Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 263 - Formidable Power! 2

"We shouldn't spread unnecessary rumours around that will cause fear in the people's heart, even if the government and the sect are not to interfere with each other, we both have an obligation to protect the people, please send your soldiers to search the city in case the perpetrator is not far away," he bowed his head and cupped his hands then he raised them to show his humility.

Their head nodded affirmatively then he ordered the soldiers to search the city.

"Disciples, listen, it is our duty to find this person who poses as a danger, you must do all you can to find the perpetrator!" he instructed, turning to the disciples.

"Yes!" they chorused in unison then they dispersed, leaving only him and Meng Hui at the scene.

Meanwhile, the fourth prince whose spiritual body is still in the dimension was heating up and his entire body precipitating, he had one of his palm held up and the other resting on it with two fingers held up.

Blood seeped out of his mouth even though he tried to stop it but he couldn't leave the dimension on his own, Feng Shui who had just returned from the mission he and Xiaodi were sent on entered the room only to find him seated in a lotus position with a single black robe on him and his hair held to the back.

"Master!" he exclaimed as he rushed over to him, in front of the entrance, he could see the blood seeping from the side of his mouth and the precipitation on his forehead from the entrance. He knelt on one knee beside him and touched his shoulder to wake him up.

"Master!!" he repeatedly called to no avail, he realized the situation.

He stood up and went over to his back, he joined his index and third finger together then he hit the pressure points on his back to force him to spill the blood, his body jerked forward as the deep red coagulated blood splurted out his mouth.

He slowly opened his mouth but his eyes had no strength in them, he seemed like someone who has just been working for months without rest, his face had turned as pale as snowdrift in the snow, he quickly rushed over to his front.

"Master, what happened, your condition seems to have worsened?" he questioned, with worry and concern written all over his face.

"I just used too much of my spiritual power, the dimension in her necklace is the perfect place for me to use my spiritual body to heal but unexpectedly, her power flared up, I...." he couldn't finish his sentence before he vomited blood again.

Feng Shui quickly brought out his handkerchief and tried to wipe the smear of blood on the side of his lips but the fourth prince took it from him and wiped it himself.

"Master, did you perhaps...."

"I had to, If I didn't merge my ice power with her flame power through the necklace then...." the thick cough stopped him in the middle of his sentence.

"Then she would have been exposed, now that she used both flame and ice at the same time, even if they suspect that she is the one, they won't believe she possesses ice power which has already gone extinct hundreds of years ago," He exhaled strongly and stood up from the bed, Feng Shui quickly supported him until he got to where his favourite fur cloak was hung.

He helped him to put it on then brought out his hair from underneath the cloak.

"Master, you haven't fully healed after your setback, I advise you to cease using your power until you are fully recovered, otherwise, your poor health will affect our plans in few months time," 

He sat on the chair with his elbow resting on the table in the middle of the room while Feng Shui poured him tea.

"You are right," he smiled faintly and brought the jade teacup to his lips but the thought of what she said still bothered him, putting aside his feelings, he couldn't help being worried when she has fallen in love with her ultimate enemy.

{Lin Bohai...he cannot be trusted,}

After combing to the entire scope to find the perpetrator of the destruction according to the description the restaurant owner gave them, they still couldn't find her. He could feel his heart beating erratically in fear of what would happen if he can't find her before they return to the sect, at least, he might be able to send her back without being noticed.

"Bohai ge, I think we have searched enough, it is already close to one hour since we have been searching, by now, the perpetrator must have had the time to escape...this is all thanks to your thoughtful thinking," she ended with an accusing but conforming smile on her lips, deliberately to confront him.

Even if she doesn't believe Huo Lan possesses such power, the fact that he keeps stalling time makes her suspects that even if she isn't the one, he might have something to do with the case.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" he questioned, moving closer to her with his eyes narrowed, she smiled broadly and took a step closer to him, tilting her lips to his ear.

"I am just trying to say.....if you have anything to do with this then you had better fess up, as long as it concerns you, I will give my all to help," she drew away from the side of his face and broadened her smile then she walked past him.

He exhaled deeply and scrunched his lips before walking over to her front abruptly, then he grabbed her wrist.

"I warn you, if you dare spout any nonsense because of your stupid and baseless speculation to the sect leader had better be prepared for the consequences," he dropped her hand aggressively and sparked a gaze of warning with her widened eyes before walking away.

"Let's return to the sect," he announced then the disciples quickly came together, leaving Meng Hui in utter disbelief.

{You have really changed...but I will prove you wrong}

As soon as they got to the sect, they immediately headed to the sect leader's study where he was seated with the elders and some of the masters of the sect to inform him of what happened, upon hearing the report, they all sprung up from their seat in shock, exclaiming  'Ice and flame!".

They hurried to the cave.

As soon as they got there, they quickly put on their guard in case she suddenly has an outburst, after all, they don't want to end up like the disciples who were burned with her flames and her still haunted by it or the ones who died under her flames.

Su Ci who was just going to the stream behind the cave with extra clothes for Huo Lan to put on after she finishes taking her bath which she was about to take froze upon seeing that many people in the cave, she dropped the clothes in fright, wondering what they want to do that they have to bring so many people.

Her eyes scanned around but she could only recognise the elders, sect leader Lin, Meng Hui and Bohai, the elders and the sect leader were the ones who received them when they first arrived at the wind sect, the smirk of victory on his face is something she cannot bring herself to forget.

"W-What do you want...?" she stuttered, failing to hide her fear.

"Where is your young mistress?" Sect leader Lin questioned with a deep frown on his face, his gaze seemed to be weighing her down and making her unable to talk, she just froze at the spot as she balled her fist to remind herself that she has no reason to be scared but it failed.

"Sect leader, since she is not answering it can only mean they are hiding something," Meng Hui remarked, the crease on his forehead deepened, she took the initiative to move forward in order to search the place but Su Ci held out her hand to stop her.

"What do you think you are doing? move," she ordered but the girl adamantly obstructed her way without saying anything, she pushed her out of the way and proceeded to search the place for Huo Lan while the others followed after her, leaving Su Ci who fell to the ground in one push.

Bohai couldn't help the fear in his heart, he regretted taking her outside, he regretted leaving her alone to go after the suspicious person, he regretted being selfish just at that moment.

{Huo Lan...}

"How come you are here?" Meng Hui exclaimed, loud enough for them to hear, they quickly hurried over to where they heard the voice, there they saw Huo Lan squatting by the stream and Meng Hui standing in front of her with a deep frown on her face.

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