Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 300 - Making Trouble!

This time, she made sure to restrain herself so she knocked on the door to Surgeon Yan's office, then entered after she received permission.

"You are here, I was just about to go to you," Surgeon Yan said as soon as she saw her then she stood up from her seat but she could see Yu Yan is not composed just like last time so it made her wonder if she has heard.

"Is it the V.I.P patient I think it is, if it is then we must not let that operation happen, if it fails then we lose an opportunity to save a life," Yu Yan started without even explaining why she is here, if it were someone else, they would have gotten confused by what she is spouting.

"You have heard, how come? only very few in the department knows it yet," she questioned with confusion written on her face, she wondered if the entire hospital now knows of this since the management will do all they can to make sure the operation happens without the news getting out.

"Don't bother about that, just tell me, do you plan to perform the operation?"

She sighed then signalled her to take her seat as she also did the same, Yu Yan took her seat just like she asked.

"I am just coming from my team leader's office after a heated argument, he wants me to perform the surgery but I strongly refused and also advised him to reconsider but he said this is the management's decision and it is ordered by the Chairman as the V.I.P is an important shareholder of Chen's Corporation,"

"So are you going to do it or not?" she maintained her question, not caring about the context but in her heart, she knows if the Chairman himself got involved then it must mean her power alone is not enough to stop it but when she thinks of the guilt she felt in her heart after hearing of the death of the patient she handed over to the department...she really cannot let this patient die unjustly too.

"I really tried my best but I have no other choice now," she responded, averting Yu Yan's gaze out of guilt knowing if she doesn't do it then someone else will do it so not doing it will not do her any good but harm.

"So you are doing it," she stood up then walked towards the door but she stopped for a sec then turned back.

"I know you don't want to, you must be in a difficult situation but at least, try to hold out," with that, she loosened the frown on her face when she left the office.

She returned to her office with different thoughts running through her mind, even though she just made a fuss, she herself knows neither she nor surgeon Yan has the power to stop it but she still wants to try even if trying might hurt.

She got to the front of her office when it suddenly occurred to her that if she doesn't have the power then there is someone else who might be able to have a say in this matter.

She made her way to her team leader office but when she got to her team leader's office, she noticed someone else inside the office but the person seems to be the surgeon Yan's team leader.

She waited as they seem to be in a serious conversation, perhaps a low-key heated conversation.

Ten minutes passed and they were finally done with the conversation as the visitor left the office with a deep frown on her face.

Yu Yan quickly looked away as though she wasn't watching them.

She wondered if she came to tell her team leader about the surgery.

"Surgeon Yan said only a few people in their department know so her team leader shouldn't want my team leader to know,"

She muttered as she entered the office with a serious look on her face after she knocked.

"It's you, Yu Yan," she remarked as she saw her enter with a feigned smile on her lips.

Yu Yan nodded in response then she took her seat.

"Are you here to finally tell me about Han Chen's proposal?" She questioned teasingly, 

Yu Yan raised her gaze with a surprised expression, she didn't think that Han Chen has already rattled.

"He told you already?" She asked, almost forgetting her original purpose for coming.

"Why wouldn't he, you have been with me for so long but you didn't think to tell me about it, I am really disappointed in you,"

"Team leader..."

"Don't bother apologising, you should instead think of how to make it up to me, anyway, why are you here? you looked troubled when you entered," she asked.

"I almost forgot, I don't know if you have heard of the patient in the hepatology department, to be precise, he is a V.I.P patient who is already scheduled for a liver transplant surgery but he recently had alcohol,"

"How did you know about it?" she questioned, she wasn't expecting Yu Yan to know of something so confidential.

"Just some gossip between friends,"

"That is in fact what that woman came to tell me, more precisely to boast about getting credit soon, I understand that you must want me to do something about it but this time I really can't do anything about this," she said with resignation obvious in her tone, hearing her team leader speak in such manner, she wondered just how influential this patient must be.


"The patient is the chairman of Myriad, as you know, Myriad is a very important partner for Chen's corporation, it is said that without Myriad, many subsidiaries of the company might not survive," she explained.

"How does this concern the transplant?" She couldn't connect the dots.

"There is a power struggle in myriad and the one who would take his position if he dies doesn't like Chen's corporation very much so it is understandable that they want to save him at all cost,"

Yu Yan finally understood.

{He must have known that they will do anything to save him, this must be why he still drank alcohol despite the rules, he definitely doesn't deserve  the organ,}

She concluded in her mind.

On her way back to her office, she decided to make a petition to the appropriate department and make sure it is publicised, even if this might not be able to stop them, it might do something to prolong the operation but the patient she wants to treat doesn't have much time left too.

She just returned from the department in charge of handling such issues then she posted an official notice on the notice board anonymously even though she knows it won't take long for them to know she is the one causing trouble.

"Yu Yan," Ji Chen called, she turned around to see everyone except for Li Chen and An Ke including Han Chen, he winked at her causing her to flinch without the others knowing why she suddenly---they all turned to Han Chen to see him smiling at her like an idiot in love.

She walked towards them with her hands in her pocket.

"What are you doing here, this is not your usual turf?" Meng Yao questioned with her arm around Yu Yan's shoulder.

"Nothing much, just causing trouble," she responded with an evil smile on her lips.

"Now that you say it like that, you do seem suspicious," Meng Yao remarked then nodded her head.

"Let's go grab something to eat,"

They soon ordered their food at the canteen then they settled on a round table with both couples seating close to each other, leaving the only one who is not working at the same place with her fiance to seat alone.

"Meng Yao, when is your fiancee returning to the country?" Jia Yu questioned, taking a bite of her bun.

"I don't know, we haven't spoken for a month now," she answered indifferently while taking a bite off her bun, they stared at her in speechlessness including Han Chen who doesn't know who her fiance is but hearing that she has not spoken to him for a month while she maintains that indifference is truly surprising.

"Why did I just act surprised, at least you guys survived six months without communication," Jia Yu remarked remembering that is the shortest period of no communication they have had.

"Right," Ji Chen added then he sighed and continued eating but hearing Jia Yu say six months made Han Chen even more amused that he held his buns in the air with his chopstick until Yu Yan nudged him to eat.

Meng Yao is the classy and sophisticated type of girl and her fiance is exactly the same as her, they are madly in love but unlike other couples, they would rather have their dates at musicals and classical music concert than go to the cinema or the amusement park, matching classy dress and suit colour than wearing couples T-shirts or hoodies.

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