Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 313 - Scared Of Rides!

"If you were working as a pilot or in the military then I won't be able to sleep every night knowing that you are out there risking your life,"

At that moment, he already made up his mind, everyone around him tried to convince him when he first joined the military but he refused but now that he has met her again, he is willing to leave even if it is just for her sake.

Since he has decided to leave, he decided not to tell her anyways.

"I am sleepy, let's go to sleep," they returned back to their original position then slept like babies in each other's arms.

Yu Yan felt happier and more loved now that he told her himself.

The next day, which is a Saturday, he was woken up by the rays of sunlight infiltrating the slightly parted curtains.

He slowly raised his eyelids with his hand obstructing the rays from his face, he winced slightly as he turned to the woman next to him.

His lips widened looking at the hot mess on his bed under his black duvet.

He brushed her scattered hair from her face then tucked them behind her ear, he placed his elbow on the pillow then rested his head on his arm.

"Such a beautiful and cute mess," he remarked, he just couldn't stop smiling at her.

Her naturally pale cherry-colored lips were pouted so cutely that he couldn't resist plastering a kiss on her lips, he leaned toward then kissed the beauty in her sleep.

As he moved his eyes off her face, it landed on her legs, his throat bobbed seeing the shirt just slightly covering her thigh, he quickly covered her legs with the duvet then got off the bed to make breakfast.

Whilst he was still making breakfast, she silently came down the stairs, she smiled naughtily when she got to the kitchen as she silently made her way towards him, just when he heard a light tiptoe she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Hubby," she called with her smile almost reaching her eyes, his hands stopped with his brows raised.

"What did you just call me?" He asked, wanting to make sure he heard the right thing.

"Huh...did I say anything?" She asked, feigning ignorance, he unwrapped her hand from his waist then turned around to face her, he surely caught hold of her naughty expression.

"I didn't know you were so eager to marry me, I don't mind going to the marriage registration office right now," he teased.

"In your dreams," she hit his chest then snapped her hand from his wrist to walk away but he pulled her hand causing  her other hand to lie on his chest and his hands around her waist, he pressed his lips against hers then whispered to her face.

"I will drive you to your apartment," he already knows she is planning on leaving today considering that her parents were at her house yesterday.

She smiled with a nod then he released her hand so she scurried upstairs with her hands at both sides of her cheeks.

He smiled watching her back disappear from his sight then he turned back to kept sautéing the food but alas- everything has gotten burnt. 

He quickly turned off the gas then flicked his head, he was busy romancing that he didn't even remember he is still sautéing their breakfast.

He is too lazy to make another breakfast so he decided to have breakfast with her at a restaurant before going to her apartment.

She came down all dressed in a wool trouser, a wide-necked wool top, and a knitted winter cardigan with white sneakers and a cream handbag.

His eyes hovered around her body till she arrived in front of him, he smiled widely then held her hand, she was quite confused as to why there is no breakfast on the table so she peeped into the kitchen.

"It is burnt so we are eating at a restaurant," he informed knowing that she is looking for the meal he cooked, she clicked her tongue then nodded her head.

He abruptly kissed her again.

She raised her brows after the kiss.

"Why do I feel like you are living on kisses, not oxygen these days," 

He pulled her closer then cupped her face.

"It's not the kisses but you, you look so strikingly beautiful," he responded, giving her another kiss lasting for a few seconds before they left for the restaurant.

They spent a while at the restaurant then they decided to go on a date before returning to her apartment.

"Amusement park...why are we here?" She asked with a nervous look on her face that he couldn't decipher.

"We are on a date remember," 

"I know but..."

"Stop whining and come down,"

She came down then they held hands as they walked through the park, he took her into the costume shop where they both got Mickey Mouse headband, then they bought ice cream.

"Let's get the carousel ride," she suggested 

"I thought you were going to suggest we go for something more thrilling like the gyro drop," he responded, since they entered the park, she seems nervous for a reason he doesn't know.

"Let's just get on the ride," she didn't bother giving him a proper response before pulling his arm, they got the tickets then got on the ride, she wrapped her arms around his waist as they are on the same Camelot.

After the ride, he bought tickets for them to take the gyro swing.

She was hesitating but she didn't want him to know she is scared to go on these rides so she got on the ride with him.

"Are you alright, you look tense?" He asked, noticing how stiff and nervous she has been since they got off the carousel.

She shook her head to assure him that she is alright but he wasn't reassured.

"If you don't feel good then we can just leave,"

"I am really fine," she insisted

He smiled hearing that she is fine but just then, the swing started moving.

She clutched his arm tightly with her eyes shut as it started accelerating.

He screamed in excitement not realizing that she is scared until she started screaming his name.

When he turned to her, he couldn't  believe she is crying.

"Didn't you say you are okay with the ride?" He questioned with his voice raised because of the wind.

She sniffed her nose.

"Don't you know that when a woman says yes then she means no," she responded, amidst her sobs.

He sighed but he couldn't do anything to stop the ride so he hugged her tightly so she can cry on him as the others were staring at them.

The ride finally ended, she quickly rushed out with her hand over her mouth while he followed after her.

She ran to a corner where she puked, he kept rubbing her back as she let out everything.

"I will get you water,"

By the time he returned, she was already done puking, he handed her the bottle of water to rinse her mouth and drink.

"You should have told me, I wouldn't have made you take the ride knowing you don't feel comfortable with it," he complained with a deep frown on his face and his arms crossed on his chest.

"I am sorry, I just didn't want you to know I am scared of rides," she apologized with her hand on his crossed arms.

"You shouldn't ha-"


She pulled back after giving him a kiss on the lips then she fluttered her lashes cutely.

"You really...what am I going to do with you,"

He found himself being unable to say anything more, instead, he cupped her face then kissed her too.

"Since I ruined the ride then why don't we go for a drive instead, you brought your sports car anyways,"

"Good idea,"

They drove to a deserted road by the ocean for the whole day until it was already dark and they were now tired from the excitement, screaming and singing out aloud.

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