Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 266 - Awake! 1

Five months later.




The sound of the monitors, murmurs of the nurses in the hallway and the doctors discussing while passing by, his heavy yet slow breathing and the...soft breathing sound of someone beside him filled his ears, he felt his eyelids too heavy to lift.

{Where am I, why is it so hard to open my eyes,}

He questioned in his mind until he heard a soft voice beside him.

"Han Chen..."

The sound of someone calling his name seemed to supply him the strength and motivation, he moved his fingers as he tried to forcibly open his eyelids and slowly, the ray of light coming from the ceiling bulbs above his head reflected in his eye.

Everything in sight seemed to be blurry, all he could see is the white ceiling and when he sightly turned his head, the blurred image of the monitors, the tubes connected to his mouth was making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

The last time he felt this was when he was admitted to the hospital after the major injury he sustained so he could easily deduce he is in the hospital but who is the person sitting next to him, he turned his head towards her direction.

His vision suddenly brightened, he could see his hand in hers and her head resting on the edge of the bed, he smiled inwardly but when he noticed the dark circles around her eyes his smile ceased, he wondered how much she stressed herself to look so tired.

{How long have I been lying down like this?}

He wondered.

"Han Chen..." she muttered again in her sleep, he couldn't help but smile again hearing his name escape her mouth even in her sleep.

{Had I known all it took to hear you call my name in your sleep is to be in a coma, I would have done so since}

She felt his fingers in her hand move, being used to waking up to every slight sound and movement, her eyes darted open again, she wiped her face and lazily glanced at him but his eyes were still closed, she lowered her head in disappointment for the nth time.

Until she felt his grip on her hand, her eyes went round then she slowly looked up at him, his eyes were open-----her lashes fluttered in slowly, she wondered if she is dreaming since she has dreamt of him waking up so many times but it always turns out to be just a dream. 

"A-Are you a-awake?" she stuttered, still not willing to believe that this is not one of the many dreams she has had during his comatose state.

He mocked her inwardly at how much of a doubting Thomas she is but with much effort, he shook his head to reassure her, her knee weakened causing her to almost stumble but she held on to the frame of the bed, she regained her balance and leaned closer to him then she cupped his face.

This really feels real, is this not a dream?

She pinched her cheeks for further confirmation.


"This is indeed real," she smiled with her lips almost reaching her eyes as she threw her arms around his shoulder and hugged him tightly.

"Thank God you are fine, how could you lie down for five months, do you know how scared I was, the guilt was killing me inside thinking that you might never wake up because of me but you...." she kept ranting while he tried to endure the pain he is feeling because of her squeeze.

"Ah..." he winced when it got too much for him, she snapped into her senses and pulled away from him, brushing her hair behind her ear.

Just then, she realised she skipped the basic thing she is supposed to do in that situation.

She removed her pen torch from her pocket and opened his eyes wide then she shone it into his eyes.

"Thank God you are fine," she exhaled then she checked the monitors, both showed good signs of recovery but since she is not specialised in the area of neurology she decided to call the surgeon in charge of him before anything else.

She heaved a sigh of relieved before rushing out of the room.

A few minutes later, she returned with the surgeon who also expressed his shock seeing him awake since they were concerned that he took so long to wake up after the surgery.

The surgeon did a cross-check on him again before nodding in satisfaction.

"It is sort of a miracle that there seems not to be any complications as of now, normally patients who took that long to wake up usually have a complication or two," then he turned to Han Chen.

"You will have to remain in the intensive unit for a while for further observation and once it is confirmed that there are no complications you will be moved to another ward," he patted his shoulder and smiled encouragingly then he walked towards the door while Yu Yan followed him out when they reached the door, he turned to her. 

"I suggest you inform his cousin and his aunt about him waking up, a lot of pressure have been put on the hospital and I am sure you are aware of that," the surgeon who has been bugged every day and almost threatened because of his comatose state is finally relieved that all of that would end soon.

Yu Yan was also in the same situation although hers was different because she had to constantly avoid her godmother and godfather out of guilt since their niece is in this state because of her and she also feared that they might misunderstand her since they heard about what happened with her ex-boyfriend at Chen Kai and Xiaomeng's engagement party.

They arrived in China one month after his surgery and they were immediately put on focus by the media so of course, Mrs Chen took the initiative to invite her to Chen Kai's engagement party and also tainted Yu Yan image in front of her and since then they have tried to hear Yu Yan's side of the story but she has avoided them since then.

"Rest assured," she responded then the surgeon hummed in response and exited the ward.

Yu Yan exhaled knowing she has no choice but the face her godmother and godfather, she returned to the side of the bed and sat on the stool.

He turned to her lazily while she held his hand.

"You..." she was about to speak when the nurses sent in by the surgeon to remove the monitors and leave only the necessary entered.

After doing their job, they left the room while he stretched his mouth, he felt like he has opened his mouth for a year. 

He inhaled deeply then turned to her.

"Are you alright?" He questioned seeing how distressed she look with tears gathering in her eyes.

She raised her gaze to meet his.

"Jerk! are you kidding me, how can I be alright when I know you were lying in a comatose state because of me!" She raised her voice at the end as the threatening tears strolled down her cheeks.

He knew he still can't move much but the sadness on her face pricked his heart, he leaned towards her and extended his hand to wipe her tears but she brushed his hands away and wiped her own tears.

"Still trying to be a gentleman after what you did?" She hissed and glared at him then she dipped her hand into her pocket and dialled a number.

"He is awake," she informed as soon as the person picked up the call.

{who? wait! You don't mean him, do you?}

"I am talking about Han Chen, he..." she couldn't complete her sentence when she heard the beeping sound of the call disconnected.

"How many months have I been lying down for?" he inquired after she returned the phone into her pocket.

"Five months"


"You have a lot of explaining to do later,"

"Why do I always have explaining to do when it comes to you?"

"Because you keep hiding things, we have known each other before we met at Jia Yu's villa right?" She questioned in an interrogating tone, he subconsciously flinched.

"What do you mean?" He probed in an attempt to know how much she knows or remembers.

"Don't try to play dumb with me, every time you speak to me you always use past tense in most cases as though we have known each other before and the female friend you described matches everything about me, when we first met in the b...bathroom, you looked at me as though you have just seen someone you have been looking for for years, and..." she halted contemplating if she should tell him about her memory flashes.

"And what?"

"And I remember calling your name in probably when I was in high school, the scar on your neck was...

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