Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 268 - Our Past! 2

She cleared her throat and walked out of the ward then she returned with a wheelchair to his surprise, she brought the wheelchair close to the bed and sat on the stool.

"As I said before, you have a lot of explaining to do so I figured you might want to do so while enjoying the fresh air outside....." she smirked as she watched his face go sour, he could tell he had no plans of telling her anything yet not to talk of explaining their past but she was still determined to make him spill all he knows.

A few minutes later, she is already out in the hospital park while pushing the wheelchair with him seated on it.

"Yu Yan, why don't we do this later, I don't think I can do much explaining with my condition," he pleaded in a pitiful tone with his face scrunched to pretend he is still in pain but she smirked at his foolish effort.

"I don't know if I am the sick one but I don't see a cast over your mouth, so don't think of giving any silly excuse otherwise, I will flip this wheelchair over and leave you to crawl back in," she threatened, he sucked on a breath of cold air at how cruel her threat is.

"Are you sure you still have your heart in your chest?" he teased in retaliation.

"Enough nonsense, start spilling,"

"I guess I have no choice...." he exhaled deeply in preparation to explain their past.

He was still in high school then when he entered a bus and sat next to the window but then he noticed a man running towards the bus, he widened his eyes as he was noticed the man was about to crash into a girl who had a earpiece plugged into her ears.

"Watch out!" he screamed, but the girl couldn't hear him and the man ended up crashing into her, she spun around with her long silky hair fluttering in the air but she swiftly did a flip to regain her stamina.

The moment when she swept her feet off the ground with her hair scattering over her face made his heart skip a beat.

She landed on the ground then she raised her head and looked around to find the man who just crashed into her but he was already inside the bus and the bus had already started moving.

He kept his eyes fixed on her with deep regret in his heart for entering the bus.

"That was how I first met you,"

"Why would a rich kid like you be taking the bus ?" she queried in doubt.

"I just liked taking the bus back then, it helped me live like a normal teenager who is just from an average family, after then...."

He was walking with his high school friends one day when they got to an alleyway but they stopped when they noticed a high school kid being bullied by some older-looking kids but their school uniform didn't seem like students from his school.

He was about to get involved when his friends pulled him back but he ignored them and was about to enter the alleyway when a girl suddenly appeared at the other end.

"Feng Shan, are you not ashamed of yourself!" she chided with her arms folded on her chest with her back bag loosely hung on her back, the boys turned to her then rolled their eyes, it was clear that they recognised her and he also noticed that their school uniform looks the same.

"Yu Yan..." the boy that was being bullied muttered with a frightened and cowardly look on his face.

She shook her head, clicking her teeth.

"How can you get bullied by these riffraff's?" she gave the boys a demeaning that look that infuriated them while the bullied boy kept cueing her to leave before they start targeting her.

One of the boys walked closer to her.

"If you are going home then you should just continue on your way, why do you keep being butting into other people's business," he extended his index finger to poke her chest but she held his finger and bent his backward.

The other three boys moved towards her with hostility.

"You b***h let me go now!" he screamed in pain, he tried to kick her but she twisted his body around on kicked the back of his knee, causing him to drop on one of his knees.

The other three came at her, one tried to punch her while another tried to kick her but she held both by their hand and legs while they struggled to free themselves, the remaining one tried to kick her from behind but she ducked her head, causing him to kick one of the boys while the other fell on him.

Then she turned to the one who tried to sneak attack her with a smirk.


He gulped down his saliva but he still tried to feign 'hard guy' to intimidate her, he swung a punch across her face which she swiftly dodged then she swept her feet off the ground and spun her body, giving him a roundhouse kick across his face.

His vision slowly blurred before he dropped to the ground--unconscious.

"Wow!!" his friend exclaimed seeing her finish off four boys herself but he quickly turned his face away before she looks at them, she ignored them and helped her friend up then she walked away with him.

Ever since then, she became etched in his mind.

"I do remember that incident, so you are one of the cowards who stood there while you watched me handle those boys alone, tch!" 

"I was about to get involved but you had already started beating them up, what was I supposed to do?" he defended, feeling his ego hurt by her.

She brought his wheelchair to a stop when they got to one of the benches in the park then she took her seat there and inserted her hand into her pocket to bring out a canned drink, she opened it and gulped down a mouthful under his watch.

"Where is mine?"

"Do you think you are healthy enough to have carbonated drinks? continue," she harshly responded.

"I waited for you at the same spot every day until one day when I finally saw you walking towards the bus station with your schoolmates but I didn't want to approach you in front of your friends so I continued waiting at the same spot and time every day, I abandoned my friends to follow you but you always leave school with your friends except Jia Yu until one day when I finally had my chance...

She was walking back home from school alone that day because Jia Yu and her other friends had to redo their assessment after school but when she got to the alleyway, she was obstructed by the same guys she fought off the other day.

"What do you think you are doing?" she questioned with one of her brows raised.

"You b***h! who do you think you are, we are going to teach you a lesson today!" one of the guys replied as they moved closer to her, she scoffed and brushed her finger against her nose mockingly then she raised her gaze threateningly.

"Why, do you want to get your ass kicked again,?"

"Enough talking, let's start..." they started attacking her while she did what she has always done best as the ace of the school's karate's club, just as she dropped the last one to the ground.

She dusted her skirt and was about to leave when one of them grabbed her neck and held a butterfly knife against her neck.

"You think you can get away with it just because you are a girl," he remarked, bringing the knife closer to her neck while she hanged her hand in the air, the other guys also stood up from the ground.

The leader grinned then sent a slap across her face, she rubbed her inner cheeks with her tongue then she looked daggers at him, that slap just totally triggered her.

She grinned with her lips curled up while they wondered how she can still grin in that situation but before they could get their answer, she kicked the one who slapped her in his manhood then swiftly jabbed the one holding the knife against her neck then she hurriedly made her way to the end of the alleyway, leaving them to groan in pain.

Just as she was about to get away one of them grabbed her hand and pulled her back but someone suddenly pulled her hand and wrapped his arms around her back in a hug, then the guy who intended to cut her with the knife ended up making a cut on the stranger's neck.

He winced in pain while Yu Yan widened her eyes seeing the blood-stained knife on the student's hand, he quickly dropped the knife then they ran away from the alleyway, leaving her with the stranger.

She pulled away from him then cupped his face as he slipped to the ground

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