Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 242 - Dear Daughter!

"My dear daughter, I should have stopped you and maintained my stance then you wouldn't have gotten hurt," she shut her eyes tightly letting the tears flow freely.

Yu Yan wrapped her hands around her mother's back, she knows how much her loves her and that is exactly the reason why her mum is angry with her.

"I am really sorry mum for letting you regret and not listening to you,"

Her mother unwrapped her arms then she placed her hand on her cheeks and wiped her tears.

"Mum, please tell dad when he comes back and please stop him from doing anything or going to see Chen Kai, I really don't want this to get worse than it already is,"

"I will, do you still have feelings for him, you really loved him?" she clicked her tongue .

"Strangely, I don't feel the love I had for him but the fact that I cant express my anger or complain and the feeling of betrayal is what makes me hurt, and Han C…" she stopped before she lets on too much.


"It's nothing mum, I have to leave now,"

"Are you sure you are okay alone, do you need me to pack you some side dishes?"

"I am okay mum, I will send you the address later," she held her hands tightly then she pouted her lips and stood up to leave, she waved her mum goodbye and left the apartment.

Even though she wasn't expecting it to be this easy, she knows her mother and father will be hurt because of it especially her father and that is why she finds it hard to say it to his face.

She already decided to send them her address later when things die down, so they don't try to visit her for the meantime.

After getting off work, he returned to his mansion, praying she is still there by the time he returns even though he knows there is no way she will stay in his house especially after last night.

"Yu Yan!" he called as soon as he entered.

"She is gone," one of the servants in the mansion called, he was almost startled but seeing her with cleaning equipment, he realized that she must have had work to do in the mansion.

"Oh,". She bowed and took her leave.

"Where could she have gone?" he took out his phone from his pocket then he dialled her number, although he wasn't expecting her to pick the call…


He was taken aback hearing her voice that sounds more gently than normal.

"Hello," he responded, following a moment of silence filled with awkwardness, he decided to say something before she cuts the call on him.

"Are you back at home?" he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to ask, on the other side, she stood up from her couch and paced around the parlour in her new apartment.


"Then, I will come see you now," he picked up his car keys from the table and turned around to leave.


"Is something wrong?"

"I moved out of my house," she quickly added before he leaves.

"Moved out then where are…"


"Hello, Hello," he checked the phone to see that she has already cut the call, he realized that she must not want him to know where she is but he doesn't plan on respecting that.

He checked the GPS to check her location.

"Huh, isn't that the apartment complex owned by Han corporate group?" he dialled the general manager's number.

{Hello Chairman,}

"I will send you an address, confirm if it belongs to the company and give me a reply immediately,}


He cut the call.

In less than five minutes, he called again.

"Yes chairman, it is one of the luxurious apartment complexes owned by the company but there are very few occupants, why?"

"I want you to confirm what apartment Yu Yan is staying, I mean Huo Yu Yan then arrange for me to take the closest apartment to hers,"

"I will work on it,"

He ended the call, he was about to go again when he stopped.

"If I go now, she won't believe it is a coincidence that I ended up in the same apartment as hers, I should probably wait till tomorrow,"

- - - - - --- -

At the dinner table, her mother kept going back on forth on her decision to tell her husband about Yu Yan breaking up with Chen Kai, everyone on the table could see that there is something wrong since she wasn't nagging about anyone's eating habit and she is picking on her food.

"Is anything the matter, you look absent?" her husband asked, dropping his cutlery to fully focus on her.

"It is nothing, don't mind me," she answered, forcing a smile on her face.

"Is aunt not coming back home today?" Li Na asked, pointing at the empty sit opposite her using her chopstick, it was already ten which is in fact too late for them to be eating dinner.

"That's right, one of the neighbors said she saw Yu Yan moving some luggage out of the house, did you see her come home?" he asked, turning to her the only one who is always at home.

"Actually...she moved out today," she disclosed, looking distressed.

"What! Why didn't she say before she left, there must be something else to this and you know about it, that is why you have been fiddling with your dinner," his face turned serious, knowing Yu Yan, she would never leave without prior notice like that.

"That is really weird, aunt will never leave without telling us," Li Jing added, she dropped her chopstick on the plate and straightened her back, to break the news to them.

"She broke up with her boyfriend,"

They all spaced out for a moment with looks of disbelief on their faces, even though he has always been a ghost boyfriend, they all know how much she loves Chen Kai and now suddenly hearing that she broke up with him, they found it hard to believe.

"Why are you not saying anything?" she was worried that he might do something drastic or try to confront Chen Kai.

"Are you joking, they have been fine all this while, why would they suddenly break up?" he still smiled, taking it for a joke or prank.

"Honey, I am not joking, why would I joke with something as serious as this, they broke up last night and she came today to move out of the house, probably because she is ashamed,"

He slammed his hands on the table angrily, his eyes burned with anger, a guy dared to mess with his beloved daughter's heart, that is definitely something he can't take.

"Did she break up with him or he broke up with her?" he queried, she turned away knowing her answer to the question will determine what extent he will go to in regards to this matter.

"Isn't it obvious, he clearly broke up with her.... sigh! poor aunt," Li Na causally answered, earning the scolding glare from her grandmother, she quickly hushed and continued eating.

"Did he really break up with her?" he questioned.

"She didn't come home last night because of their breakup but I don't really know what happened,"

"That bastard!" he slammed the table again, spilling the liquids on the table then he sprung up from the chair.

"I must definitely teach that bastard a lesson," he was about to leave the dining when she held him back.

"Where are you going?"

"Where else, to find the bastard of course, do you think I will let him go after hurting my daughter?"

"Sit down," she pulled him back to the seat when he still didn't answer her.

"She knew you were going to do this and that is why she moved out before you came home, she told me to make sure you don't do anything stupid,"

"How is it stupid, I want to seek justice for my daughter?" his bulged eyes showed his resolution.

"Isn't it good she broke up with him, he is not even that great," Li Na chimed in but they all ignored her comment.

"We have to respect her wish, the Yu Yan I know will surely not let him go scot free after hurting her, she is already grown now, we should let her have her own independence," she placed her hand on his hand and patted it to calm him down, he took in a deep breath to keep himself calm, knowing what his daughter is like, she will definitely not want him to cause a scene at the hospital or the Chen's mansion.

- - - - - - - - -

In her nightgown, she stared out into the view of the balcony in her new apartment, the view is the main reason why she decided to buy the apartment with her own money despite the expensive price on it.

Just like her old apartment, there is also a fountain outside the apartment and many green trees and flowers of different colors, the height of the building makes the lights from other building seem really colorful and arranged in an extremely beautiful pattern.

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