Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 253 - Sulking Out Of Jealousy!

"Actually...I think there is a close relationship between my sister and Lin Bohai," she confessed but the confusion in his mind deepened, he raised his brows, asking her to give more explanation, she placed her arm on the table and moved closer to him.

"When we attended the alliance meeting, I noticed that Lin Bohai seemed to be treating me differently from how I thought he would treat me and the way he looked at me, it was like he was seeing someone he has missed for years, but I found out from my sister that they actually met in the wind sect when she sneaked out of the cave," she narrated.

"What! she sneaked out of the cave?" he repeated with fear written on his face, she held his hand to stop him from overreacting then she sighed again and picked up the brush to continue writing while his eyes followed her.

"It is too complex to explain but Lin Bohai didn't report her, rather, he helped her to not be found by the others and it seems like my sister has fallen in love with him from that incident," she concluded with her eyes glued on the letter while Huo Qiang stood up from his seat and walked behind her.

"So you suspect that the feeling is mutual between Huo Lan and Lin Bohai...but you shouldn't bet such an important task on this, what if it is not as you guessed?" he returned to his seat, looking anxious.

"This is not a guess, I am sure of it, Lin Bohai might be the enemy of the flame sect but I am willing to overlook everything as long as my sister wants him, this is not only confirming my guess but it is the perfect way to get the news to my sister,"

"If so then how are you going to send him the letter without being found by his sect members?"

"That is the main part, I will have one of the disciples send take the letter to Lanzhou and wait outside the wind sect, I don't believe Lin Bohai will not leave his sect for once during this time," she finished writing the letter then she exhaled and folded it neatly while Huo Qiang watched her every movement, wondering why she is so confident with her plan but another thing bugged him.

{That scum what if you are the one he has taken a liking to?}

In his mind, he was sulking and hoping that Huo Lan is really the one Lin Bohai fancies otherwise, he won't hesitate to dig out his eyes but he was also crossed with Huo Ying for not telling him about it after they returned to the sect.

"Then who do you plan to send?"

"That is indeed a good question..." she placed her elbow on the table and anchored her jaw on her fist in thought.

"I suggest you send Li Bing, she can be trusted with this task," Huo Qiang suggested.

"She indeed shares the same personality as Huo Li, her persistent nature is definitely suited for this task," she smiled, giving him the 'thank you' look then she folded the paper into the envelope and sighed looking at it but she could feel something wrong with the mood.

She turned to him but he was spaced out and his fist tightly balled, she raised her brows, wondering what he is thinking about that is making him look so angry.

" you have anything to say?" she inquired, fixing her eyes on him but he still wasn't looking at her.

"Nothing, I will take my leave now," he stood up from his seat but she quickly held his hand to stop him from going, she was quite surprised seeing how angry he turned in just a minute, she stood up from her seat and tightened her grip on his hand.

"Did I say something wrong, you can't just leave like this?" she pouted her lips and looked at him in a pitiful and cute look that melted his heart, one glance at her was enough to make him spill the words.

"Why didn't you tell me about it then, what if....?" he restrained himself and looked away again, exhaling.

"Tell you about what?" she couldn't understand what part of their conversation he was referring to, she could only examine his face to see if he is really angry at her or there is something else she doesn't know of.

"That Lin Bohai...." he tried to argue again but he couldn't let her know he is being jealous because of something so trivial, she immediately understood what he was talking about, she pursed her lips to stop herself from bursting into laughter but the more she looked into his sulking face, the more tempted she is to laugh.

Finally, she let it out!

She laughed so hard that she held her belly to stop it from aching, he turned to her with a look of confusion and embarrassment.

"Is it that funny?" 

"Of course, who would have thought that you can be this cute when you are jealous," she teased, trying to control her laughter but she couldn't help it, he bit his lower head and shook his head then he pulled her hand and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Do you still think I am cute?" his charming gaze pierced through her heart, she pursed her lips with both of her fists on his chest.

They could hear the thumping of her heart to which he smirked, she bit her lips and scrunched her lips seeing the triumphant look on his face but she didn't want to give in.

"Yes, I still think you are cute this way," she answered boldly with a smirk on her lips.

"You..." he shook his head threateningly then she pulled her closer and tilted his head to meet her lips, the moment their lips met, she widened her eyes in shock that didn't last when she smiled amidst the simple kiss.

"Huo Ying!" Huo Mei called as she burst into the room in excitement but she was greeted with the scene of them kissing, they turned their eyes towards their door with their eyes widened but their position still maintained.

"Both of you...." She accused, pointing her index finger at them, he quickly let her go of her waist, the both of them looked away in embarrassment.

Huo Mei shook her head then she ran out of the room while the couple scrunched their faces in embarrassment.

"I will take my leave," Huo Qiang quickly said then he hurriedly left the room to escape the aura of embarrassment in the room, she closed the door which he forgot to close in a hurry then she rested her back on the door and cupped her face in embarrassment.

In her heart, she cursed Huo Mei for ruining the moment for them.

- - - - - - - - 

The regional commander arrived at the palace with the criminal Wei Xianlu and madam Ju, he threw Wei Xianlu into the prison and then proceeded to the imperial hall with madam Ju and her girls, the girls waited outside the hall while he entered the hall with Madam Ju.

"My respects to you, your majesty," Both greeted with their hands cupped and raised on an equal level with their head, the emperor who was initially studying the petitions submitted to him without noticing when they entered raised his head in excitement.


The duo raised their head and stood at ease, Madam Ju doing what she knows how to do best, broadened her lips with her hands placed on top of each other on her navel and her long lashes lowered to avoid meeting the emperor's gaze.

The emperor couldn't help but smile looking at her, the resemblance she has to his late consort is indeed still there, he leaned forward almost in excitement but how can he show this as an emperor.

"Regional commander, you have worked hard," he complimented.

"It is my duty to share your worries," the regional commander answered, the emperor nodded his head in satisfaction then he turned his gaze to Madam Ju.

"Madam Ju, it has been a while since we saw last," he remarked, searching her face for a hint of dissatisfaction.

"This subject is still grateful for your majesty's favour in granting Ruyi Pavilion the imperial tally," she responded, bowing her head lower, the emperor nodded in satisfaction knowing that she still has that incident in her heart and she has not forgotten his benevolence.

"I hope Madam Ju doesn't resent me for ordering you to move to the capital without preparation?" he questioned, squinting his eyes and leaning forward.

"How can this humble subject dare to resent your majesty, it is already my honour to have such chance to by your emperor's side but I am afraid this lowly subject is not qualified to become your majesty's person in the palace, so I have chosen your second option," 

Although he wasn't happy to hear that she would rather reopen her pavilion in the capital than live in the palace, he still appreciates the fact that she is still at his disposal in the capital.

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