyes fell on her lips, they looked really tempting…leaned his face towards her until their nose almost touched but she kept looking into his eyes, he felt awkward thinking that he must have overstepped his bounds.

"I am sorry…" he retracted his face, but she held the hem of his grey inner jacket and pulled in, locking his lips with hers.

He widened his eyes in shock, feeling the soft texture of her lips, he tilted his head as their nose brushed against each other, taking control as he placed his hand at the back of her head, dominating her lips.

They stopped kissing then she released the hem of his jacket with her head lowered, he smiled knowing that she must be feeling awkward, he removed his grey jacket and placed it on her bare shoulders then he helped her up and supported her as they walked towards the car, but she couldn't look him in the face.

He opened the door for her before entering the car, as soon as he entered, he held her hand again and scrutinized the cut on her wrist, he could see that the glass on the table must have cut her wrist.

"This looks really bad, we have to get it treated soon," he placed his fingers near the cut but she retracted her hand.

"I am fine,", he pulled her hand back.

"How can you be fine after everything that happened, do you have a first aid kit in your car.

"In there..." she answered, pointing to the compartment under the driver's seat which is something no one would easily notice but he bent his head and pulled it out to her surprise since she wasn't expecting him to see the compartment.

He opened it then he removed a cotton bud and methylated spirit from the first aid kit, he leaned closer to her hand, gently dabbing the cut with the cotton bud, he was expecting her to at least wince because of the spirit but she didn't.

{how can this little pain be compared to her heartache,}

After cleaning the wound, he placed cotton wool on it and plastered the wound, he was about to close the kit when she stopped him, she took out another cotton bud then she glanced at his face with a sorry look, she slowly extended her hands towards his face, cleaning the small cut on his face.

He smiled faintly seeing the concerned look on her face, it dawned on him that she might have forgotten him but it doesn't change the fact that he is the only one that can fill the space in her heart and it has always been his to fill.

"Yu Yan…" 

"Shush…" she whispered, paying extra attention to the cut before she plastered it.

They soon reached his mansion after driving for a while, he turned to her only to see her fast asleep, he sighed with a tinge of guilt in his heart, he could have saved her from that situation but his selfishness made him leave her to suffer such humiliation.

He stared intensely at her but she opened her eyes to meet his gaze on her face.

"We are here," he remarked before she could ask anything then he came down from the car, she looked around to see that they are in his mansion, she wanted to ask him why he brought her to his mansion again but she already knew the answer in her mind.

Weirdly, it always seems like he knows her thought, where she wants to be and where she doesn't want to be, she wouldn't have wanted to go home in that state. 

She followed behind him as they entered the mansion.

"You must be really cold, you can take a warm shower, I will make you something hot," he offered, his eyes were devoid of pity and it made her feel oddly comfortable with him although she wasn't sure if it should feel oddly since she has always felt comfortable with him.

"You are also drenched…because of me, you should also do the same," she responded, lowering her head, he smiled faintly and walked closer to her.

"I would appreciate it if you see this place as your home….even if it is just for tonight," she raised her head to meet his eyes, she could see the warmth in his eyes, everything about him just makes her want to hug him and cry her heart out until she no longer feels betrayed and disappointed.

He turned to leave.

In no time, she came out of the room in a long brown jumper and her fairly dried hair resting on one of her shoulders, she found him already leaving the kitchen in casual wear, he noticed her as he left the kitchen but her look at the moment mesmerized him, he stopped and fixed his eyes on her, feasting on her beauty.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked seeing how he kept staring at her but he almost dropped the tray with the cups of tea.

"Ah…its nothing," he dropped the tray on the table as they reached the parlour then he handed one cup to her and took the other.

She sipped the tea gently, she liked the refreshing yet warm taste of the tea, she smiled placing the cup on the table.

He didn't like that she is not wearing enough to keep her warm, he picked the remote for the heater then he turned up the heat.

"Thank you,"

"For what?"

"For everything, I really don't know what I would have done without you," she raised the cup to her lips and sipped.

"Do you still want to be with him after tonight?" …..

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