Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 258 - Panicked!

"Slowly!" he shouted, hoping she can discern his voice.

"This is just too much fun," she responded, recognising his voice, he finally regretted letting her try and he already braced himself for the moment when she falls until...

She started dancing on the rope!

She spun around on the rope while maintaining her stance steadily, she looked too happy just like a child who feels fun is all there is to the world, his anxiety slowly faded, somewhere in his heart, he knew she wouldn't fall.

She sprung into the air, causing them to gasps then she twirled her body as she landed back on the rope, their eyes caught every moment in awe.




They cheered aloud with claps resounding as more people came to watch her, the circus members were already starting to get worried that she is stealing their shine as they watched the place become more crowded and more people tipping them.

They became tenser when she lifted her feet off the ground to do a somersault, their breath hung at their throat as they watch her land on the rope again only to do another one.

"Young mistress, be careful!" a female voice screamed at the top of her voice, among the crowd. Lin Bohai scanned the crowd to look for the person who just called her 'young mistress' when he spotted someone wearing a veiled hat just like him but the person soon noticed he had found her so she silently left the crowd while he followed after her, leaving Huo Lan to her excitement.

After performing more stunts as the people cheered her on, she finally got tired and decided to stop even though they wanted her to continue.

She was about to leave when one of the circus members quickly caught up with her.

"Young miss!!" he shouted on top of his voice, she stopped and turned around.

"Would you like to join our circus?" 

"Huh...sorry, I would like to but I can't...I don't have the freedom," she turned and walked away, leaving the man to think about what she meant by she doesn't have the freedom, he scratched his head in confusion as he returned to his circus members.

Meanwhile, Lin Bohai was still chasing the suspicious person.

"Stop!" he shouted when they got to a secluded alleyway, the female stopped and turned to him then he slowly walked up to her.

"Why did you just call her young mistress, are you from the flame sect?" he questioned with a suspicious look in his eyes.

She dipped her hand into her robe and brought out a letter then she handed it to him without replying to him which he slowly collected in case she has a trick up her sleeve.

She turned to leave but he grabbed her shoulder, she swiftly held his hand and drew him to her front then she aimed to kick him on his waist but he dodged her kick, he extended his hand to open her veil, he had already gripped her veil and was about to open it when she held his hand again and conjured her flame power then she balled her fist and was about to punch his chest but he swiftly pulled his hand away and somersaulted, by the time he landed she was already gone.

He ran towards the end of the alleyway but she had disappeared, he opened the letter to read.

{.....I will trust you to tell my sister about this...}

"Why does she trust me enough to....?" he pondered until he remembered what Huo Lan said about her sister, he deduced that she must be testing him at the same time, he sighed and turned to return when he remembered that he actually left Huo Lan there.

He hurriedly ran back there but by the time he got there, they were already getting ready to leave the place, he quickly walked up to them.

"Where did the lady go," he questioned in an anxious tone.

"What lady...oh, the one doing the tightrope walking?" one of the members responded.

"Yes, Yes,"

"She went that way," he looked towards the direction they were pointing at them he thanked them and started looking for her.

Meanwhile, she was also looking for him but since she was performing and she was too exhilarated to know when he left, she didn't know where to start from but she slowly forgot her purpose as her nose led her to a restaurant, she totally forgot she was looking for anyone just as she inhaled the savoury smell of something she doesn't know.

Her mouth watered as she gulped down her non-existent saliva, she felt like something inside the restaurant is calling her to enter, her legs subconsciously led her into the restaurant. She looked around, not knowing what to do until the waiter walked up to her.

"Young miss, what would you like?"

"Huh...." she understood he was asking her what she would like to eat but she doesn't know what to say or how to order, she looked around her to see what the others were eating.

"I want that...." she responded, pointing to one of the customers.

"One bowl of noodles and stir-fried pork," he clarified.

"Hmmm..." she took her seat and waited for the order, after a few minutes of waiting, the waiter finally arrived with the order.

She opened her veil enough for the food to enter her mouth freely then gulped down her saliva with the food in front of her, she picked up the chopstick and started slurping down the noodles as fast as she could while she stuffed the stir-fried pork into her mouth at the same time.

The people in the restaurant were staring at her, wondering why a lady would be eating in such an unsightly manner but she remained indifferent to their stares until she was done with eating, she licked her lips to savour the lingering flavour of the food then she burped loudly.

"What kind of lady eats this way?"

"From how she is dressed, she seems like someone from a well to do family,"

"Seeing as her face is covered, she might not be well to do after all,"

"What a sight..."

She drank the water in front of her and stood up to leave when the waiter held her back.

"Customer, you haven't paid yet,"

" I supposed to pay?" 

The waiter was stunned to hear her response, he didn't know whether to take it as a joke or a serious response but a frown found it's way to his face.

"Please don't joke with this, pay up,"

"But...I don't have any money," she sounded so pitiful but it didn't touch the waiter, instead, the frown on his face deepened, he didn't think that a young lady like her would turn out to be one of those people who try to eat and run.

"Young lady, if you don't pay then don't even think of leaving here today," he threatened with his voice raised, the murmur in the restaurant started again with their fingers pointed at her, she started panicking just as she remembered that she was looking for Lin Bohai before she entered the restaurant.

{Where are you....} from the look of things and the expression on their faces, she could tell she is in trouble.

"I will pay you later," she pleaded, hoping it would help to pacify the situation but the waiter started laughing hysterically, he just couldn't believe that someone as dumb as her is trying to run away after eating.

"Young lady, while I am speaking nicely, you had better pay up otherwise, I will take you to the prefecture office" he turned to everyone seated in the restaurant.

"Everyone here is my witness, this young lady is trying to run away after eating," he shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.

In a panic, she flung her wrist out of his grip then she tried to make her way out of the restaurant as quickly as she could but she was too slow for the waiter who has experienced things like this, he pulled her hand back and flung her back in, causing her to land on one of the tables.

She winced in pain as she tried to stand to her feet but her veil was slightly parted, making a small portion of her face visible.

"Her eyes...." someone in the restaurant exclaimed, she quickly covered her veil and hurriedly stood up but then she noticed that her glove was gone.

"I saw it just now, she has red eyes," the woman who saw her eyes insisted, she quickly looked away from them, covering her hand with the other hand which still has the gloves on.

"Red she....?" 

Their murmurs became louder and more fingers started pointing at her, her panic increased, she felt her heart ramming against her chest wall, she was scared of getting caught, implicating her sect and implicating him, she prayed in her mind that he would find her before things get out of hand.

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